The Parish of St. Paul with St. John
19th October, 2014
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Lectionary A Proper 24
The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday:
Bishop of the Windward Islands
Home Telephone: 784-458-4332
Office: 784-457-5163
Home Telephone: 784-456—8834
Ms. Joye Browne (457-4128) & Ms. Alice Mandeville (458- 4355)
Mrs Anita Nanton– Organist
Education - Sanctification - Fellowship - Evangelism
Today’s Celebrant & Preacher: Canon O. Samuel Nichols
The Order of Service
Introit Hymn 211
Opening Sentence Pg.100
Greetings & Collect for Purity Pg.101
The Kyrie & Gloria Pg.102
Collect for the Day
Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your mercy, that your Church throughout the world may persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of your name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 45:1-7
Psalm 96:1-9
New Testament Lesson 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Gradual Hymn 228
Gospel Matthew 22:15-22
The Sermon
The Nicene Creed pg.104
The Intercession Form C Pg.108
The Act of Penitence and Absolution Pg.123
The Peace Pg.125
Offertory Hymn 351
Offertory Prayer Pg.126
Eucharistic Prayer Form E Pg.142
The Lord’s Prayer Pg.144
The Breaking of Bread Pg.145
Invitation Pg.145
Communion Hymns – 581, 236, 363
Blessing of the Children 652
Post-Communion Prayer - Prayer II Pg.148
Recessional Hymn 439
Church: Old Testament Psalm New Testament
St. Paul: Mothers’ Union Mothers’ Union Mothers’ Union
St. John: Mothers’ Union Mothers’ Union Mothers’ Union
The Rector’s Message 19th Oct, 2014
Saint Luke the Evangelist
Luke was a Gentile, a physician, and one of Paul’s fellow missionaries in the early spread of Christianity through the Roman world. He has been identified as the writer of both the Gospel which bears his name, and its sequel, the Acts of the Apostles. He had apparently not known Jesus, but was clearly much inspired by hearing about him from those who had known him.
Luke wrote in Greek, so that Gentiles might learn about the Lord, whose life and deeds so impressed him. In the first chapter of his Gospel, he makes clear that he is offering authentic knowledge about Jesus’ birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. The Gospel is not a full biography none of the Gospels are—but a history of salvation.
Only Luke provides the very familiar stories of the annunciation to Mary, of her visit to Elizabeth, of the child in the manger, the angelic host appearing to shepherds, and the meeting with the aged Simeon. Luke includes in his work six miracles and eighteen parables not recorded in the other Gospels. In Acts he tells about the coming of the Holy Spirit, the struggles of the apostles and their triumphs over persecution, of their preaching of the Good News, and the conversion and baptism of other disciples, who would extend the Church in future years.
Luke was with Paul apparently until the latter’s martyrdom in Rome. What happened to Luke after Paul’s death is unknown. Early tradition has it that he wrote his Gospel in Greece, and that he died at the age of eighty-four in Boeotia. Gregory of Nazianzus says that Luke was martyred, but this testimony is doubted by most scholars. In the fourth century, the Emperor Constantius ordered the supposed relics of Luke to be removed from Boeotia to Constantinople, where they could be venerated by pilgrims.
Almighty God, who inspired your servant Luke the physician to set forth in the Gospel the love and healing power of your Son: Graciously continue in your Church this love and power to heal, to the praise and glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever, Amen
Weekly Church Notices
WELCOME to the Parish of St. Paul, Calliaqua with St. John, Belair. We are so pleased that you chose to worship with us today and it is our hope that you were blessed by Word and Sacrament and that you will visit us again.
Our Theme: 175 Years– We Remember, Renew, Reach Out
1.Hurricane Season is here. Please be on the alert for any disaster
that may come upon us.
2.Our next fundraiser will be on Monday 27th October which is
Independence Day. All hands on deck as we plan and prepare.
National Independence theme: Working Together to Enhance
National Pride.
