Newsletter of the Claremont State Special School Community
Respect Independence Communication High self esteem
Claremont News
136A Robertson RoadSilkstone.Ipswich. 4304
Ph.: 07 3813 5333
Fax: 07 3813 5300 / Principal: Trish Thiedeman
P&C President: Bryony Churchill
Newsletter Number:13Date: 14 August 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a great day we all had at the Sport’s Day. Congratulations to the Cougars who won the event. A big thank you to AB for his organization and leadership, and to all the parents who came - thank you so much. Events like this are very special days at Claremont. The students love these fun events and it is great to see community involvement. Thank you to the P and C for your support of the day.
Facility update: The second floor slab has been laid and the roof structure is currently underway. The students are enjoying the photos and using them for great writing activities.
Dates to remember:
- This week is a full school week at Claremont. The Ekka Show day does not apply to our school.
- P and C meeting is this Wednesday at 1:15pm. Everyone is welcome.
- The Athletics Carnival at Queens Park is Wednesday 23 August for all groups except D1,D4 and C3. Activities will occur at school for students in these classes. All student written permission forms must be returned to school by Wednesday this week. Parents are welcome to attend the day.
- Please remember to complete the School Opinion Survey online by 25 August.
NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) which in now available for all families in Ipswich:
- It is essential that all parents register for the NDIA for your child. It is critical that you are accessing and receiving the support your child needs now and in the future.
- We will provide assistance where possible by providing access to current reports and plans once we have received written permission from you. DET staff will not complete new documents for the NDIA or complete assessments.
- I am providing a template for you if you wish to use it which is attached to this newsletter.
- Please be aware of the following if requesting information from the school for other organisations and externally providers:
“Schools cannot release information directly to the NDIA without signed parent consent and the NDIA should not be calling schools directly seeking student information. If the NDIA provider were to call the school they will be advised that any request for student information is made in writing regardless of whether the parent has approved the NDIA to contact the school. The school must have written parent consent to release the information directly to the NDIA.” DET Qld.
- Parents can access information at or the NDIS hotline — 1800 800 110. If you require further information please contact me.
Have a great week!
Trish Thiedeman
By Miss Melissa
Last week at Claremont we celebrated the middle of the term with Staff GOTCHA’s. Staff had the opportunity to acknowledge fellow staff and encourage the great work they are achieving. Each day we drew a winner and they were provided a little ‘treat’ and some whole school cheering.
We thought we would share some of the comments…
- Encouraging students when receiving awards in the front office.
- Fantastic work with communication and the senior students.
- Awesome welcomes at the front gate day after day.
- Always happy working with the students.
- Her amazing ‘great face’ during Intensive Interaction.
- Being observant of student progress.
- Positive attitude.
- Gentle approach with the students.
Every staff member is focused towards supporting our students develop respect, independence, communication and high self-esteem.
We will be having a student GOTCHA week in the upcoming weeks so get ready to celebrate more student success!
I can learn
Corey H, William, Levi, PJ, Declan, Heath, Chelsea, Joshua S, Ashleigh, Kimmy, Dalton, Jesse, Josh P / I am respectful
Zane, Ryan G, Luke B, Zarhra, James Mc, Ej, Blake, Joshua S, Ashleigh, Kimmy, Dalton, Jesse, Josh P / I am responsible
Joshua S, Ashleigh, Kimmy, Dalton, Jesse, Josh P / I am safe
Joshua S, Ashleigh, Kimmy, Dalton, Jesse, Josh P
By Mr AB
Claremont Special School retained their champion status at the outdoor soccer challenge hosted by the Ipswich City Football Club and the Ipswich City Bulls at Sutton Park.
After winning the inaugural challenge in 2016, Claremont beat Goodna Special 6-1 in the semi-finals and Ipswich West Special 4-1 in the grand finale.
Claremont played with a great deal of sportsmanship on and off the field and great soccer skills were on display from every member of the team. Ashleigh was voted the most promising player of the day.
Well done to our very elite soccer team Shawn, Chris, Jesse, Connor, Josh, Declan, Ashleigh, Tray, Joshua and Toby.
