NIT No.: PHE/MDNS/61 of 2014-15
Dated: 28-02-2015
Sealed tenders affixed with Four rupees revenue stamps are invited for and on behalf of the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State from registered firms/dealers/workshop owners/SSI Unit holders for various Electrical/Mechanical works to be carried out at various Water Supply Schemes.
The tender should be accompanied with earnest money in shape of CDR pledged to undersigned equivalent of 2% of the Estimated Cost as per Standing Government Orders of any scheduled bank. The tender documents can be had from the office of the undersigned during working days up to 16-03-2015 03:00 pm.
The tenders should reach to the office of the undersigned on or before 17-03-2015 up to 02:00pm by registered post or by hand. The tenders will be opened on the same day or any other day convenient to the opening authority in presence of the intending tenderers who may wish to be present at that time.
Terms and conditions:
1. The tender without earnest money in shape of call deposit receipt from schedule bank will be rejected.
2. Conditional tenders will be rejected.
3. The opening authority reserves the right to accept/reject one or all tenders with assigning any reason thereof.
4. The successful tenderers shall have to complete the work as per specification laid down in the tender document/allotment order within the stipulated time of completion and as per departmental requirement.
5. The tender documents shall be issued to those registered, Firms/workshop holders/ dealers who will produce the requisite documentary proof for executing such nature of Job, besides registration/clearance certificate from sales tax department, against cash payment from the office of the undersigned.
6. In case of the date of receipt of tenders/sale of tender documents happens to be a holiday or the office is closed due to some other reasons the tender shall be received on the next working day.
7. The work is to be completed strictly as per specifications and in presence of authorized representative of the Dept. at site.
8. The material to be used for the work should be of reputed make highest standard quality/as per tender document/allotment order.
9. The successful tenderer shall have to draw an agreement with the department within 07 days after receipt of allotment order issued by the Dept.
10. The quantities advertised are approximate and can be increased or decreased during execution.
11. The contractor/firm shall be bound to return/ replaced/ surplus material if any to the divisional office store against proper Indent/ GR.
12. Income tax/service tax sale tax and other taxes imposed by the Govt. from time to time shall be deducted from the bills of the contractors
13. 85% Payment will be made against material received at site, 5% after completion of work and balance 10% shall be released after expiry of defective liability period/subject to availability of funds.
14. In case the work is found substandard or bad workmanship the same shall be rejected at the risk cost and responsibility of the firm. The firm shall have to execute such work a fresh without extra cost
15. In case rates are found below the estimated/advertised cost, as mentioned in slab, the firm/contractor has to deposit additional amount of respective percentage in shape of CDR/FDR pledged to undersigned prior to issue of formal allotment order.
If rates are below 15% 3%
below 16% to 20% 3.50%
below 21% to 30% 4%
16. All other terms and conditions shall remain same as laid down in the PWD contractors rules read with up to date amendments as laid down in PWD form 25 and 33.
No.: PHE/MDNS/7032-44
Dated: 28-02-2015
Executive Engineer
PHE Mechanical Division (North)
Copy to the:
01. Chief Engineer Kashmir PHE Department Srinagar for information.
02. Superintending Engineer PHE Mechanical Circle North Srinagar for information.
03. Joint Director Information Department Srinagar for information along with gist of tender notice. He is requested to publish the Gist of NIT in two leading dailies well before the last date of issuing of tender documents. The newspaper copy of the same may kindly be sent to this office for record and reference.
4-7. Executive Engineer PHE Division Sopore/Baramulla/Handwara/ Kupwara for information.
8. Private secretary to Chief Engineer Kashmir P.H.E Department Srinagar for information, alongwith CD to publish the NITon departmental website.
9-11. Assistant Executive Engineer PHE Mechanical Sub-Division Sopore/Baramulla/Handwara for information.
12. M/s Wide Angle Advertising Agency Handwara, for favour of getting the NIT broadcasted twice before its due date on commercial broadcasting service Radio Kashmir Srinagar well before the last date of receiving of tender documents.
13. New Kashmir Elect. and Mech. Contractors’ Association Red Cross Road near Haji Masjid Srinagar, for information.
14. Electro Mechanical Association District Baramulla and Kupwara, Khawajabagh Baramulla for information.
15. Notice Board.