2nd Edition September 2016
Fellow Lions,
I experienced my first Council Meeting 19-21 August. Whilst it was great to meet with my fellow District Governor’s again and enjoy their friendship there was plenty of work done and I will endeavour to update everyone on some of the important issues.
Membership became a big agenda item over the weekend, whether new members, retention, new clubs or an exit survey. 6 Districts are close to or below the magic figure of 1250 members and we all agreed that they implement Rebuilding Programs as a priority and assistance be given to those Districts by the Multiple District and their District GMT & GLT Teams. All Districts are required to increase their membership and make use of their assistance as well. Boundaries also became part of this and Executive Officer Rob Oerlemans has put together a map. It is recommended that all leaving members be invited to complete an exit survey.
Here is the link to the exit survey.
All Lions will be encouraged to register for the upcoming Regional Lions Institute (RLLI) to be held in Melbourne in February 2017. Registration forms will be available shortly.
The Advanced Lions Leadership Institute (ALLI) is being held in Sydney September 2016. 2VDG Bill Moore will be attending this Institute.
The Faculty Development Institute will be held in Auckland - March 2017. This is a “Train the Trainer” type Institute and there will be only 14 or 15 places allocated to Australia. This Institute is for those interested in providing development programs in our District. Information and Application forms are available through the Lions Clubs International website.
We are discouraged to use the word “training” so it has been suggested that we use any other e.g. Leadership skills/development/forum, etc etc
International President Bob Corlew will be visiting Western Australia after the ANZI Forum in Indonesia. This will be his only visit to Australia.
Past International President Yamada will be visiting N5 to meet with the representatives of the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Foundation and the Garvan Institute with a view of assisting and promoting the research already being undertaken.
Since the announcement of LCIF funding US$2million at Echuca in May, a great deal of work has been underway to get this project started, ALCCRF has made an initial payment to the project of $250,000 and are currently planning with the assistance of Garvan Institute a major appeal to enable funding the commitment of $1.3million dollars over the next 3 years.
Lions are encouraged to make use of the Lions Learning Centre at Lions Clubs International - to log on members will need to know their member number and how their name is registered in MyLCI. There are a variety of interesting modules.
Clubs have received information from V3 with regard to IGA and the dairy Farmers. The District Governors allowed for this to be circulated. It is your own club’s decision as to whether you support the project. Perhaps clubs may wish to support more of our local projects.
N4 District Project - Are you 18? A WILL sounds serious... but U seriously NEED ONE. “”
Family Dues - Family Dues rebate policy - There is no family rebate from Multiple District on half yearly dues for the 2016/17 Lions year. Should membership increase to above 27,000 in the next Lions year, the rebate will apply for the full Lions year. Family rebate still applies to International Dues. Clubs secretaries are reminded to review membership records in MyLCI every month, but particularly prior to 30 June and 31 December each year. It is your responsibility to ensure the information is correct. This is the membership record that will be used to determine MD 201 dues and any requests for the adjustment of the numbers recorded as at 30 June and 31 December cannot be acceded to.
Club celebratory functions - Multiple District will not meet the costs of the Council Chairman to attend Club celebratory functions and likewise District Governors are not reimbursed from LCI. It becomes a clubs responsibility to meet the cost if you invite the District Governor as your guest.
ANZI Pacific Forum will beheld in Ballarat, September 2017 and Council of Governors meeting will held be prior to the Forum.
Lions Australia Directories - 2016/17 Directories are available for purchase from the MD 201 Club Supplies shop. Council has endorsed the approach to use the MD201 Club Supplies shop to manage MD201 directories in the future. The price will be set in advance through the shop and charges will either be invoiced on receipt of the directory or may be paid with order. Currently each District is billed for the directories and then it is District responsibility to claim reimbursement from clubs.
Youth of the Year Project - A notice of motion will be put forward at MD Convention Hobart to extend the Youth of the Year Project for a further 3 years to 2020. This is a category “A” project.
Child Protection Policy - This policy has been substantially revised to identify - responsibilities for child protection; procedures for risk management; management of working with Children checks and reporting. It was resolved “That Council recommends that each District Governor advises the management of any Youth oriented activity conducted within the District under the auspices of Lions, of the obligations arising under the Child Protection legislation in their jurisdiction.”
Please be aware of our policy which can be found on the District Q4 webpage. Also ensure that you have a Blue Card register kept up to date and if you have names on that list who are no longer lions steps need to be taken to have those names removed from this register.
Insurance - Lioness Clubs - Advice has been received from Senior Council in Lions Clubs International regarding insurance coverage for Lioness Clubs, in response from a District. The advice will be provided directly to Lioness Clubs and their sponsoring Lions club, however, in brief, Council has affirmed that a Lioness Club is a project of its sponsoring Lions Club and must not become an Incorporated Association in its own right. Such action risks voiding insurance coverage.