By Mr AB
Our Sports day was a great success with all the students going home with lots of ribbons from all of the events. The weather was perfect and it was great to see so many parents and carers attend the sport’s day.
The atmosphere of the school took on a festive look as the Crocodiles, Dragons and the Cougars began to engage in a friendly but very competition spirit throughout the day. Our students deserved the very best and for this reason accredited coaches from five sporting associations were invited to engage our students in soccer, touch, rugby union, netball and lawn bowls. Miss Trish (Principal) actively engaged herself in giving a helping hand to the lawn bowl coach and at the same time kept a watchful eye on the house scores as it developed during the day.
The highlights of the day were the water cup race, the egg and spoon race and the tug rope challenge. Well done to the parents for achieving first position against the staff in this tug event. At the end of the day the Cougars emerged as the winning house, closely followed by the Crocodiles and Dragons.
Our great sporting results reflect our student’s commitment evidenced by the fact more students received commendations for their great effort and behaviour at every sporting event. In particular our student’s participation in the outdoor soccer challenge is a case in point.
Facilities alone however do not make a great school. The heart and soul of our school is the collective talent of its students, teachers and parents. .
Finally, thank you to those parents who generously offered their time to assist with various tasks during the day, your help made things run more smoothly.
By Miss SeonMr Kieran
Hello Everyone,
We had a wonderful opportunity to visit Durack State School where we experienced a RoleM learning walk. RoleM is Claremont’s adopted mathematics framework. The walking journey allowed us to observe students learning and having fun with Mathematics. The students were engaging in rotation activities that covered a range of RoleM learning experiences.
We witnessed several ideas and strategies that we would like to implement across classrooms within the school. Classes B 2/3 have implemented rotational activities as a strategy in the classroom since teachers visited Durack State School earlier in the year. The Staff report that this has been a great success and are making adjustments to support the students learning when needed.
Over the holidays, the pathways around our school were painted with 10 frames, number ladders, number lines and clocks to help provide an alternate learning space where students can engage in numeracy tasks. It has been awesome to see classes engaging in numeracy outside of the classroom and enjoying the beautiful weather.
MrsSeon and Mr Kieran
Our seniors recycle paper each week and make bricks suitable for starting fires inside, outside and camping. They sell for $3.00/bag. If you are interested please contact Miss Kristy or Admin.
Our Earn and Learn is up and running with everyone bringing in their stickers. Remember the more stickers we receive the more learning resources we receive. A box is available in admin.
The P & C would like to thank our recent volunteers who have been helping out with Breakfast Club over the past two weeks. We greatly appreciate you as without our dedicated volunteers it would be impossible to have these mornings run smoothly.
Don’t forget to get your orders in for your kids Melamine Plates and Clocks. All orders are due in by WEDNESDAY 23 August. If you have not received your order form please come to the office to collect a spare one.
At our last P & C meeting which was held on 18 July, our Vice President Abby Fletcher put in her resignation, which has now given way for new members to join our amazing P & C.
As a valued member of the committee you will be involved with meeting our school community and helping with fundraising. If you feel this could be something that you would like to do, please come along to our next meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY 16August at 1.15pm. You are all welcome. See you there.
P & C Secretary
Tracy Mullin
The past few weeks as a school chaplain has really been an eye opener. I have had the opportunity to meet with a number of new chaplains in the Ipswich and Lockyer Valley region with different programs running in their schools. Many of these programs require the assistance of volunteers to help run and organise activities for their students. Over the next few weeks I would like to gather together a number of willing parents/carers to join with me to develop a team who can actively participate in introducing these programs for our students both in the evenings and over weekends. So if you are interested in becoming part of an exciting new venture please give me a call or send me an email (details below).
Breakfast club has gone from strength to strength thanks to the fantastic volunteers and our wonderful supplier the YMCA, generous parents and staff. Drumming as always is enjoyed by many of the students with a number of students becoming quite competent as drummers in their own right. I had the privilege of running a drumming workshop with 70+ school chaplains at our state conference last week with amazing results. Many chaplains asked how they to can take drumming into their schools. On this note I must say a very big thank you to Trish and our wonderful school team for their constant encouragement and for allowing me the opportunity to develop such a wonderful program for our students.
Chappy Bill Mobile – 0416888573 Email: