NISD Technology-Integrated Lesson Plan – Elementary
AuthorFirst/Last Name Shannon Padgett / School Nichols Elementary
Date / October 9, 2008
Grade Level / Pre-KKindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5
Subject Area / ArtLanguage ArtsMathMusicReadingScienceSocial StudiesOther Tech Access via TIP LabLibraryMobile CartClassroom
Lesson Overview
Title / Getting a Sense of Tools
Lesson Focus: Scientific Tools and how they are connected to our five senses
Learning Objectives (Content & Technology): The students will be able to sort scientific tools by which sense they work best with. Students will explore various tools (hand lenses, microscopes, thermometers, pan balances, meter sticks, tuning forks). Students will then sort objects and identify which senses would primarily be used when a scientist is using these tools to complete a science experiment.
Content TEKS/Standards: 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 6A
Technology TEKS: 1B, 2A, 7A, 7B, 8B, 11A, 12B
Teacher Preparation
Elements that support Student Engagement & Student Challenge
Learning Styles:
/ Multiple Intelligences:
Sensing-Thinking / Linguistic / Interpersonal
Intuitive-Thinking / Mathematical / Intrapersonal
Sensing-Feeling / Visual-Spatial / Naturalist
Intuitive-Feeling / Kinesthetic / Existential
Cognitive Theory - Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Knowledge / Analysis
Comprehension / Synthesis
Application / Evaluation
Explain briefly: Activate prior knowledge by letting the students explore the scientific tools prior to sorting. Discuss the properties of the tools and how students believe each tool could best be used. Then sort tools by the senses that are most impactful when using them to help with scientific discovery.
Lesson Implementation
Instructional Strategies:
1. Introduce tools to students without naming each. "Here are some tools that scientists and historians use to experiment and explore. / 7. Whole Group - Have students identify of their five senses would be most important when using each of the science tools.
2. Allow students time for exploration of each object. / 8. Tools can be included in more than one category of the five senses.
3. Discuss how scientists might use each tool. / 9. If there are no tools in a category, ask students if they can think of any that might be able to be added there.
4. Generate a list of class ideas for each tool. / 10. Have students sort scientific tools in their notebooks by category of senses.
5. Have students generate a list of the tools explored in their science notebooks. / 11. Have students take the information that they have recorded in their science notebooks and create a graph in Graphers to show how many tools worked with each of the five senses.
6. Provide a word wall for students to copy the coorect wording for each tool. / 12.
Accommodation/Modification Options: Students could also create a chart in Microsoft word by dragging pictures of each of the items into the appropriate sense column.
Prerequisite Student Skills: Basick keyboarding, understanding of the use of graphers, mouse skills.
Time Frame (Example: 45 minutes, 2 hours, ongoing all year): 2 hours
Resources or Supplies Needed:
Science tools, chart paper, markers, Computer lab time.
Technology - Hardware (Click boxes needed):
Computer(s) / VCR / Projector
Printer / Video Camera / Video Conferencing
Digital Camera / Scanner / Other
TV / Laser Disk
Technology - Software (Click boxes needed):
Microsoft Word / Web Publishing software / First Workshop
Microsoft Excel / Microsoft Internet Explorer / Neighborhood Map Machine
Microsoft PowerPoint / Inspiration / Timeliner
Microsoft Access / Kid Pix / Video Technology
Microsoft Publisher / Graphers / Other
List any optional extension activities: This activity could be extended throughout the year by adding any new science tools to the chart and identifying the senses that would be used to explore with them.
Student Assessment/Evaluation
1. Teacher Observation
2. Science Notebooks
3. Graphers or Word Print Out
Date Lesson was presented / Attach any student products/projects