3.Confirmation Classes: Parents who are desirous of having theirchild/children confirmed are asked to collect registration forms at the Church Office.
4.Please mark these dates on your calendar:
01st November All Saints
02nd November All Souls
09th November - Harvest St. Paul/Stewardship Sunday/ Baptism
23rd November - Harvest St. John
30th November - Advent Sunday - at Arnos Vale Playing Field
This bulletin is being sponsored by Mr. Aaron Martin on the
occasion of his birthday which he celebrates on Tuesday . We
wish him many more birthdays to come, and God’s richest blessings on him and his family.
We thank the M.U. Parenting Group for their kind and generous donation of $500.00 towards the Church.
Thanks are going out also to our parishioners for the donation of duplicating paper towards office use.
Financial Corner
St. Paul:12th Oct Att: 160 Total $2424.01
St. John: 12th Oct Att: 71 Total $604.03
Your Health and You by: Dr. Michael Goodluck #86
Duct papilloma
If the discharge is bloodstained and from a single breast, the cause is likely to be duct papilloma. A papilloma is a harmless wart-like growth,usually about 1-2cm in size, found inside one of the breast ducts. The breast ducts carry milk from the gland to the nipple .The papilloma is usually just behind the nipple and can cause fluid or blood to seep out of the nipple.
You'll usually just have one papilloma, which means it can be easily removed.
Although the discharge may be alarming,rest assuredthat papilloma is not cancer and is not likely to turn into cancer. However, you should still get it checked by your doctor so they can rule out breast cancer and offer youany necessary treatment.
Duct ectasia
If the discharge is brown, green or cheesy, it's likely you have a harmless condition called duct ectasia.
Duct ectasia tends to affect women approaching the menopause. As the breasts age, the milk ducts behind the nippleget shorter and wider and may produce adischarge. This is a normal, age-related change and nothing to worry about.
A lump can sometimes be felt behind the nipple,which is just scar tissue, and the nipple sometimes becomes inverted.
Even though this condition is harmless and tends to clear upwithout treatment,it's important that you see your doctor so they can rule out breast cancer.Having duct ectasia does not increase your risk of developing breast cancer in the future.
If the discharge contains pus, the cause will probably be a breast abscess or abscess around the nipple.
An abscess is a painful collection of pus that usually forms under the skinafter abacterial infection. The surrounding skin may also be red, warm and swollen.
A breast abscess is usually a complication of mastitis (inflammation of the breast). If you have been to see your GP because ofmastitis, you may already have been given antibiotics. If after taking antibiotics your breast is still hard, red and painful, your doctor may refer you to a specialist breast unit to confirm the diagnosis of a breast abscess.
Celebrating birthdays this week:
Noel Marksman 21st Oct Aaron Martin 21st Oct
Rudolph Browne 22nd Oct Kamran King 24th Oct
Merle king 25th Oct
Happy birthday to all!!
William Robertson 22nd Oct 2004 CavelleHoyte 20th Oct 2010
May their souls rest in Peace!!
