NIEA Challenge Fund 2013 – 2014
(Forest Service 2013-2015)
Application Form
Please read guidance before completing form!
Please email completed forms to arrive by 2 pm on 15 November 2013.
Please do not alter the format of the document and use only the space provided in the text boxes.
Application Number: (office use)Project Title (max 7 words):
Applicant Details
Contact Name (project leader):
Phone Number:
Inland Revenue/ Charities Commission Charity Number (if held):
Application for (tick one of the following ONLY)
Forest Service Stream (< £30,000)
NIEA –Small Projects (<£10,000)
NIEA –Medium Projects (£10,000 - £20,000)
NIEA –Large Projects (£20,000 -£30,000)
NIEA –Education/Schools Projects (<£5,000)
The information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
1. What type of organisation are you and how long have you been in existence? What environmental work have you previously undertaken? (Max 75 words)
2. Project Description (Max 150 words)
3. What outcomes will your project deliver, to whom and when (or over what timescale)? (Max 120 words)
4. What is your overall project budget?
How much are you requesting from the Challenge Fund?
5. What funding/grant aid do you currently receive from NIEA/NI Forest Service or any other government body, and for what purpose(s)? (Max 100 words)
6. Who will be involved in the delivery of the project within your organisation and what will be their respective roles? (Max 100 words)
7. Why is your project needed? How has this need been identified? (Max 150 words)
8. Please demonstrate how your project contributes to the NIEA criteria as set out at 3.6 of the guidance notes or the NI Forest Service criteria set out at 3.7 of the guidance notes. (Max 200 words)
9. What wider environmental, social and/or economic benefits will your project provide? (Max 200 words)
10. Are any partners involved in your project? Who? What is their role? (Max 120 words)
11. Will your project be using volunteers? Individuals or groups? Approximate numbers? (Max 150 words)
12. Demonstrate how your project is separate from and additional to any work you may already be undertaking with funding from NIEA/ NI Forest Service. (Max 120 words)
13. What will the money be used for? List major items of expenditure as clearly as possible (e.g. 200 m sheepwire fencing, 5 stiles, 400 whips and 3 standard trees, 4 days labour) with a price for each. (Max 250 words)
14. Is any match funding required? From where? If so, is it secured? If not, how can you guarantee delivery by the deadline? Will the Challenge Fund enable you to secure match funding/volunteer input? (Max 175 words)
15. Explain how you can complete your project within the required timescale, including contingency plans or backups. If your project requires any form of consent (planning, ASSI, Listed Building, NI Forest Service licence etc.) show how you can obtain this permission prior to beginning your project and still complete within the required timeframe. (Max 200 words)
16. What is the expected long-term impact of your project? (Max 200 words)