NHPA Programmatic Agreementsand Fire-Related Activities

(to be adapted to individual parks)

Ensure that the park has a Wildland Fire Management plan that has been approved by the Regional Office.

Verify that the proposed project activity qualifies for the alternative process, as listed under 3C7 of the nationwide programmatic agreement:

  • Outside of historic districts, cultural landscapes, and archeological sites:
  • Removal of dead and downed vegetation,
  • using equipment and methods that do not introduce ground disturbance beyond documented natural or historic disturbance (can include use of fire).
  • Forest management practices, including thinning of tree stands,
  • using equipment and methods that do not introduce ground disturbance beyond documented natural or historic disturbance.
  • Restoration of existing fire line disturbances, such as hand lines, bulldozer lines, safety areas, helispots, and other operational areas.
  • Slope stabilization, to include reseeding with native seeds, replanting with native plants and/or grasses, placement of straw bales, wattles, and felling of dead trees, providing that the root ball is left intact and in situ.
  • Within historic districts, cultural landscapes, and archeological sites:
  • Removal of dead and downed vegetation, if the vegetation does not contribute to the significance of the historic district, cultural landscape, or other historic property,
  • using equipment and methods that do not introduce ground disturbance beyond documented natural or historic disturbance (can include use of fire).
  • Restoration of existing fire line disturbances, such as hand lines, bulldozer lines, safety areas, helispots, and other operational areas.
  • Slope stabilization, to include reseeding with native seeds, replanting with native plants and/or grasses, placement of straw bales, wattles, and felling of dead trees, providing that the root ball is left intact and in situ.

All of the cultural resources within the APE (area of potential effect) have been identified and evaluated for potential listing on the National Register of Historic Places.