Your prayers are asked for the sick of the Parish, both at home and in
the hospital. Sick &shut-ins
Geneva Adams Chinyelu Browne Canon Huggins Ethel Butler
Ezekiel Clarke Cornelia Cox Rosalie Davis Cindy Hogan
Becenta Haywood George Haywood Ena Malcolm Adella John
Stanley Finch Kathleen Jones Sydney Joseph Cynthia John
Helen Joseph Isabella Browne Jeremy Grant Clara Sandy
Miriam Gurley Eldon Anderson Inez Mandeville Owen Hope
Hugh Marshall Elmina Martin Ardon McCree Rita George
Elaine Ollivierre Cheryl Peters Carl Stephens Susan Sinson
Tabitha Providence Rhonda Williams Sarah Spenser Vera Smart
Adella Smart Elsa Scott Nola Thomas Sylvina John
Amanda Robinson Dorothy Ryan Josephine Thomas Agnes London
Inoa Marksman Frank Garraway Rita Williams Victor Hunte
Sarah Commissiong Jean Williams EphriamWilliams Theresa Quashie
Nora Roberts
Please keep us informed of the condition of these persons)
The Living Word: page 774
Mon Sir 4:20-5:7Psalm 25Rev 7:1-8
Tue Sir 6:5-17 Psalm 26 Rev 7:9-17
Wed Sir 7:4-14Psalm 38 Rev 8:1-13
Thurs Sir 10:1-18 Psalm 37:1-18 Rev 9:1-12
Friday Sir 11:2-20Psalm 31 Rev 9:13-21
Sat Sir 15:9-20Psalm 30 Rev 10:1-11
Lectionary A - Pg. 677
Exodus 22:21-27 Psalm 1
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-46
Solemn High Mass St. Paul 7:00am
Solemn High Mass St. John 9:00am
Sunday School St. Paul 3:30pm
Sunday School St. John 3:00pm
Mass St. Paul 6:00am
Bible StudySt. Paul 5:00pm
A.C.W.A. Meeting 3rd Tuesday 5:00pm
Mother’s Union Meeting St. John 1st & 3rd Tuesday
Deacon’s MassSt. Paul 6:00am
Bible Study St. John 5:00pm
Choir PracticeSt. Paul’s 5:30pm
Morning Prayer St. Paul 6:00am
Mother’s Union Meeting St. Paul 2nd & Last Thursday
MassSt. Paul 6:00am
God’s Garden & Homework Club5:00pm
IMPAC+ Youth Ministry 6:30pm
Altar Servers Practice St. John 1:00pm
Altar Servers Practice St. Paul 4:30p.m
Youth Ministry St. John 4:30 pm
From the Bishop’s Desk:
The venerable Randolph Evelyn has announced his intention to retire as
Rector of the Parish of Holy Trinity, Castries with St. Mary the Virgin,
La Caye, St. Lucia, and Archdeacon of St. Lucia, with effect from 30th
June, 2015. He will proceed on pre-retirement leave form 1st January, 2015.
I am kindly asking each Parish in the Diocese in thanksgiving for the over 50years of dedicated service of Archdeacon Evelyn to the Diocese to make a contribution towards a purse for him on his retirement. For more information please call 1-784-456-1895 or email .
Special Synod
This a reminder of the special Diocesan Synod to revise the Regulations.
The Synod is scheduled for Tuesday 28th to Wednesday 29th October,
2014. We hope to use the Easter Caribbean Central Bank video
conferencing equipment. Delegates from each Archdeaconry are expected
to assemble at their local ECCB office.
Provincial Meetings
The House of Bishops and the Standing Committee of the Church in the Province of the West Indies is scheduled to meet at the Anglican Pastoral Centre, Montrose, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines from Monday 17th to Friday 21st November, 2014 with 17th and 21st being travelling days.
Continuation from the Bishop’s Desk…
I am making an appeal for assistance in purchasing three BenQ HT-series HT1075 1080P 2,200 ANSI Lumen 3D Full HD Home Theater Projectors or if you know one that is better suited. This will reduce the cost of travel across the Diocese for meetings. The cost of travel for a Diocesan Council meeting is approximately $2000.00US and there are two meetings each year. At our last Synod of October, 2013 we established several Diocesan commissions, however the Diocese cannot meet the cost of travel expenses for each commission to meet. The Plan is to use the available technology to have meetings in the future and a projector in each Archdeaconry will be helpful in pursuing this. The cost of one projector is approximately $1199.00US plus shipment. For more information please call 1784-456-1895 or email
You are cordially invited to Worship at the
St. Georges Cathedral Kingstown St. Vincent
in the Concelebration of the Holy Eucharist on the occasion of
The Sacerdotal Golden Jubilee of
The Very Reverend Ulric Leroy Smith (Dean Emeritus)
on All Saints Eve on Friday 31st October 2014 at 5:00pm
Your prayers and presence are requested