Nithsdale Homeless and Risk Management (HARM)

Notes of meeting held 24Th May 2016

  1. Present: Hazel Thompson (Chair ), Scott Jardine (Acting Chair), Diane Varie (Health Improvement, Notes), Barbara Zaman (ADP), Mandy Goldie (ILS), Tracy Temple (NWChurches), Alan McLaughlin (NithsdaleFurniture Project), Dennis Cameron (3rd Sector Liaison Worker)

Apologies: Neil Campbell (NW Churches), Innes McMinn (SIMS), Jill Forster (Smoking Matters), Ricky Graham (Licensing), Fiona Dalgleish (Apex Scotland), Joyce Harkness (SHAX), Billie Lockhart (BHC, Upper Nithsdale), Adele Hannah (Sexual Health).

  1. Minutes of previous meeting: Minutes approved – Scott and Diane.
  1. Matters arising: Discussion around‘Illegal money lending’ presentation by John Pollock. Thenaround the Credit Union. Hazel going to invite person from Credit Union to next meeting.

(Action HT)

  1. Gambling in Nithsdale: Adelenot present to provide update. Training taking place in Dumfries on 2nd June re Gambling and young people. Places are limited.
  1. Mature Drivers Scheme:Approx 50 people have been put through the scheme. Information session was held on 20th May. Approx 25 people attended to hear presentations from Police Scotland and Consultant Psychiatrist. Evaluation currently being compiled. Meeting to be set up to discuss way forward. (ACTION DV)
  1. Provision of Free Food in Nithsdale: Hazel informed the group that ROC Cafe would be launched in Castle Douglas on the 14th July @ Parish Hall, Castle Douglas from 12-2pm, every Thursday. Poster to follow. Brief update on the Newton Stewart and Stranraer Cafe given. (ACTION HT)

North West Churches are setting up a ‘Pop-in Cafe’ for people who have Dementia and Cares. This will take place weekly on a Tue and Wed from 10-2pm from 14th June. This will include activities. All Volunteers will have some Dementia Awareness training.

NWC’s are also setting up a Connections Cafe ‘This is a place to meet other people, enjoy company and conversation, be in your own space if that is what you need in a safe and welcoming environment’. This will take place every Thurs from 10-2pm from 16th June.

  1. Smoking Stopathon:Jill will update at next meeting. She did email Hazel and is looking to review the success of the ‘Stopathon’ as resources were expensive considering the uptake from events and see if social media may be a different way to get message out.
  1. Dual Diagnosis research: Phil Myers from Public Health is carrying out a regional needs assessment around housing and health. This seems to fit well with the dual diagnosis research. Phil happy to involve this in his needs assessment and use some of the Service User Groups that are linked to HARM. Further meetings to be planned to discuss the way forward. It was also discussed that regional Risky Behaviours Groups may want to tap into this too. Obviously, this would give a more credence to this piece of work.

Barbara will discuss this at the Regional Risky Behaviours meeting on 21st June in Castle Douglas and update at next meeting.

  1. Triage System of Care: A paper around this was submitted to Tina Gibson on 17th March. Group awaiting response.
  1. Nithsdale Health and Wellbeing Partnership Event: All HARM Group made aware of the upcoming event at St Georges Hall on 26th May.

Point for NHWP Agenda: Is it pertinent to have a Region wide Partnership meeting. Many of the NHWP – HARM have a regional remit this includes some duplication but also allows members to find out is similar pieces of work are taking place – saves reinventing the wheel. (Action HT)

  1. Licensing: Ricky will update at next meeting.
  1. Anti-Poverty Strategy: Nothing to update since last meeting.
  1. Alcohol: Discussion around the difficulty for people who have changed behaviour and no longer in the cycle of dependence/crime to gain employment. This will be added to agenda next time.

(Action HT)

  1. AOCB: Nil
  1. Updates:


Fare Food. He explained the advantages and disadvantages of participating in this scheme e.g. to pay £1,000 and the storage of foods. He is awaiting more information from FareFood. He also discussed that he maybe able become a storage point as his new premises are spacious enough to accommodate.

Premisis on the Vennel have now been re-named as Re-store. This building has space for hot-desks and a dedicated crafting area. Alan will update at next meeting.

Bike hire scheme. Alan has a project to maintain and promote the bike hire scheme and is working with the council to identify potential funders.Alan will Update at next meeting.


Sharon has now left post within the ADP team. The team are now reconfigured due to reduced staffing numbers. Barbara will update at next meeting.


He discussed ‘The Living Well’ online directory of services. This will be officially launched at the end of this month. Dennis will update at next meeting.

  1. Date of meetings: Tuesday 2ndAugust at 2pm in Apex Offices, Dumfries

Tuesday 4th October at 2pm in Apex Offices, Dumfries

Tuesday 6th December at 2pm in Apex Offices, Dumfries