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Thirteenth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee on the

Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment

Programme and Special Meeting of the Bureau of the

Contracting Parties to the Convention for

the Protection and Development of the Marine

Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region

San Jose, Costa Rica 9-13 July 2001



1. Decision No. 17 of the Ninth Intergovernmental Meeting on the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) and Sixth Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (Ninth IGM) (Kingston, Jamaica, 14-18 February 2000) agreed to endorse the general approach of the revised Workplan and adopt the Budget for the Caribbean Environment Programme for the 2000-2001 biennium.

2. In light of the above, this Meeting is being convened by UNEP's Caribbean Environment Programme in San Jose, Costa Rica, 9-13 July 2001.

3. The proposed objectives of the Meeting are:

- to review the current status and activities of CEP, including the status of the Caribbean Trust Fund and progress made on the fundraising strategy;

- to review the draft of the Rules of Procedure and Financial Rules for the Caribbean Environment Programme and Cartagena Convention;

- to review all proposals received by the Secretariat for the establishment of Regional Activity Centre(s) for the Protocol Concerning Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region; and

-  to review the draft 2002-2003 Workplan and Budget for CEP

4. The Delegates invited to the Meeting have been nominated by the National Focal Points of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Environment Programme and Special Meeting of the Bureau of the Contracting Parties. Other CEP Member Governments, UN agencies and non-governmental and intergovernmental organisations have been invited to participate as observers.

Agenda item 1: Opening of the Meeting

5 . The Meeting will be opened by the Secretariat on Monday, 9 July 2001 at 9:30 a.m.

Agenda item 2: Organization of the Meeting

(a)  Rules of procedure

6.  The rules of procedure of the Governing Council for UNEP (UNEP/GC/3/Rev.3) will apply mutatis mutandis, for the conduct of the Meeting.

(b)  Election of officers

7. The Meeting will be invited to install Jamaica as the Chairperson (as elected by the Ninth IGM) and to elect three Vice-Chairpersons and the Rapporteur of the Meeting.

(c) Organization of work

8.  English, French and Spanish will be the working languages of the Meeting. Simultaneous interpretation in these languages will be provided for the plenary sessions. The working documents of the Meeting will be available in all the working languages.

Agenda item 3: Adoption of the agenda

9.  The Meeting will be invited to adopt the Agenda of the Meeting. The Provisional Agenda proposed by the Secretariat is contained in document UNEP(DEC)CAR IG.19/1.

Agenda item 4: Report of the Chairperson of the Monitoring Committee and President of the Bureau of Contracting Parties

10.  A report will be given by the Chairperson of the Monitoring Committee and President of the Bureau of Contracting Parties on the activities during 2000-2001. The report is contained in document UNEP(DEC)CAR IG.19/INF 3.

Agenda item 5: Status Report on the Implementation of the Caribbean Environment Programme (2000-2001)

11.  The Secretariat will present a Status Report on the Implementation of the Caribbean Environment Programme for the 2000 to 2001 biennium, as contained in document UNEP(DEC)CAR IG.19/5, in response to the decisions of the Ninth Intergovernmental and Sixth Meeting of the Contracting Parties (Kingston, Jamaica 14- 18 February 2000).

12.  The Meeting will be invited to provide comments on the implemented decisions and activities and to discuss CEP's progress over the reporting period.

Agenda item 6: Rules of Procedure for the Caribbean Environment Programme

13.  The Secretariat will present the Rules of Procedure for the Caribbean Environment Programme, as contained in document UNEP(DEC)/CAR IG.19/3. This document is a compilation of two previous draft versions of the Rules of Procedure developed for earlier intergovernmental meetings of the CEP.

14.  The Meeting will be invited to compare and contrast the two versions and to make recommendations as appropriate to further development of the Rules of Procedure.

Agenda item 7: Financial Rules of the Caribbean Environment Programme

15.  The Secretariat will present the Financial Rules of the Caribbean Environment Programme, as contained in document UNEP(DEC)/CAR IG.19/4. This document is a compilation of two previous draft versions of the Financial Rules developed for earlier intergovernmental meetings of the CEP.

16.  The Meeting will be invited to provide comments on the Financial Rules and to make recommendations as appropriate to further development of the Financial Rules.

Agenda item 8: Strategy for the Development of the Caribbean Environment Programme 2002-2006

17.  The Secretariat will present the Strategy for the Development of the Caribbean Environment Programme for 2002-2006, as contained in document UNEP(DEC)CAR IG.19/7. The Strategy for 2000-2004 was presented to the Ninth IGM, though no strategy was adopted. As a result of discussions at the Ninth IGM and in accordance with decision #1 of the Ninth IGM, the Strategy document has been revised and is being resubmitted to this Meeting for further action.

18.  The Meeting will be invited to provide comments on the Strategy and to make recommendations as appropriate.

Agenda item 9: Draft Workplan and Budget for the Caribbean Environment Programme for the 2002-2003 Biennium

19.  The Secretariat will present the Draft Workplan and Budget for the Caribbean Environment Programme for the 2002-2003 biennium as presented in document UNEP(DEC)CAR IG.19/8. The presentation will comprise the four sub-programmes of CEP: SPAW, AMEP, CEPNET and ETA as well as detailed information on the Overall Co-ordination of Common Costs (OCCC).

20.  The Meeting will be invited to comment on the draft Workplan and Budget and to introduce additional items to the workplan as appropriate.

Agenda item 10: Regional Activity Centres of the Caribbean Environment Programme

21.  The Secretariat will introduce this agenda item on Regional Activity Centres (RACs) of the Caribbean Environment Programme. This agenda item will include discussions and presentations on RACs for all three protocols to the Cartagena Convention.

22.  The Secretariat will provide a brief update as to the status of the REMPEITC-RAC in Curacao for co-ordination of the Oil Spills Protocol and the Meeting will be invited to make comments as appropriate.

23.  The Government of France will provide an update of its activities in regard to the SPAW RAC on the island of Guadeloupe. This report is found in UNEP(DEC)/CAR IG.19/INF.4. The Meeting will be invited to discuss and make comments on the report as appropriate.

24.  This agenda item will conclude with presentations and discussion of the proposals received to host a RAC for the Protocol Concerning Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities. To date, the Secretariat has received a proposal from the Government of Cuba contained in UNEP(DEC)CAR IG.19/9 and a proposal from the Government of Trinidad and Tobago in UNEP(DEC)CAR IG.19/10. The respective governments making these proposals will be invited to present their proposals to the Meeting. The Meeting will be invited to comment on the proposals and ask questions of the governments making the presentations. The Meeting will be invited to make recommendations on the proposals as appropriate.

Agenda item 11: Other Business

25.  The participants of the Meeting will be invited to raise other issues not covered by the preceding agenda items, but which may be relevant to the scope of the Meeting.

Agenda item 12: Adoption of the Report of the Meeting

26.  The Rapporteur of the Meeting will present the Draft Report of the Meeting (UNEP(DEC)/CAR IG.19/6). The Meeting will be invited to adopt the report, with amendments and corrections to be introduced in the draft, as appropriate.

Agenda item 13: Closure of the Meeting

27.  The Meeting is expected to be closed on Friday, 13 July 2001 at 5:00 p.m., by the Chairperson of the Meeting and the Secretariat.
