Newton Place Surgery
Patient Participation Group
Minutes of Wednesday 18th April 2012
Those Present:Chris Calver
Stan Newington
Dr Mike Fernando
Keith Cull
Bob Costa
Joanne Wintle-Smith
Tracy Halls
Lorna Smith
Eric Kempster
Peter Ferrell
Veiud Sinerva
Apologies:Freda Costa
Richard Bickerdike
Carol Hayes
Pat Blake
Susan McLaughlin
- The meeting was opened at 6.30 p.m. Welcome was made by the chair.
- Today’s meeting was chaired by Joanne.
- Agenda layout and items suggested by Sue was used by the group.
- The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and matters arising were discussed. Stan informed the meeting that the designation of certain desks at reception for certain queries would not be a viable option due to staffing availability.
- Chris apologised to Peter for not including his name in the apology list last month even though he did contact the surgery to say he would not be attending.
- Members agreed to rotate the position of chair until all interested parties had chaired a meeting at which point there will be an election and decision made on how long the chairperson remains in post. Keith will chair the next meeting.
- The practice reported to the meeting that the surgery now has 2 new partners in place, Dr. S. Hodgson, who is a specialist in dermatology, and Dr. M. Fernando and also that Dr. B. Saul-Duke has now left the surgery.
Stan also reported that the surgery will be running dermatology and diabetic clinics from the summer. These clinics will be for the patients of Newton Place only although there is a possibility that patients from other surgeries may be invited to attend the clinics in the future. This will be of benefit to patients as they will not have to travel to hospital for these clinics.
- Jo and Stan reported to the meeting regarding the alleyway. The area is owned by the owner of the Bookmakers building and neither Jo nor Stan has had any response to telephone messages or letters. Members agreed for Stan to write to the owner again on behalf of the group asking for a reply within a certain time.
- Stan answered questions from the group regarding the new pharmacy. He confirmed that the licence is now approved and a certificate of lawful development passed Swale Borough Council as the surgery will not be selling anything. We should have this by the end of May when work will start on installing the pharmacy. Three of the downstairs consulting rooms will be relocated to upstairs and the alterations will take approximately 6 weeks to complete with an expected opening July/August.
Stan confirmed that the pharmacy would be open 100 hours per week and, when the surgery is closed, access to the pharmacy would be through the foyer area. Methadone will not be prescribed through the pharmacy.
The pharmacy will be owned by the community pharmacy and the partners and known as Newton Place Community Pharmacy. One of the first priorities will be to establish home deliveries of medications. There will be a consulting room incorporated for the use of the pharmacist. Patients will still be able to choose which pharmacy to use.
- Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20th June 2012 at 6.30p.m. Peter Ferrell apologises in advance that he will not be able to attend.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.35 p.m.