1333 Cowpath Rd, Hatfield, PA 19440

Pastor Clay Moyer

Church Office: 215.855.3064

Web: www.hatfieldcob.org






News from Hatfield Church of the Brethren Food Cupboard

Earlier this month the Food Cupboard received some great news about our government funding. Normally, our grant amounts are announced in July, however since there was a delay in passing the State budget this year, we have been operating without our government grant since last July. We have been very fortunate to have our Shop-Rite grant at Philabundance, which has allowed us to keep our shelves fully stocked.

However, we were just notified that the State Food Purchase program is now authorized at funding levels nearly the same as last year. Our pantry has been granted the same amount as last year --- $11,000 to spend through June 30th. So we are in good shape!!

The new Produce Hub program with Philabundance has been such a blessing! Every Wednesday we go to Manna to pick up our ‘share’ of fresh produce. So far we have received about 250 pounds of produce each week --- potatoes, onions, apples, carrots, cabbages, and many other hardy fruits and vegetables. We are happy to be able to offer fresh produce through the winter months. Thank you to Clay for helping with the produce hub pick-ups!

In February Saint Maria Goretti will be collecting personal care items to donate to our pantry. They are asking for items such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, hand sanitizer, and tissues. If you would like to contribute any items you can drop them off any time at the pantry. We plan to distribute the items in March.

Stay warm!

Kelly Poehlmann

NEWS from Friendship House Day Care Center

January has come and gone, and we are just now seeing old man winter show his face! We survived our first major winter storm, had a very busy January, and are looking forward to an exciting leap year month of February.

The first theme in February will be Human Habitats. This week the children will discover that people around the world live in all different types of homes. Some people live in the country in a house; others live in the city in an apartment. Some humans even live in tee-pees and igloos! This was a great week to discover the diversity of humans and how we can all adapt to our own habitat.

The next theme in February will be Caring Cupid. This week we will discuss all things Valentines, as well as what it means to love and care about someone. We will discuss how we can show people that we love them and talk about the different caring connections we have at home, school and in our community. We will also spend some time this week making Valentine’s Day boxes for ourselves, and maybe even a special card for our favorite Valentine! Friday, February 12th we will have a Valentine’s Day party at afternoon snack, please keep an eye out in your child’s classroom for a party sign-up sheet!

The next theme in February will be Leaders & Legacies. We will be closed Monday, February 15th for an in service day, so please mark your calendars! This week we will discuss what a President does and who some famous past Presidents were. We will talk about what kind of things we would do if we were President and make our own rules for the country. We will also discuss some famous Presidents such as Washington and Lincoln and talk about why they were so important.

The last theme in February is Delightful Dinosaurs. This theme is two weeks long because there is so much to learn about dinosaurs that we wanted to make sure we had enough time to explore it all! We will learn about the different types of dinosaurs, their diet, what we would do if they still roamed the earth today and so much more. Friday, February 26th Miss Jen will be sharing her “Dino Rap” with all the children, this should be super fun and we are looking forward to it. We will even have a chance to create and name our own dinosaurs, how exciting!

As always, we are looking forward to a great month ahead. We will continue learning and exploring every day and are excited for what this month will bring. We continue to work towards our second STAR, thank you for supporting us along the way. There will be several days over the next few months that some of us will be attending STARS training, which will give us new ideas and perspectives on the best learning practices for young children. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to see Miss Jen.

Important Dates to Remember:

Friday, February 12th - Valentine’s Day party (PM Snack time)

Wednesday February 10th - CAL Sports

Monday, February 15th - School Closed for IN SERVICE

Friday, February 26th - Dinosaur Theme Day

Thank you for your continued love and support of Friendship House!

Miss Jen



04 – Paul Jones

13 – Connie Holbert


21 – Andrew and Kelly Hanks


·  Brandon Hanks – 610-335-6339

·  Pamula Budish – 215-353-8794


The 29th production of the multidenominational Christian community theatre group will run February 4th through February 14th. Call the Box Office at 215-368-9484 for show location, times, ticket cost and to reservations tickets.


the topic of the Community Lenten Services beginning February 17th at 7:30pm. Lent is a time to ponder and proclaim the fact that after every Good Friday in our lives, there is always an Easter, because Christ has risen. As people of the Resurrection, we already know how it all turns out, so that makes “living Lent” a different experience for us as we retrace Christ’s steps to the cross during this holy season, fully aware that Easter has already come to pass.


