TB26-01 Minutes from the Previous Meeting
This is a paper to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, held on the Thursday 7h September 2017 at 16:00
Members Present:
Rosie Richter(RR) President and Chair of Trustees
Daniel Bevan (DB) Student Trustee
Luke Amos (LA) Student Trustee
Samuel Murphy (SM) External Trustee
Tony Sharma (TS) University Nominated Trustee
Members Not Present:
Gareth Hughes (GH) Vice Chair of Trustees
Nick Whitehouse (NW) University Nominated Trustee
In Attendance:
Thomas Ashford (TA) Vice President
Ryan Beasley (RB) Development Manager
Ashley Storer-Smith (ASS) Minute Taker
25.1 Chair’s Welcome & Declaration of Interest
The Chair welcomed the committee.
RB declared interest in point 25.14.
25.2 Apologies
The Chair received apologies from GH and NW
25.3 Minutes from the Previous Meeting
Minutes Approved
25.4 Matters Arising
There were no matters arising
25.5 Matters arising not on the minutes
There was no matters arising
25.6 Items to Ratify
There were no items to ratify.
25.7 Finance Committee Minutes
Minutes approved
25.8 President Report
RR presented their report.
TS stated that they will ask about GOATTS after point 25.9.
LA stated that they have extra information to hand over to RR.
TS asked how the Course Rep system will demonstrate value.
RB stated that the Student Voice Report will be worked into the overall impact report. RB also stated that this is demonstrated in the new Strategic Plan.
SM asked RR their three main priorities for their term.
RR stated that the three main priorities are the Course Rep System; inclusivity of the Union including events; and the access to information and support in collaboration with the Student Advice Clinic. RR also stated that the work on inclusivity has been started through the creation of an access guide for Freshers.
25.9 Vice President Report
TA presented their report.
RB congratulated the officers on their reports and is pleased that the templates are being used.
TS asked about how GOATTS will be executed this year.
RR stated that there will be a Big Question survey planned each month and in December a campaign will be launched called All I Want For Christmas where students will put what they want from Newman on a tree.
TA stated that they will also go out and talk to students on a casual basis. TA stated that the cardboard cut outs and plans for marketing on the steps to The Hub will also help with Union engagement.
TS asked how many students are they planning to engage with these surveys?
RR stated as many as possible and that a plan needs to be implemented alongside the Big Question plan.
25.10 Development Manager Report
RB presented their report.
RB thanked LA with the work on TEF
TS stated that University Operations Team do not know about the You Said We Did: 28 Day Promise.
RR stated that these conversations will take place.
RB congratulated RaG and Nicole Benney on winning Most Improved RaG at the National RaG Awards.
TS stated that more reporting needs to be done on the activities side of the Union. TS also stated that societies are very important to the Union and University.
RB stated that activities are under TA remits and should be under their report.
TA stated that the Societies Guild and Sports Guild has been set up to improve communications. TA stated that Sixty8 Media is being launched and will have student contribution. TA stated that a varsity idea is underway with the Sports Officer.
RB stated that BUCS sport is not under the Union’s remit but Give it a Go and participation sport is and has been outlined in the strategy.
LA asked what is happening from the recommendations of the Student Voice Report.
RR stated that meetings are currently taking place and changes are happening. RR stated that these changes will be outlined in the mid-term Student Voice Report.
RB stated that infographics will be created for the Impact Report which will make it easier to display and talk about wins.
TS asked what actions are taking place to improve NSS.
RB stated that there is a plan in place.
Action Point: RB to present report on improving NSS.
25.11 Policies Passed at Student Meetings
None have been passed since the previous meeting.
25.12.1 Finance Update
RB stated that the old budget sheet layout will be used internally and colour coded for ease.
RB presented the new management account layout. RB stated how this report shows expenditure under each department and that each department has a more in depth look further on in the report.
SM asked if this is a result of the Counter Culture review.
RB stated that this is the case for the issues that arose from that report but the work has been done by Stuart due to costs.
TS stated that the changes to the account presentation are good.
25.12.2 2016/17 End of Year Accounts
RB stated that the SORP accounts needs to be signed off in December. RB stated that the report has been written. RB stated that pages 12 – 13 in red cannot be done until the SORP is completed. RB stated that printing and stationary is removed as a separate line and imbedded into the accounts.
