IN ATTENDANCE: Molly Kirschling, Karen Nichols, Karin Johnson, Jackie Kruszek, Katie McCrimmon, Elizabeth O’Donnell, Debbie Jordan, Lori Coughlin, Lorraine Weissman, Melissa Kelly, Sherry Beardshear, Kim Brummond, Jennifer Snodgrass.


Karin was happy to report that Polaris had the highest CSAP scores in reading in the district. Third grade showed tremendous growth.

Polaris won Chomper’s Spree trophy which was presented in a great assembly.

Karin reported that Danny Mey would like to teach art only. Keeping him on our staff will maintain his integral and enduring knowledge of the school and his wonderful relationships with students. We will take this as a year-by-year decision.

Lori suggested the Jog-a-thon be fundraising for the PE position. Lorraine made a motion to earmark those funds and the motion passed.

Lori commented that we will have to focus on 2011-2012 fundraising to make up for the funds if the PE position is approved. We discussed stepping up grant-writing, and Karen Nichols pointed out that our community has always stepped up in times of need. Jackie moved to vote to fund up to $32,500 for a part-time PE teacher. Jennifer Snodgrass seconded the motion and it passed. This is a one-year commitment.

The extra .5 teacher will allow us to give all teachers more planning. Those present discussed the possibility of using Chris Conrad for PE in cooperation with classroom teachers. Karin will discuss with faculty.

Karin reported that she is thrilled with our new hires. The new 3rd grade teacher has a strong literacy background (former librarian) and the new 5th grade teacher is a former math/science facilitator.


Kim Brummond reported that Bethany Tucker has agreed to be the PTO treasurer. Many program coordinator positions have been filled. Open positions include:

¬Staff Appreciation


¬Chess Club

¬Student Council

¬Original Works


Sherry moved to keep the Jog-a-thon October 15th unless calendar issues complicate the schedule; if so, we will hold it October 14th. The motion passed.

Elizabeth O’Donnell found animation/claymation software teachers really like through Lutz. Each teacher will choose a subject to use for animation. Grade level will adapt animation for specific curricula. Danny Mey will help facilitate.

Katie McCrimmon suggested we move to a once-a-week e-blast newsletter. The Steck coordinator will help us get up to speed. Lorraine motioned that we commit $300 to get this up and running, and the motion passed.


Lori reminded everyone that next year’s officers are: Lorraine Weissman, President; Jennifer Snodgrass, Secretary; Bethany Tucker, Treasurer.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00.