§  February 17th at Grace Lutheran Church “Purpose” - Scripture: Luke 19:1-10, Father Andrew Brownholtz preaching.

§  February 24th at Emmanuel EC Church “People” - Scripture: John 10:14-18, Pastor David Lutcher preaching.

§  March 2nd at Heidelberg UCC

“Proclaim” - Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9-10, Pastor Glenn Lambert, preaching.

§  March 9th Hatfield Church of the Brethren “Praise” - Scripture: Psalm 34:1-10, Pastor Marianne Unger, preaching.

§  March 16th at St. Maria Goretti “Pain”–Scripture: Luke 15:11-32; 23:26-49, Pastor Clay Moyer, preaching.


What’s Happening


Tuesday, February 2nd

Food Cupboard

Noon – 2:00pm.


Thursday - Sunday

February 4th – 7th

Laymen Playmen Inc


Call 215-368-9484

for show times and tickets


Sunday, February 7th

Bible Study

“Current Events”


Pastor Clay Moyer

Morning Worship


Dr. Robert Cleveland


Monday, February 8th

Worshipful Work



Wednesday, February 10th


The beginning of Lent


Thursday - Sunday

February 11th – 14th

Laymen Playmen Inc


Call 215-368-9484

for show times and tickets


Sunday, February 14th

Bible Study

“Current Events”


Pastor Clay Moyer

Morning Worship


Dr. Robert Cleveland


Tuesday, February 16th

Food Cupboard

Noon – 2:00pm.


Wednesday, February 17th

Community Lenten Service

Grace Lutheran Church

Father Andrew Brownholtz


Saturday, February 20th

Food Cupboard

10:00am – 11:00am.


Sunday, February 21st

Bible Study

“Current Events”


Pastor Clay Moyer

Morning Worship


Dr. Robert Cleveland


Monday, February 22nd

Food Cupboard

6:30pm – 7:30pm.


Wednesday, February 24th

Community Lenten Service

Emmanuel EC Church

Pastor David Lutcher



Sunday, February 28th

Bible Study

“Current Events”


Pastor Clay Moyer

Morning Worship


Dr. Robert Cleveland


Sunday Helpers


Sunday Ministry Team

07 – Annette & Don Hanks

14 – Connie & Carl Holbert

21 – Annette & Don Hanks

28 – Connie & Carl Holbert


07 – Don Hanks

14 – Dottie Witman

21 – Rob Hanks

28 – Kathy Warren

Worship Leaders

07 – Annette Hanks

14 – Carole Bruning

21 – Carl Holbert

28 – Connie Holbert


07 – Robin McMahon

14 – Robin McMahon

21 – Robin McMahon

28 – Robin McMahon

Steward Counters

07 – Paul Jones & Don Hanks

14 – Carl & Connie Holbert

21 – Rob Hanks & Don Hanks

28 – Paul Jones & Don Hanks

Additional February Event

The Franconia-Lancaster Choral Singers present an ‘A Cappella Hymn Sing’, comparing the Harmonia Sacra hymnal arrangements with the Hymnal Worship Book arrangements. A free will offering will be taken. The hymn sing will take place on two nights:

§  Saturday, February 20th at 7:30pm at Landisville Mennonite Church, 3320 Bowman Road, Landisville, PA

§  Sunday, February 21st at 3pm at Plains Mennonite Church, 50 W. Orvilla Road, Lansdale, PA


Attendance Offering

January 03: 13 $ 881.00

January 10: 9 $ 720.00

January 17: 17 $ 986.00

January 24: Snow & Ice

January 31: Not Available

Weekly Offering Needed

To Meet 2016 Budget:



We continue to collect used shoes (box in the foyer at church) for The Firely Foundation. Keep your shoes coming!

Peter Becker Community’s 33rd Annual


Spring Marketplace

March 17-19, 2016

Thursday & Friday: 10am – 6pm

Saturday: 9am – 2pm.

Mark the dates!