NHSPWD Implementation Monitoring Group

Minutes of 8thMeeting on April 19th 2016

East Room, Custom House


Bairbre Nic Aongusa(Chair)DECLGPaul BrahamHSE

Brian KennyDECLG

Patricia CurranDECLG

Alan RyanDECLG

Ger GilroyDECLG

Ashley Tonge DECLG

Claire FeeneyHousing Agency (HA)

David SilkeHousing Agency (HA)

Caren GallagherIrish Council for Social Housing (ICSH)

Claire CollinsD/Health (DoH)

Billy McCarthyD/Health

Michael MurchanD/Health

Brendan TouhyD/Health

Edward CreanNational Disability Authority (NDA)

Shari McDaidMental Health Reform

Deirdre ScullyHealth Service Executive (HSE)

Dolores MurphyIrish Wheelchair Association (IWA)

Joan O’ConnorDisability Federation of Ireland (DFI)

Jim WintersInclusion Ireland

Alison ConnollyFocus Ireland

  1. Welcome by Chair

The Chair welcomed the group and thanked everyone for the hard work and progress made since the group last met.

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of last meeting were presented for discussion by the Chair and were agreed without amendment.

  1. Implementation Framework

The Housing Agency updated the group on progress under the implementation framework, reporting as follows:

  • The Housing subgroup had met 24 times since its establishment.
  • Produces an annual work plan and has established two task groups on (i) community living and (ii) mental health.
  • Developed new assessment and allocation guidelines which came into effect in November 2014. HA has commenced a review of the guidelines.
  • 30 of 31 Local Authorities have established Housing Disability Strategic Groups. Progress to date has been focussed on the development of local strategic plans and forming a reasonable estimate of emerging need. The HA is collating the local plans into a draft National Strategic Plan and is scheduled to meet officials in D/ECLG to discuss.

A brief overview was provided by the HA of a mental health pilot project currently in operation in Laois/Offaly which is due for review in May 2016. Focus Ireland highlighted amental health study they are doing withGenio in Kildare, which will also be ready in May. DoH and HAare interested in the findings of this study, and suggested linking in to the HA Pilot in Laois/Offaly. The issue of the source of funding for support and service provision services for tenants with mental health into the future was discussed in general terms. The Chair indicated that the linkages between the various projects could be very helpful and suggested that a four-way conversation (HA, DoH, DECLG, HSE), following the HA review in May, would be useful in discussing the findings and exploring new paths forward.

The NDA referred to the new Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015. The NDA will be producing guidance material on the Act as it is rolled out, covering non-health elements. DoHwill produce guidance for health related issues. DECLG informed the group that D/Justiceconfirmed thatthe UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will be ratified by the end of 2016.

  1. Supplementary guidance for the provision of housing for PWD (Circular 45/15)

It was noted that a particular issue was brought to light in 2015 through the subgroups, and it is positive to see a resolution coming forward through that fora, i.e. Circular 45/2015 which sets out supplementary guidance for the provision of Housing for People with Disabilities. DECLG highlighted key issues and the need to meet to meet certification requirements was stressed. Feedback to date on the new guidelines was generally positive. Inclusion Ireland expressed some concern on the need for certification & HSE approval. The Chair explained that the policy was carefully put together to ensure that it closely aligns across relevant Departments and the HSE, and would be kept under review. She noted that there should always be oversight of public expenditure in orderto monitor the outcomes achieved and ensure value for money for the taxpayer.

The HA noted a perceived lack of clarity (among AHBs) from HIQA relating to standards,saying that AHBs were interested in partnerships with service providers, but were ‘nervous’ of engaging with HIQA. The Chair said that this was a wider HIQA issue and suggested that the question of a separate set of HIQA standards for ‘social care’ as opposed to care in residential settings might be an issue that the IMG could return to at a later date.

The IWA raised the issue of funding for support services for people living in the community (rather than specifically for those moving from congregated settings).DECLG noted that current costs relating to the provision of on-goingsupports and services is a matter for the HSE but said it is important that these are provided to ensure that the housing provision can be utilised, as intended.

  1. Funding

DECLG confirmed that €1m will be available again in 2016 for leasing for people with disabilities. Ring-fenced CAS funding of €10m in 2016 to move people with disabilities from congregated settingswas also confirmed. DECLG indicated that the emphasis on projects funded through the forthcoming CAS call will be on acquisitions rather than new build to maximise expenditure in 2016. CAS funding will also be available for people with disabilities generally.

The DoHoutlined details of €20m capital funding that will be available from that Department, which will go towards re-housing people from institutions that have been prioritised for closure, known as ‘strand one’institutions, with DECLG funding the transition of the remaining individuals from ‘strand two’ institutions. DoH will have funding of €100million available up to 2021 (including 2016 funding) for disability services. A brief summary of the Service Reform Fund (€45m) was also provided.

The group welcomed the new capital funding, but the lack of current funding for support services was again highlighted by some present. The HSE clarified the issue around support services and noted that while there had been no new funding for people at home (such as those coming home from hospital) in the last eight years, there is still existing supports available through recycled hours etc. The HSE noted that while they have limited resources, they continue to make a case for new funding through the estimates process each year. In relation to deinstitutionalisation policy, support funding willbe ‘de-bundled’ and will transfer with individuals moving into the community from institutions, regardless that the type of supports required would likely change. It was noted thatthe type of supports that would be appropriate in an institution would not be the same as that needed for community living.

  1. ‘Transforming Lives’ and Congregated Settings National Implementation Project: Update from HSE

TheHSE updated the group on the Congregated Settings National Implementation Project. 145 of the target of 150 people were moved from congregated settings in 2015. HSE anticipate that some 300 people will be moved from specific sites in 2016, and acknowledge the increased funding to support this. The Group was informed that all nine HSE regional organisations had been asked to prepare a plan for the next phase of the implementation, and that all proposals were expected imminently.

A question was raised by the HSE in relation to DECLG issued Fire Safety Guidelinesfor Community Based Residences. There was a concern they may be out of date and their interpretation is causing significant problems for the HSE. DECLG undertook to clarify the matter with Fire Services and revert to the Group.

  1. Reporting and Drafting of Progress Report

The Chair noted that the NHSPWD made a provision for annual progress reports but suggested to the Group that the next report should cover the two year period Jan 2014 to Dec 2015 and this was agreed. The Group also agreed that, as the existing strategy was still relevant in terms of its aims and principles, it should continue to guide and progress policy. Rather than draft a new strategy, the lifetime of the current one should be extended beyond its original timeframe of 2016 to continue to deliver on its aims. The NDA suggested that the NHSPWDcould be more closely aligned with the Social Housing Strategy (SHS) 2020 and the Chair said this would be taken on board. It was agreed that a draft of the report would be emailed to the Group in advance of the next meeting and a final draft will be brought before the next meeting for final approval. It was also agreed that the progress report need only capture progress and relevant issues and does not need to be as detailed the first report.

In terms of policy generally going forward, the Chair indicated that this will be a matter for the new Government but in the meantime, the work currently underway will continue.

  1. Next Steps and Date of Next Meeting
  • DECLG to revert to Group regarding Fire Safety Guidelines
  • DECLG to email draft of 2014/2015 progress report to Group in advance of Autumn meeting
  • The Group agreed to meet again in October 2016, with date to be confirmed.