District Convention28-30 October at Pacific Paradise State School - If you have not yet registered for Convention please do so URGENTLY. The Committee is working very hard to ensure a great time, guest speakers such as Dr Carlos who is currently researching Ovarian Cancer and representing the Lions Medical Research Foundation, Dr Sharma and his work setting up eye clinics in Nepal and several others speakers. You will not be disappointed - a weekend of fun, friendship and learning about Lions. We will be entertained at the Saturday Evening Function by a very professional group of entertainers with a pirate theme and decorations will be red and black. Representation from every club would be wonderful. At this Convention we are required to amend our District Constitution and By-Laws in accordance with the directions of the International Board of Directors. Mandatory Constitution and By-Laws rules have made it necessary to adopt a revised Constitution.
Centennial Legacy Project - Don’t forget to build a Lions Legacy and connect with your communities.
Worldwide Week of Service for Sight - host a service project during October for Worldwide Week of Service for Sight.
LCIF - Many disasters are happening worldwide and your donation to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) will enable much needed assistance to be given to Disaster related projects throughout the world. 100% of every dollar donated to LCIF goes to the people in need. Your donation will be eligible to go towards a Melvin Jones Fellowship or Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship.
MyLCI - I cannot stress enough the importance of ALL club secretaries reporting membership and activities through MyLCI. Last month 15 clubs did not submit a report on time, please do the “no changes” report at the beginning of every month and it is done unless you need to add or drop a member and this can be done throughout the month. It is just as important with your activities. Zone Chairman I ask that you check prior to the end of the month and contact your clubs if they have not done their reports.
New Club - The new Australian Motorhoming Lions Club was chartered on 30th June 2016. Last Thursday evening at the Gympie RSL 1st Vice District Governor Rod Somerville and I presented President Len Waddington with their Centenary Charter and individual Lions with their Centenary Charter Certificate and Lapel Pin. It was a wonderful night for fun and friendship and I wish the club every success. The club now has 44 members - well done!
It has been a number of years since we chartered a new Lions Club so here’s hoping this is the beginning of a new trend and we will charter more clubs in our District in the very near future.
DG Visitations and other calendar events are as follows:
September - Membership Focus Students & Leo Lions
1Charter presentation new Australian Motorhoming Lions Club
2/4ANZI Forum Yogjakarta Indonesia
8International Literacy Day
9AGM Lions inPlace
13Mooloolaba Lions & Lioness
14Coolum Lions and Lioness
19Moore Park & Bundaberg North
20Bundaberg Hinkler & Bundaberg
21Bargara Lions & Lioness
30Q3 Convention
October - Sharing the Vision - Lions Membership & Leo Membership Growth
1/2Q3 Convention
7/9Q1 Convention
10/16Worldwide week of Service for Sight
13World Sight Day
15White Cane Safety Day
28/30Q4 Convention Pacific Paradise State School
November - Membership Focus Family - Lions Diabetes Awareness
1Melbourne Cup - Deadline Contribution The Lion
7Eidsvold, Monto, Mundubbera & Gayndah
11/13Q2 Convention
14Worldwide Diabetes Day
15Peace Poster Deadline to District
16Fitzroy River, The Caves & Marlborough
18/20Camp Duckadang working bee
22Tiaro, Granville & Maryborough Mary River
23Maryborough Lions & Lioness
26/27Cabinet at Moore Park
December - Membership Family - Relieving the Hunger
2/4Youth Insearch Camp
5International Leo Day
25Wishing you a very Happy & Holy Christmas
January- Membership Focus Special Interest Clubs - Relieving the Hunger
1Happy New Year
9/15Worldwide Week of Service to Fight Hunger & Poverty - LCIF Week
13Melvin Jones Birthday
13/15Council of Governors
25Australia Day
February - Membership Focus Women
14Maroochy North Shore
18/19Cabinet Meeting - Bundaberg
25Cut Off Club Finals Youth of the Year
March - Membership Focus Women - Eye Donor Awareness Month
1Deadline Contribution The Lion
3/5Youth Insearch Camp
4Cut off Zone Finals Youth of the Year
11Cut off Region Finals Youth of the Year
25Cut off District Finals Youth of the Year
April - Family & Friends Month - Leo Club Awareness - Protecting our Environment
1/2Yeppoon 50th Anniversary
7/8State Final Youth of the Year; Tewantin Noosa 50th Anniversary
14/16Happy Easter
17/23Worldwide week of Service to Protect our Planet
22Earth Day
24/30World Immunisation Week
28Lions Worldwide Induction Day
May - Strengthen Membership Month - Recycle for Sight Month
2/4Council of Governors & DGE/1stDGE Training
5/8MD Convention Hobart - Mothers Day
20/21District Cabinet Meeting & Changeover
1 Helen Keller Day
2/4 Youth Insearch Camp
5World Environment Day
30- July 4International Convention Chicago
To those of our Lions Family who are not enjoying the best of health at present, please keep smiling, take care, get some rest, and you’ll be better day by day!
Till next time
DG Jan
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