Telephone Box

The Parish Council are still working hard to ensure that the phone box that was removed from the Nancledra telephone box by BT without any prior consultation is reinstated. We need your help to do this and would strongly encourage everyone to complete the survey that was recently handed out by Councillors in relation to communication and mobile phone access in Nancledra. This survey is on behalf of Derek Thomas MP as he needs to know your views on mobile phone coverage, the phone box and other issues within the Parish so that he can act on them. Please do complete this survey and return it to the Parish Council. We are trying to organise a meeting with Martin Fagan from the Community Heartbeat Trust to move this forward. If you would like to lend weight to our efforts then please write to Derek Thomas MP to express your concern.

New Clerk

Margaret Taylor stepped down as Clerk/RFO to the Parish Council in January and will be much missed. The Parish Council would like to thank her for her tireless work over the past eight years and wish her well with her new ventures. The Parish Council have appointed Fiona Drew who, although she has no previously clerking experience, is a very experienced Finance Administrator with a strong IT background, and we wish her all the best in her new role. Fiona’s contact details are as follows: 19 Primrose Lane, Goldsithney, Penzance, TR20 9LX Tel: 07986 667509.

Dark Skies Update

A survey relating to Dark Skies will be going out by post on or around 27th February. This will be coming from Derek Thomas’ office to every household in the West Cornwall and Isles of Scilly constituency. We would encourage all households to fill this out and send it back. Dark Skies is a non-political initiative and needs everyone to get behind it. It is supported by the Duchy of Cornwall, AONB and the National Trust. Councillor Kevin Hughes, our Council Chairman, who is also the Chair of Dark Skies, and Councillor Jon Brookes, the Chairman of Zennor PC, appeared on Radio Cornwall live on Monday 13th February to promote the Dark Skies initiative. They have also done various TV interviews in relation to this as well.

Lantern & Balloon Ban

Cornwall Council has recently banned the release of lanterns and balloons on all Council owned and managed land, and is now looking to make a Public Spaces Protection Order preventing the release of these items from all Public Open Spaces in Cornwall. The Parish Council recently voted unanimously to support this ban by banning the release of Sky Lanterns and Balloons from all Parish Council owned land, namely Cledry Meadow. The reason for this ban is the danger they pose to livestock and the environment. Horses and cattle have previously ingested them and died and burning lanterns have come down and set fire to land and property.


The Parish Council welcomes all residents to the monthly Parish Council meetings. There is a 15 minute period, at the start of each meeting, which is set aside specifically so that residents can voice any concerns they have on any parish matter. After this period they may choose to leave, or stay and listen to (but not join in) council deliberations.

The Parish Council needs to know residents views on parish matters to enable it to make balanced judgements and sound decisions on the important matters that affect our community.

The Parish Council usually meets on the last Tuesday in the month at 7.00pm (exceptions to this are May & December). The meeting dates for the next three months are: 28th March, 25th April and 16th May. The AGM will be held prior to the meeting on 16th May, commencing at 6.30pm.


You can contact the Parish Council by email at: or by telephoning the Clerk, Fiona Drew on 07986 667509, or by contacting any member of the Council as follows:

Mr W L Hollow 01736 741350

Mr K Hughes 07923383149 (Chairman)

Mrs J Evans 01736 740858

Mr M Harandon 01736 740012(Vice- Chairman)

Mr J Brookes 01736 799492

Mr D Carr

Mrs A Philip