Pilgrims Way

Congregational & Methodist Church

Minister: Rev Nicola Vidamour
Telephone: 020 8548 4945

Nicola’s day off each week is Friday.
Church Office: 020 8552 5030
Visit our Website @ http://www.pilgrimsway.org

Newsletter for week beginning

14th July 2013

Worship Today

10:30am / Revd Sara Coggin – Holy Communion
6.30pm / Revd Nicola Vidamour

Dates for Your Diary

Wed 17th July / 10am-12 noon / Coffee Morning and Nearly New
Wed 17th July / 11:00am / Prayer Meeting
Wed 17th July / 2:00pm / Wednesday Followship – Visit to see Briony (time to be arranged)

Pastoral Care

If you know of anyone who would like a pastoral visit, please let Nicola, or one of the Elders or the church office know. See Nicola’s and the Church telephone numbers above.

Prayer Requests

The Elders are available to pray with you after the service today and also pray during the week for any needs and concerns which have been brought to them.

Text for the Week

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink”......

John 7 v 37

Nearly New

No more clothing until further notice, please. Thanks,Diane Charman.

Church Meeting

There will bea Church Meeting following the service on July 21st.

Funeral Service Information

The funeral servicefor Janet Hand will be held at Pilgrims Wayat 12 noon on Monday 15th July followed by a 2:00pm Committal at the City of London.

Oxfam Trailwalker 2013

I am once again taking part in this annual 100km charity fundraiser, trekking over the South Downs. Pilgrims Way Church has been my main sponsor,over theyears that I have participatedand I hope that you will continue to sponsor me again this year. All monies raised will go to Oxfam and the Gurkha Welfare Trust. The event this year takes place on the 27/28 of July 2013. Please see me in church and indicate your willingness to support me once again. Monies pledged will only be collected after the event (August-September 2013). Thank you on behalf of the many who will benefit from yourgenerosity. Julian Maicheal

Lunch Club

Lunch Club meets every Monday at Bart’s Cafe at 12.30pm. A tasty three course lunch cost £5.50, good company and lots of things to chat about - come and join us. See Sue for further details.

Volunteers Needed! - To Help In Bart’s Cafe

If you can spare a few hours each week to help prepare and serve in our Community Cafe please contact Sue in the Cafe or phone the number below. Be part of food and friendship in East Ham! St Bartholomew – East Ham Team Office, 292b Barking Road, London, E6 3BA – Telephone: 020 8470 0011- – www.twitter.com/easthamteam.

Weekly Offertory

Total Offertory received from Envelopes and Loose offerings for Sunday, 7th July was £0.00.

Sunday Morning Service CDs now available

CD recordings of the Sunday morning service are available. Please speak to Paul Stokes if you would like a copy.

Please give notices to Mary King or e-mail her on:

All submissions to be received before Wednesday evening for inclusion in the next issue. Leave a message on or e-mail:


This last week, the Methodist Conference has been meeting at Westminster Central Hall. I attended the Opening of Conference last Saturday morning and one of the ordination services (at Wesley’s Chapel) last Sunday evening. I also spent some time in the public gallery on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday listening to the debates and meeting up with friends! I was particularly glad to be there when the Archbishop of Canterbury gave an address to the Conference on Wednesday afternoon.

On my way to and from Conference, I have been able to visit Geoff English in Barts Hospital and Enid Walters at the Royal London. It felt like I was moving between two worlds as I went from the debating floor to a hospital ward. And yet, it was also very moving to realise that these two places were deeply connected. They are both an expression of what we are about as a church – seeking to be present pastorally with those individuals and families who are going through a difficult time and also engaging with those more public issues of working for the common good which are on the agenda not just at the Methodist Conference but within society as a whole.

Both at Conference and in the hospitals people are dealing with both life and death. Conference had to make difficult decisions about what work needed to “die” in order that other work might be resourced and strengthened. In the hospitals people were also struggling with the pain and grief of loss – and yet striving also to hold onto hope and faith.

I had a powerful sense this week that all that we do and all that we are is held in the context of eternity. We believe in a Gospel which speaks of death and resurrection. We believe in what we cannot yet see. We believe - in the words of one the hymns which we sang at Conference - that:

Best of all is God is with us,

in our joy and though our pain,

till that final acclamation:

‘ life is Christ and death is gain’.


Daily Bible Readings

Fast and Festival / Psalm
Sun / 14th / Luke 10 v 25-37 / 25
Mon / 15th / Leviticus 19 v 1-10 / 126
Tue / 16th / Leviticus 19 v 11-18 / 127
Wed / 17th / Leviticus 19 v 26-37 / 132
Thurs / 18th / Leviticus 23 v 1-8 / 135
Fri / 19th / Leviticus 23 v 9-22 / 136
Sat / 20th / Leviticus 23 v 23-44 / 138

Sunday Worship Next Week 21st July 2013

10:30am / Revd Nicola Vidamour – All-Age Worship
6:30pm / Revd Sara Coggin – Holy Communion

Rotas for next Week 21st July 2013

Vestry a.m. / - / Rosetta and Handinetti
Vestry p.m. / - / Mary
Elder / - / Fred
Welcome / - / June
Door/Books / - / Emy and David
Flowers / - / Abigail
Coffee / - / Church Meeting – No Coffee
Creche / - / Hayleigh and Mary A
Organ a.m. / - / Paul
Organ p.m. / - / Sue
Readers / - / All Age Worship/Junior Church
Holy Communion - pm / - / Sue
Sunday Collection Cashiers / - / Olu and Mary K

For Our Prayers

John, Mary and Ruth Hand / Mourning the death of Janet
Enid Walters / In hospital following a stroke
Sue Stinson / Awaiting further surgery for breast cancer
Geoff & Chris English / Geoff is critically ill in hospital after a series of heart attacks
Hannah Cole / Ill health
Janice Carter / Recovering from a fall

All those suffering from cancer

All those who are housebound or in Care Homes

Those receiving ongoing medical treatment or awaiting/receiving/recovering from surgery

All those finding life stressful

Unemployed people seeking work

People in the Horn of Africa suffering in the drought

The situations in Iraq/Afghanistan and Syria

Christians in Iraq/Egypt/Pakistan and Nigeria