Safety Patrols

Congratulations on your selection as a safety patrol! You have one of the most important jobs in the school, to keep students safe. Your teachers and fellow students are counting on you to be responsible and fulfill your safety patrol responsibilities. This guide is meant to answer your questions and keep you on track for a great year!

Newton-Lee Elementary works with the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office and AAA to provide the Safety Patrol Program. A committee of teachers at Newton-Lee is responsible for organizing and maintaining the program. Below is the list of staff members on the committee.

Administrative Supervisor: Mr. Cadwell

Safety Patrol Advisors: Mrs. Fornatora

Mrs. O’Rahilly

1. Why do we need safety patrols?

Safety Patrols are needed to promote safe and acceptable conduct of the student body, to demonstrate good citizenship at all times while at school, and to set an example for all students at Newton-LeeElementary School.

2. What is the patrol center and where is it located?

The patrol center is located in the front hallway near the water fountains by the guidance offices. It is a bulletin board that patrols can find information such as schedules, a map of all posts, the sign for outside duty, and information about captains.

3. What is expected of Safety Patrols?

Good safety patrols are responsible and complete all their duties on time and to the best of their abilities. This includes:

-Being on time to the assigned post.

-Attending all meetings when they are scheduled.

-Wearing the safety belt and badge when on duty.

-Informing one of the advisors when you are absent or late.

-Being alert at all times while on duty.

-Completing and turning in all required paperwork neatly and on time.

-Being a role model for all students at ALL times. The advisors will be checking

in with each patrol’s classroom teacher to make sure that all patrols are working hard, exhibiting appropriate behavior within the classroom, and in other areas of the school as well.

4. What if I am absent when I have patrol duty?

It is extremely important that you are on time and at your post during your duty week. We depend on you to assist in keeping Newton-Lee safe.

  • If you know ahead of time that you will be absent, please have a parent email or send in a note to Mrs. Fornatora (). You are encouraged to also find substitute for your duties for that period of time and to let Mrs. Fornatora and the patrol captains know who will be your substitute.
  • If you find yourself ill or unable to attend school at the last moment, please ask a parent to call the school at (571) 252-1535 and tell Mr. Cadwell or one of the secretaries that you have safety patrol duty and that you will be absent today.

It is important to our school safety that we have a patrol at each post each day. Therefore, if you have more than 3 unexcused absences or tardies to your post during the school year, you may be asked to resign your patrol position.

5. What should a Safety Patrol NEVER do?

A safety patrol should never…

-Yell or act “bossy” towards another person-Grab or touch another person

-Play around and/or socialize while on duty-Leave his/her post unattended

-Wear his/her belt or badge incorrectly or not at all while on duty

-Put himself or herself in danger. Never go into the streets or parking lot while on duty.

6. Are patrols on duty at bus stops and on the buses?

Yes, if you ride the bus, you must wear your belt and badge while at your bus stop and on the bus.It does not matter whether it is your duty week or not; if you are riding the bus to school, you are on duty while at the bus stop and on the bus. All patrols on the bus must stay alert and are responsible for reporting any problems that take place at their bus stop or on their bus by completing an incident report. Other students will look to you to model appropriate behavior.

7. What time do patrols need to be at their posts at school?

Morning Duty

7:25-7:30 You may drop off your belongs in your classroom. Do not go to your classroom before 7:25! If your teacher is not in the room, put your backpack along the hallway wall.

7:30-7:50 You must stay at your post during this time. If you are runninglate, do not go to your classroom; instead go straight to your post. When you hear the late bell ring, this is when you leave your post and walk to your classroom.

Afternoon Duty

2:25-2:30 With your teacher’s permission, you may leave your classroom and go to your post. Do not leave before 2:25! You should take all of your belongings to your post.

2:30-2:45 Car riders, daycare, and first load bus riders should leave their posts when they hear their call for dismissal. Walkers and CASA may leave after all first load students are gone. Second load bus riders should report back to their classroom after all first load

students are gone.

8. Do patrols help with school assemblies?

If there is an assembly for the entire school (K-5th grade) during your duty week, you must wear your belt and badge to the assembly and assist with supervising the students at the assembly. You will only have to be on duty for assemblies in which the entire school is in the gymnasium all at the same time. For example, this would include any grade level music programs. Patrols should place themselves between the students sitting on the floor and the adults sitting in the chairs, all around the gymnasium. No more than 3 patrols are allowed to sit in the middle isle. If there is an extra chair available, patrols may sit there; but if an adult comes, the patrol should offer the chair to the adult.

9. Are all patrols on duty the first few weeks of school?

Yes, all patrols are on duty the first TWO weeks of school. You should report to school at 7:30 a.m. For the first week, Week A patrols should report to their assigned duty posts in the morning and afternoon. Week B patrols should meet in the lobby. In the morning, Week B patrols will help younger students find their classrooms. In the afternoon, Week B patrols will be holding bus signs out on the bus loop to assist students in finding their buses.During the second week of school, Week A patrols will assist students in finding their classrooms and holding bus signs and Week B patrols will be at their regular assigned posts.

10. How often will posts change?

Safety patrol posts will change each month. The schedule of posts is passed out at the training meeting and a copy is also posted on the patrol center bulletinboard.

11. How should I wear my belt and badge?

We will demonstrate the correct way to wear your belt and badge at training. Your belt should not hang down below your waist. Your belt and badge should look clean and presentable at all times. You must keep your belt and badge in a Ziploc bag. One will be provided for you at training. This bag will prevent anything from getting on your belt and badge. You will be held responsible for knowing where your belt and badge are at all times and for keeping them clean as well. Belts and badges should be visible at ALL times while on duty. This means on chilly or rainy days you must wear your belts and badges on the OUTSIDE of coats/ponchos.

All belts and badges will be numbered and assigned to a specific patrol. All belts and badges will be collected at the end of the year. At the end of the year, if you do not return your belt and badge or if it is damaged, you will be required to pay for it.

12. Will there be outside duty if the weather is cold or rainy?

There is outside duty for patrols unless the temperature is below 25 degrees. If there is no outside safety patrol duty, a sign will be posted at the patrol center and outside patrols should report to their classrooms. When you are assigned a post outside, please listen to the weather forecast so you know how to dress for outside duty. We have safety patrol ponchos that you may wear or if you’d like, you can keep a small umbrella in your backpack incase of rain.

13. What if someone is not following our safety rules?

Step 1: Ask that person POLITELY to stop.

Step 2: If that person continues the behavior, use an Incident Report form to document the violation. DO NOT THREATEN TO “WRITE SOMEONE UP.”Incident Report forms can be found in Mrs. Fornatora’s room or with the patrol captains.

Step 3: Return the completed Incident Report form to Mrs. Fornatora in room 34immediately.

14. How should I fill out an Incident Report?

Fill out the information requested on the form to the best of your knowledge. Try to include as much information as you can. Remember, you must SEE the violation happen, not hear it from someone else.

15. Are there situations when I should go find a teacher immediately?

YES!!! If there is a serious safety or health concern, a patrol should find the nearest teacher immediately. This includes fighting, someone getting sick, a fire, or someone who is severely injured.

16. Will we have Safety Patrol Captains?

Yes. Starting in October we will have Safety Patrol Captains. Captains will be selected by a drawing. If you are interested in a captain’s position, you must write your name on a piece of paper and place it in the Captain’s box located in Mrs. Fornatora’s room. If you are in Group A, you will be selected to be a captain during Group B’s week. If you are in Group B, you will be selected to be a captain during Group A’s week.

17. What will the Safety Patrol Captains’ jobs be?

Safety Patrol Captains will complete a log during their assigned morning and afternoon duty. In this log, captains will make sure there is a patrol at each post. They will make sure that each patrol who is on duty is wearing his/her badge and belt correctly and are at his/her post on time. Captains will also make notes of any inappropriate behavior by patrols.

18. What will happen if I do not fulfill my patrol duties?

The first time a patrol does not fulfill his/her safety patrol responsibilities, a warning will be given. If the patrol does not fulfill his/her responsibilities a second time, then the consequence will be a large deduction from his/her fifth grade checkbook. If the inappropriate behavior continues, then the advisors and administrators will consider withdrawing the patrol from the Safety Patrol program.

The following are a few examples of behaviors that could cause serious consequences:

-unexcused absences or tardies from your patrol post

-leaving a patrol post early

-playing around or socializing during duty

-yelling, bossing, or threatening another student

-wearing your belt or badge incorrectly or not at all while on duty

-inappropriate behavior at specials, in the classroom, on the bus, etc.

19. Are there any situations where a patrol could automatically lose his/her job?

Yes. If a patrol is caught fighting, referred to the office for inappropriate behavior, suspended, or expelled from school, he/she will automatically be dismissed from the patrol program.