Night Unit Test Study Guide


Characters: Identify each character with a brief description of who they are.

Elie Wiesel:



Moche the Beadle:


Meir Katz:

Rabbi Eliahou:

Place the camp names in order of which Elie and his father visited.

BunaGleiwitzBirkenauBuchenwald Aushwitz



_____1) The gate of Auschwitz, a concentration camp, reads “Work is Liberty”

A. personification

B. irony

C. metaphor

_____2) Elie lets Franek to take his gold tooth in order to receive less severe treatment in the camp. Then, Franek is transferred soon after and Elie is treated poorly again.

A. irony
B. metaphor
C. direct characterization

_____3) No one believes Madame Schachter when she screams her warnings about fire. When they arrive at the camp, there is a fire.

A. direct characterization
B. symbolism

C. irony

_____4) “Never shall I forget these things, even if I’m condemned to live as long as God himself. Never” (22).

A. simile
B. hyperbole
C. alliteration

_____5) “An infinitely long train…” (65).

A. hyperbole

B. alliteration

C. indirect characterization

_____6) “The night was long and never ending” (66).

A. metaphor

B. hyperbole

C. simile

_____7) “The ghetto awoke” (8).

A. personification

B. simile

C. alliteration

_____8) “My throat was dry, the words choked in it, paralyzing my lips” (9).

A. metaphor

B. symbolism

C. personification

_____9) “An icy wind enveloped us” (24).

A. personification

B. alliteration

C. metaphor

_____10) “[The bell] gave me orders, and I automatically obeyed” (49).

A. direct characterization

B. symbolism

C. personification

_____11) “All around me, death was moving in, silently, without violence” (60).

A. simile
B. metaphor

C. personification

_____12) “Suddenly, his eyes would become blank, nothing but two open wounds, two pits of terror” (51).

A. simile

B. metaphor

C. personification

_____13) “Juliek’s soul [was] the bow. He was playing his life” (63).

A. metaphor

B. alliteration

C. irony

_____14) “It was like a page torn from some story book…” (10).

A. simile

B. metaphor

C. alliteration

_____15) “She looked like a withered tree in a cornfield” (16).

A. alliteration

B. hyperbole

C. simile

_____16) Madame Schachter yelling “fire” on the way to the concentration camp is an example of

A. direct characterization

B. foreshadowing

C. alliteration

_____17) “Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever” (22).

A. alliteration

B. symbolism

C. simile

_____18) “I had never heard a sound so pure. In such a silence” (63).

A. symbolism

B. alliteration

C. personification

_____19) “I could use all my strength to struggle for my own survival” (71).

A. personification

B. metaphor

C. alliteration

_____20) “She was about fifty… Her husband and two eldest sons had been deported…The separation had completely broken her” (15).

A. direct characterization

B. indirect characterization

_____21) “Meir Katz [was] the strong man, the most robust of us all” (69).

A. direct characterization

B. indirect characterization

_____22) “My parents ran a shop…. They said my place was at school” (23).

A. direct characterization

B. indirect characterization

_____23) “I threw myself on top of his body….I slapped him” (66).

A. direct characterization

B. indirect characterization

_____24) “He began to talk faster and faster, as though he were afraid….he wouldn’t listen to me” (72).

A. direct characterization

B. indirect characterization

_____25) Night is used as ______in the story.

A. symbolism

B. characterization

C. foreshadowing

Vocabulary in Context

_____26) “Terror was stronger than hunger. Suddenly, we saw the door of Block 37 open imperceptibly.”

Imperceptibly means: a) easily b) noisilyc) impossiblyd) scarily

_____27) “I woke from my apathy just at the moment when two men came up to my father.”

Apathy means: a) emotionless b) slumberc) appearanced) sickness

_____28) “I could see that he was still breathing—spasmodically.”

Spasmodically means: a) peacefullyb) without movementc) fitfuld) asthmatic

_____29) “I’m obliged, therefore, to make it very clear to him once and for all.”

Obliged means: a) chosenb) horrifiedc) purposefullyd) honestly

_____30) “You’re wallowing in your own despair, you fool!”

Wallowing means: a) indulgingb) getting revengec) sunkend) partying

31) Explain the difference between a memoir and an autobiography. (Bullet point list is fine)

32). An author’s purpose is the author’s reason for writing a work. List the 4-5 reasons an author may write something.

Internal Conflict



External Conflict

