
Nine Weeks Exam Study Guide World History

Unit 1

  1. What were the accomplishments of the Phoenicians in the Mediterranean?
  1. What is the importance of the Code of Hammurabi?
  1. Compare the religion of the Hebrews to that of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians.
  1. What were the religious beliefs of the Egyptians?
  1. What was the government like?
  1. How did geography impact Egypt?
  1. What writing system did the Egyptians invent?
  1. Describe the beliefs of the Hebrew people in Mesopotamia.
  1. Describe the structure of the Chinese family and the relationship of China with the rest of the world.
  1. Which groups were valued in Chinese society?
  1. Why?
  1. Who was not valued?
  1. What was Confucianism?
  1. What was the Mandate System? Where was it practiced?
  1. What was Buddhism?
  1. Who founded it?
  1. What were the major beliefs?
  1. What is Hinduism?
  1. What is their holy book?
  1. Compare and contrast the Incan, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations.

Unit 2

  1. What is democracy?
  1. Where was it founded?
  1. How did Greece’s geography contribute to its development?
  1. What civilization developed out of the conquests of Alexander the Great? Describe this civilization.
  1. Describe the following Greek philosophers:
  2. Socrates:
  1. Plato:
  1. Aristotle:
  1. Julius Caesar-
  1. Augustus Caesar-
  1. Describe Roman art and culture.
  2. Why did the Roman Empire collapse?
  1. What was the Byzantine Empire?
  1. What was its capital?
  1. Who was its great ruler?
  1. What is the importance of Justinian’s Code?
  1. Theodora-
  1. Describe the Great Schism.
  1. How was Russia impacted by Mongol rule for over 200 years?
  1. How did the Byzantine Empire impact Russia?
  1. Marco Polo-
  1. Who was Muhammad? What religion is he associated with?
  1. What is the major division in the Islamic religion and what caused this division?
  1. Who was Ibn Sina?
  1. Who was Ibn Battuta?
  1. What are the similarities of the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
  1. Who were the Mughals? Who was their greatest leader?
  1. Ivan III:

Unit 3

  1. Why were the achievements of the ruler Charlemagne?
  1. Describe the organization of feudal society in Europe. (the people and their role)
  1. What was lay investiture?
  1. How was the lay investiture dispute solved?
  1. Explain the economic activities of the town in the Late Middle Ages.
  1. What was the purpose and the results of the crusades? What were the sides?
  2. Purpose-
  1. Results-
  1. Sides-
  1. Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?
  1. Describe a Renaissance man. Give examples of “Renaissance Men” that we discussed in class.
  1. Who was Leonardo da Vinci? List examples of his artwork.
  1. Who was Michelangelo? List examples of his artwork.
  1. Dante-
  1. Describe humanism. Give examples of humanists.
  2. Describe-
  1. Father of Humanism-
  1. Christian Humanist-
  1. Describe the causes of and major events in the Protestant Reformation.
  2. Causes-
  1. Major Events-
  1. Major People-
  1. Summarize the basic beliefs of Martin Luther.
  1. Compare the ideas of Martin Luther and John Calvin. What and where are their modern-day churches?
  1. Who invented the printing press, and what were the results of the printing press?
  1. Why did the Anglican Church form?
  1. What church did it break away from?
  1. Who founded it?
  1. What was the purpose, main events, and results of the Catholic or Counter Reformation?

Unit 4

  1. Describe the achievements in exploration of the following Explorers:
  2. Ferdinand Magellan
  1. Zheng He-
  1. What tools or new inventions helped to improve exploration?
  1. Describe the Columbian Exchange and its effects:
  1. Describe the achievements of Kangxi:
  1. Describe the Opium War:
  1. Describe the policies of Japan and China in regard to foreign trade:
  1. Describe Commodore Matthew Perry:
  1. Describe the Bantu and their effect on Africa.
  1. Describe the geographic location of the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai?
  1. How did the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhai grow wealthy?
  1. Describe Mansa Musa.
  1. What were the religious influences in West Africa?
  1. What is religious syncretism?