News from Netherfield CE Primary School

September 2014

A big welcome to the newest members of our school family:-

Florence, Reece, Faith, Sebastian, Siena, Mae, Miya, Lucian, Henry, Renée H, Robert, Megan, James, George, Teegan, Sophia-Rose, Eliza, Reuben, Maria, Ethan, Renée T.

We hope that you will be very happy here at our school.

Star of the Year

At the end of the last academic year our star of the year award was presented to Lucas. The staff think very hard about who should receive this award and it is given not for any one reason but a multitude of reasons. Well done to Lucas for making such an impact in all walks of school life


Our year 6 class have just returned from their week long residential at PGL and what a fantastic week they had! I am sure all year 6 parents would join with Mrs Gill in thanking the children for behaving so well and also thanking the staff who accompanied the trip. The staff give up time with their own families to undertake this trip and we really do appreciate this. Letters have gone out to current year 4 and year 5 children about the PGL residential in September 2015, please return your slip to advise if you can attend the parents meeting.


The new Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme has started in school and thank you to all the parents who have signed up to parentpay to allow easy meal booking. If you have not signed up previously and would like to do so, please ask Mrs Kersey to arrange log in details for you. Parentpay has recently been upgraded and you can now select all meal options not just main or vegetarian options as it was previously. We are aiming to move to cashless lunch ordering in the near future.

Inset Days and Diary Dates

We know that Inset days can be inconvenient to parents and we try to arrange them attached to a weekend to try and help. Please be assured the staff are not “having an extra days holiday” but are undertaking vital training. The Inset day that we just undertook was held in conjunction with all the local rural schools in our cluster and was training on how to deliver outstanding lessons and being an outstanding practitioner, all staff had to attend.

Please see attached list of important dates for your diary.

Named Uniform / PE Kit / Hair

Please ensure that all uniform is named including lunchboxes and shoes. This makes reuniting lost property much easier and quicker for all involved. Please also ensure that your child has a PE kit in school at all times. Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied up in school at all times.


Please see the attached attendance document. Time away from school really does have a big impact on learning. We are going to implement a class attendance initiative and will announce at celebration assembly which class has the best attendance.

School Day Reminder

Please can we remind parents that children must not be left unaccompanied on the school site prior to 8.45am for safety reasons. A member of staff will be on the playground from 8.45am. The whistle is blown at 8.55am for children to come into school for registration. If your child is not present at 8.55am, they will be marked late.
Also, at the end of the day we dismiss the children at 3.15pm and parents must ensure that they are here promptly to collect their children. Key stage 1 children are only allowed out of the building if the teacher can see a parent/carer but key stage 2 children are dismissed directly from their classrooms. If for any reason you are going to be late, please contact the school to advise us, so that we can keep your child inside the building. Thank you.


Reminder to all parents that no parking is permitted on school grounds at the start or end of the school day, unless disabled access is required. This is for health and safety reasons as the site is very busy at these times. Thank you.

Summer Reading Challenge

Well done to everyone who took part in the summer reading challenge at the library. The library service are coming to school to hand out your certificates in early October in a special assembly.

After School Tennis Club

Mondays & Tuesdays at 4pm, Battle Tennis Club at the recreation ground. Call Nick Montague for further details on 01424 848572 or 07824 799632.

Diary Dates

School Photos- 9th October

Harvest Festival at Church – 16th October

Inset day – 3rd November

Key Stage 1 & Foundation Stage Nativity in school- 9th & 10th December afternoon.

Christmas Carol Concert at Church – 17th December

End of Term – 19th December