Newsletter for EAA Chapter 99, Vero Beach, FL
March, 2005
Aviation Day, the biggest event of the year for chapter 99 is almost upon us. To be a part of this important event, read on.
JackMill from Piper gave an excellent presentation on aircraft certification at the January meeting. We need more interesting programs for the future, if you have any ideas for what you would like to see or know about let anyone on the staff know and we will try to have it. For March Gerd P. has again volunteered. His program will be about flying to the Bahamas.
The meeting was opened by Pres. KeithGordon at 7:00 PM with the introduction of guests. There were 14 Chapter 99 members and 4 guests present. Next was the reading of the minutes of the January meeting which were approved by those present. The treasurers report showing a balance of $5,884.61 was also approved.
Under builder reports KenMishler stated that he had his rebuilt engine installed and was ready to run it for the first time. ToddScher’s Piper Pacer repairs after storm damage have been completed and the airplane is ready to fly. Gerd P. had to replace a window which was damaged during repairs to his Maule from storm damage.
Gerd P. reported on the chapter web site and made a request for more information from chapter 99 members for information. ToddScher reported on the progress for Aviation Day and told of some interesting airplanes which are expected to attend. Pres. Keith then requested volunteers for Young Eagles on Sat. Feb. 26. KenMishler and Marty Marugg responded.
Keith then closed the meeting, and those present enjoyed an excellent program which was about aircraft certification presented by JackMill. Jack is an Engineer from Piper Aircraft who is in charge of new product development.
February 26 was not very good weatherwise for Young Eagles. Only two youngsters attended and were flown by BillZorc. The next Young Eagles Day will be March 26.
Aviation Day is an important function for the Chapter as it is the only fund raiser we have. There are some specific tasks for which volunteers are needed such as the placing of ID signs on participating aircraft, monitering the computer flight simulator and most important, security. Everybodys help is needed.
The main attraction for the event will be a WWIIPBY and a T-6. Roadsigns have been purchased by the airport which volunteer chapter 99 members have placed around the city.
There will be two more planning meetings held for Aviation Day. One on Tuesday March 1 and one on Thursday March 3 at 7:00 PM. All chapter members are welcome to attend. Setup for the event will take place on Friday March 4 all day and early Saturday morning March 5. Volunteers are needed for both days. Just show up, there will be plenty of things needed to be done. Members are requested to wear their yellow chapter T-shirts and to be on the ramp by 8:00 AM.
Have you checked the chapter 99 website? Sylvia has been doing a great job with it, but she needs help with information. Write a brief history of yourself and your aviation activities. Include pictures of your airplanes, airplane projects or anything relevant to the chapter. Bring them along to a meeting.
It’s that time of year again, $20.00 dues for Chapter 99 are due and payable at any chapter meeting. In order to keep our records up to date, we need you to complete a renewal form included with this newsletter.
T-Hangar #16 at Vero BeachMunicipalAirport
Tue. Mar. 1, Ch. 99 Staff & planning meeting, 7:00 PM
(incl. Aviation Day), interested members welcome
Thur. Mar. 3, Aviation Day Preparation Meeting, 7:00 PM
Sat Mar. 5, Aviation Day, Vero BeachMunicipalAirport
Tue. Mar. 8, Ch. 99 Regular monthly meeting, 7:00PM
Bring an interested guest
Sat. Mar. 26, Ch. 99 Young Eagles & Pancake Breakfast
8:00 AM (volunteers needed)
Tue. Apr. 5, Ch. 99 Staff & planning meeting, 7:00 PM
(incl. Aviation Day and KitFox, interested
members welcome)
Tue. Apr. 12, Ch. 99 Regular monthly meeting, 7:00 PM
Bring an interested guest
Apr. 12 – Apr. 18 Sun ‘n Fun EAA Fly-in, Lakeland, FL
Sat. Apr. 23, Ch. 99 Young Eagles & Pancake Breakfast
8:00 AM (volunteers needed)
Editor…………………………… Landis 772-567-2506