Nicholas Greenbury Ridgely, Father of Elizabeth E. R. Ridgely, 1770-1829

Financial and Legal Documents

Subseries: Accounts & Ledgers

1798-99Account BookBox 29, Reel 19MDHSMS691Ridgely Account Books, 1732-1884

1809Account BookBox 30, Reel 18MDHSMS691

1811-12Cash BookBox 30, Reel 18MDHSMS691

Subseries: Bills & Receipts

1793-1819Bills & Receipts, primarily personal; tailor, dresser, Box 9, Reel 9, M4435MDHSMS692Ridgely Papers, 1664-1882

shaver, documents related to death of wife

1793-1819Bills & Receipts, personal, building supplies, books, Box 9, Reel 10, MDHSMS692

clothing, harpM4444

1820-36Bills & Receipts: including portrait bill from Thomas Box 10, Reel 11, MDHSMS692


1820-36Bills & Receipts: for Elk Ridge farm house, harp caseBox 10, Reel 11, MDHSMS692


1825-29Bills and ReceiptsBox 3, Folder 18MDHSMS2891Hoyt Collection of Ridgely Papers, 1716-1971

Subseries: Legal Papers

n.d.Legal Papers, Power of Attorney, Union Bank of Box 8, Reel 8,M4435MDHSMS692Ridgely Papers, 1664-1882

Maryland vs. Nicholas G. Ridgely

Land & Property Records

Subseries: Legal Papers

1825, 1829Lease AgreementsBox 3, Folder 19MDHSMS2891Hoyt Collection of Ridgely Papers, 1716-1971

Subseries: Miscellaneous

1810-50Deeds, indentures, plats, rental contracts for land, Box 15, Reel 18MDHSMS692Ridgely Papers, 1664-1882

some in the name of Nicholas Greenbury Ridgely

Wills & Estate Papers

1817, 1820, 1822Draft wills, estate papersBox 8, Reel 8, M4435MDHSMS692Ridgely Papers, 1664-1882

1824-82Inventory, Court Records, Accounts, CorrespondenceBox 4MDHSMS2891Hoyt Collection of Ridgely Papers, 1716-1971

1830Estate - Will probateBox 21, Folder 8MDHSMS2891

1830Power of Attorney from his daughter Eliza to her Box 5, Folder 27MDHSMS2891Hoyt Collection of Ridgely Papers, 1716-1971

husband, John, regarding NGR's estate and executor

A. MacDonald

1840'sAccounts of EERR with her trustees for NGR's estateBox 12, Reel 14, MDHSMS692Ridgely Papers, 1664-1882


1845-46Accounts of EERR with her trustees for NGR's estateBox 13, Reel 15, MDHSMS692


1854Bills & Receipts: coffins to move NGR and wife to Box 13, Reel 15, MDHSMS692

Hampton cemeteryM4440


1794Outgoing to D. Wesley BohelFC2-6/63HAMPMS1Ridgely Family Papers

1799-1823Correspondence - personal, family & business: topics Box 7, Reel 7, M4434MDHSMS692Ridgely Papers, 1664-1882

include daughter Eliza's health, her portrait (letters

from Thomas Sully and Rembrandt Peale), Samuel

Chase's debts, Fountains Inn

1814-29Correspondence: with nephew and miscellaneousBox 3, Folders 13-17MDHSMS2891Hoyt Collection of Ridgely Papers, 1716-1971

1824-29Family Correspondence, Business Correspondence Box 8, Reel 8, M4435MDHSMS692Ridgely Papers, 1664-1882

re. Samual Chase, farm auction (Elkridge) in 1824; two

letters to wife Eliza from Betsey Patterson (1799)

1826IncomingBox 2, Folder 9HAMPMS2John (III) & Lillian Ketcham Ridgely

Comprehensive Guide to Collections: Nicholas Greenbury RidgelyPage 1 of 2

Last Revised December 4, 2007