SM asked what is happening with the accountant process.
RB stated that Stuart will be aiding in the tender process.
TS asked if the numbers have been agreed with the accountant.
RB stated that they have.
TS stated that if this is the case, the surplus will not change.
RB stated that this is true.
SM asked to clarify if the £10,000 is happening for 2017/18 and will stop this academic year.
RB stated that this is true and the £10,000 will not be part of the bid for 18/19.
25.12.3 Reserves Policy
RB stated that research into reserves policy has been conducted and is presented. RB stated that access to reserves access needs to be sorted and that if reserves go above what is needed, this needs to be spent within 3 years. RB also stated that the policy states that if reserves fall below for more than a 6 month period, a recovery plan needs to be made by the Development Manager.
SM asked if the Union is currently compliant with this policy.
RB stated that the Union is compliant.
The board approved this policy and will be reviewed in the 2019/20 academic year.
25.13 KPI Dashboard
RB stated that this will be discussed in point 25.15.
25.14 Development Manager Objectives & Appraisal
RR stated that RB has discussed with them a change in job title to General Manager due to changes in responsibilities and Union reputation.
DB stated that they are concerned that a salary increase may be needed with the title when the position is recruited again.
TS asked what would the job be advertised as if/when RB leaves.
TA stated that they agree with the point stated by DB.
RR stated that Newman and this role is a stepping stone and this needs to be considered.
TS stated that a chat needs to happen between RR and GH due to their expertise.
RR stated that RB wasn’t aware that it was up to the decision of this board.
LA asked if there needs to be a review of the job description if the role name changes.
DB asked if this change happens, does it mean that the Union is developed.
SM stated that there will be no change to job description and salary.
TS asked if there has been research on job titles across the sector.
RR agreed with DB’s point.
DB stated that this is good development but is worried that this change is not future proof.
RR stated that they are not happy that multiple external documents have stated RB as the General Manager.
TS stated that there is the challenge that Development Manager does not covey the head of the organisation. TS asked for a review of this with RR, RB and GH.
Action Point: RR, GH and RB to review RB job title.
The board actions that the current job title of RB is Development Manager.
TS stated that how appraisals are done in the sector needs to be reviewed.
25.15 NSU Strategic Plan
RB stated that the original plan implemented by then was good for what was needed at the time. RB stated that the document is not looked at or used by officers, staff or students. RB stated that the strategy needs to be more useable and guide the Union forward. RB stated that this plan also needs to be student facing.
RB presented the new Strategic Plan.
RB stated that investment is required for objectives to happen.
TS asked if what is important for the Vice Chancellor and the Union is incorporated in this plan to support with the funding requests.
RB stated that this has been designed with the University strategy and conversations with University Managers.
TS stated that links to the University leadership is good and that this strategy will provide solutions.
RB stated that the plans are step by step.
RB stated that the back pages of the report talk about the increase in block grant that is needed year by year to achieve these objectives. RB stated that this is an opportunity for the Union to be held to account by the University.
TS asked if this is a sudden increase for next year.
RB stated that is it a step by step plan.
RB presented the KPI Dashboard.
RB stated that the tracking system helps with understanding the targets and what needs to be done to achieve them.
SM stated that this should be put in alongside the block grant bid as it shows current impact.
TS stated that there needs to be a report on the impact of the current increase by February.
SM stated that flexibility is needed for this plan.
RB stated that this is a live document and can be changed with the changes of the environment.
TS stated that through engagement, the Union can find out what students care about and how this is linked to the strategy.
RB stated that the targets are based on the student perception and that change is seen through this perception.
SM stated that there needs to be clarification on this.
The board approves this plan.
RR thanked RB for the work that has been done with the strategy.
25.16 Constitution and Bye Laws
RB stated that these have been looked at by other managers in Student Unions and changes are in the right column for clarification.
RB stated that this needs to be put through the approval process.
SM stated that if the Vice President is to now become a trustee, this needs to be communicated in recruitment.
RB stated that the plan is for this to be implemented by the end of the calendar year.
The board approved with amendments
25.17 Representation and Activities Coordinator Appraisal Sign-Off
This was signed off by the board.
25.18 Any Other Business
The Board thanked LA and DB for their service in their last meeting.