Newton South High School

MGC 10th Grade

Mr. Stein

China/India Study Guide

This is a general study guide but does not cover everything on this test. Use your class notes and handouts to study from as well.

Chapter 15.3 (p. 475 – 478)

Terms and People

zamindar Akbar

suttee Aurangzeb

Questions to Consider

1. How were the British able to gain control of India? Who were some of their rivals?

2. Who was Robert Clive and how did he play a role in India?

3. What was daily and cultural life like in the Mogul Empire?

Chapter 21.3 (p. 666 – 670)

Terms and People

sepoy viceroy

Queen Victoria Indian National Congress

Mohandes Gandhi Rabindranath Tagore

Questions to Consider

1. What led to the Sepoy Mutiny?

2. What were the results of the British efforts to put down the Sepoy Mutiny?

3. What were some positive and negative aspects of British rule in India?

4. What were the goals of the INC? How was Gandhi involved in this?

Gandhi and Modern India

Gandhi Worksheets 1 – 3 + Gandhi (Film) + History of India Worksheet on Partition

1. What was Gandhi’s life like in England?

2. What rules did Gandhi challenge in South Africa

3. How did Gandhi’s efforts during the Salt March and Salt Works help achieve his goals?

4. What factors led to the partition of India?

5. What mistakes did the British make in their partition of India

Chapter 25.3 (p. 793 – 797)

Terms and People

guerilla tactics redistribution of wealth

Chiang Kai-shek Shanghai Massacre

Mao Zedong PLA

New Life Movement Nanjing

Questions to Consider

1. What led the Nationalist and Communist to ally? What were their goals?

2. How did the Shangai Massacre lead to the “Long March”? What were the results of both of these events?

3. How did Chiang Kai-shek get control of China?

4. What reforms did Chiang Kai-shek try to implement in China? Which were successes and which were failures?

Chapter 31.1 (p. 941 – 946)

Terms and People

commune permanent revolution

per capita Cultural Revolution

Little Red Book Great Leap Forward

Deng Xiaoping Tiananmen Square

Richard Nixon

Questions to Consider

1. Why did China break out into Civil War again in 1945?

2. What was the Great Leap Forward? Why was it a failure?

3. What led Mao Zedong to start the Cultural Revolution? What were the goals? Was it a success or failure?

4. How did Deng Xiaoping lead China after the death of Mao? How did he handle the Tiananmen Square incident?

5. What was Chinese society like under communist rule?

6. How was China involved in the Korean War? How was the U.S. involved?

7. What was China’s relationship with the Soviet Union and the United States?

Other Material

·  “Tank Man” Worksheets –

·  Beijing Section in Textbook (p. 948 – 951)