Steve Dean, Principal Engineer Traffic & Parking, presented a report detailing a list of proposed Orders that had been advertised. It was noted that there were no unresolved objections related to proposals listed in the report as e) to i) and that the making of the Orders would proceed, as advertised, in respect of the following:
e)Marie Close, Chloe Gardens - Yellow lines at the “tee” junction and the approach to Chloe Gardens
f)St Clements Road/White Close/Kinson Avenue - Yellow lines at the junction
g)Dansie Close – yellow lines one side
h)Whitecliff Road – yellow lines one side
i)Innovation Close– yellow lines on one side.
The officer highlighted the issues in respect of the following matters:
a)Steepdene – Yellow lines on one side and in the turning head
Two petitions, containing 44 signatures together with 6 letters representing four households were reported as having been received. It was noted that the proposals had been prompted by the Emergency Services in addition to the concerns of the Council’s Environmental and Consumer Protection Services (ECPS) over access. A number of arguments and alternative suggestions were presented by local residents and councillors.
An alternative proposal to the Officer recommendation was Proposed and Seconded, in the following terms:
“That a single yellow line be installed on one side of Steepdene with double yellow lines in the turning head”.
On being put the vote the above Proposal was LOST.
Voting: For – 2 Against – 3 Abstained – 0
On being Proposed and Seconded, Members considered the following Recommendation:
“That yellow lines be installed on one side of Steepdene and in the turning head.”
Voting: For – 2 Against – 2 Abstained – 1
The Chairman exercised her casting vote in favour of the Proposal. It was RESOLVED: That yellow lines be installed on one side of Steepdene and in the turning head.
Councillor Wilson wished it to be recorded that he had never before voted against another Ward member on such matters but on this occasion he had as a matter of health and safety and not a local ward issue.
b)Sandringham Road and Balmoral Road – Yellow lines at the junctions and along one side
The responses to the advertisement were summarised in the Report and the Officer suggested a relaxation of the proposals in Balmoral Road. Councillor Miss Carpenter reported that, having conducted a survey of residents in Balmoral Road, the result of which was overwhelmingly in favour of no change along the length of the road but with double yellow lines at the junction with Sandecotes Road.
Representations were received from four members of the public with one person referring to a recent emergency situation in which a fire engine had extreme difficulty in reaching the burning premises in Sandringham Road.
With regard to Sandringham Road, an alternative proposal to the Officer recommendation was Proposed and Seconded, in the following terms:
“That single yellow lines be installed on half of each side of Sandringham Road with double yellow lines at the junction with Sandecotes Road.”
On being put the vote the above Proposal was LOST.
Voting: For – 2 Against – 3 Abstained – 0
On being Proposed and Seconded, Members considered the following Proposal:
“That double yellow lines be installed on half of each side of Sandringham Road with double yellow lines at the junction with Sandecotes Road, as advertised.”
On being put the vote, the above Proposal was CARRIED.
Voting: For – 3 Against – 2 Abstained – 0
Consideration was given to yellow lines in Balmoral Road with an alternative proposal to the Officer recommendation being Proposed and Seconded, in the following terms
“That no change be made in Balmoral Road and that double yellow lines be installed around the junction with Sandecotes Road.”
On being put the vote the above Proposal was LOST.
Voting: For – 1 Against – 3 Abstained – 1
On being Proposed and Seconded, it was:
RESOLVED: That double yellow lines be installed at the frontages to Nos. 6 & 8 in Balmoral Road and at the junction with Sandecotes Road.
Voting: For – 4 Against – 0 Abstained – 1
c)Worthington Crescent - Yellow lines at the “tee” junction
Four objections were reported to have been received and concern was expressed at the displacement of vehicles if the proposed restrictions were applied.
An alternative proposal to the Officer recommendation was Proposed and Seconded, in the following terms:
“That a single yellow line be installed on the eastern side of the turning head with double yellow lines around each radii.”
On being put the vote, the above Proposal was CARRIED.
Voting: For – 4 Against – 0 Abstained – 1
The following Proposal was considered as the substantive motion:
“That a single yellow line be installed on the eastern side of the turning head with double yellow lines around each radii.”
Voting: For - Unanimous
d)Blair Avenue – Yellow lines in the split carriageway section
An 104 signature petition objecting to the proposals was reported as having been received. Consideration was given to alternative options to allow parking on the pavement line or to reduce the width of the central reserve.
An alternative to the Officer recommendation was Proposed and Seconded in the following terms:
“That an Order be made as advertised, allowing for a reduction in the length of the restriction at the western end, such alteration to be advised and subject to approval by ward councillors.”
On being put the vote, the above Proposal was CARRIED.
Voting: For – 4 Against – 0 Abstained – 1
The following Proposal was considered as the Substantive Motion:
RESOLVED: That an Order be made as advertised, allowing for a reduction in the length of the restriction at the western end, such alteration to be advised and subject to approval by Ward councillors.
Voting: For - Unanimous