Tobacco control is an evidence-based approach to tackling the harm caused by tobacco. This approach is multi agency with partners working collaboratively. Locally this is delivered through the Nottinghamshire County Strategic Tobacco Alliance Group (STAG)
The core objectives for the STAG are:
·  reducing the number of young people starting to smoke
·  motivating and supporting every smoker to quit
·  protecting families and communities from tobacco-related harm.
It is children who start smoking, not adults. 90% of people start smoking before the age of 19 and children are three times as likely to start smoking if their parents smoke. The Healthy Schools Programme across Nottinghamshire County works with schools to support young people to make positive lifestyle choices. Social marketing research carried out in Newark and Sherwood which identified effective interventions for young people at key stages needs now to be implemented and then rolled out across the county.
Action / Lead Officer / Output / Outcome / Source document location / Status
Work with partners to promote smoking cessation / Alan Batty / ·  Work based sessions carried out by New Leaf, as part of Workplace Health initiative
·  New Leaf literature to be available in all locations with notice boards
·  NSDC buildings provided as venues for community based New Leaf sessions
·  Joint work between EH and New Leaf to promote National No Smoking day
·  Information sharing protocol developed to increase effectiveness of New Leaf mail shots
·  Exercise Referral and Cardiac Rehab Schemes for individuals who have medical conditions as a result of smoking / ·  Healthier workforces in district
·  Raised awareness of effects of smoking
·  Increase participation in Referral Scheme / Business Unit Action Plans / AMBER
Working with partners to provide ‘Brief Intervention’ training / Alan Batty / ·  Front line staff in Environmental Health, leisure centres, sports development and parks are trained to provide interventions when working in the community / Increase in the health of the local population / GREEN
Enforcement of legislation / Alan Batty / ·  Workshops delivered to taxi drivers on law relating to smoking in vehicles
·  Licensed premises enforcement
·  Litter (cigarette stub) enforcement by wardens / Enforcement of no smoking legislation creating healthier environment / GREEN
·  It is estimated that eating at least five varied portions of fruit and vegetables a day can reduce the risk of death from chronic disease, stroke and cancer by up to 20%.
·  Across Nottinghamshire, synthetic estimates of fruit and vegetable consumption show on average one in four people over the age of 16 consume five or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
·  Obese people are more likely to develop diabetes, colon cancer, hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart attacks, and obesity also has an impact on psychological well-being.
·  Almost a quarter of adults in England are obese, with obesity increasing with age (up to around 75) and it is higher in men than in women. It is estimated that by 2030, 41%-48% of men and 35%-43% of women could be obese if trends continue unchecked.
·  Physical activity is a critical public health issue. Improving physical activity levels has the potential to improve both physical and mental health. Lack of physical activity is associated with increasing risks to health, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity and musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoporosis. Heart disease, stroke and cancer are the major causes of death in England, accounting for almost 60% of premature deaths.
Action / Lead Officer / Output / Outcome / Source document location / Status
Sport and physical activity team in place to develop and support sustainable activities / Alexis Knock / ·  Continuation of mainstream funded posts within the team / ·  Increased participation in sport and physical activity / GREEN
Continuation of 50% funding from Public Health teams for Exercise Referral Scheme / Andy Hardy / ·  Continuation of scheme beyond 31/3/2013
·  300 participants per year / ·  Increased participation in sport and physical activity / NSDC/PCT SLA in place / AMBER
Provide physical activity opportunities for a variety of abilities / Kathryn Davies / ·  Explore the targeting of physical activity schemes towards children and families most in need
·  Continue to deliver the Exercise Referral Scheme and develop new activities in community settings
·  Deliver Cardiac Rehab activities and referral scheme in leisure centres
·  Coordinate healthy walks across Newark and Sherwood
·  Deliver the Eat Fit, Be Fit scheme in partnership with primary schools
·  Deliver Workplace Eat fit, Be Fit programme at NSDC and then roll out to other organisations
·  Coordinate Exercise Referral Scheme delivered at leisure centres and parks and open spaces
·  Review the opportunities for women and young girls to participate in sport and physical activity
·  Provide volunteering opportunities that promote physical activity in parks and open spaces
·  Leisure centre programmes providing a wide range of activities to all ages and abilities / ·  Increase in participation of physical activity in community settings including clubs and leisure centres
·  Increase income at leisure centres through corporate memberships
·  Increased range of activities for the ageing population, families, teenagers and those at risk of ill health / GREEN – SUBJECT TO OUTCOME OF EXTERNAL FUNDING
Identify the necessary funding to employ 3 parks rangers post September 2013 / Phil Beard / ·  Continuation of volunteering activities and events, encouraging people to use parks and open spaces for physical activity / ·  Sustain and further develop current health improvement activities in parks and open spaces / Park Management Plans
Green Spaces Strategy / AMBER – SUBJECT TO MA SCHEME
Use of marketing to promote physical activity to residents / Kathryn Davies / ·  Articles in Voice magazine
·  Use of digital signage and notice boards in council facilities
·  E-marketing campaigns (use of Twitter and Facebook)
·  Special offers and promotions for leisure centre memberships throughout the year
·  Target marketing in LC’s using mosaic data
·  On site promotion at parks and open spaces / ·  Awareness of the positive impact physical activity can have on health and wellbeing
·  An increase of everyday activity levels / GREEN
Maintain public park spaces to encourage use for physical activity / Phil Beard / ·  Regular maintenance of all green spaces
·  Safe parks patrolled by rangers with CCTV in certain locations
·  Maintain sports facilities (football, tennis, board sports, multi-use games areas) in a safe condition
·  Encourage use of council facilities by local sports clubs and groups and support their development to meet minimum standards
·  Coordinate healthy walks across Newark and Sherwood / ·  Maximum opportunities for ad hoc and organised sport events
·  Increased bookings at NSDC facilities / GREEN
Provide suitable equipment on public spaces for exercise / Phil Beard / ·  Fitness trail at Sconce & Devon Park
·  Play equipment that encourages exercise and activity
·  Orienteering course at Vicar Water Country Park
·  Multi-use games areas
·  Investigate opportunities for further provision – fitness trail at Vicar Water Country Park, orienteering course at Sconce & Devon Park / ·  Varied opportunity for young and old alike to engage in fitness / GREEN
Promote the benefits of healthy eating / Julie Beddows / ·  NSDC based Community Nutrition Assistants to deliver 60 community based targeted awareness raising events
·  NSDC based Community Nutrition Assistants to deliver 140 nursery and school based events to children and young people.
·  NSDC based Community Nutrition Assistants to deliver 20 Cook4Life courses.
·  To develop and deliver a Healthy Weight based social marketing project working with local retailers
·  Deliver the Eat Fit, Be Fit scheme in partnership with primary schools
·  Leisure centre staff trained and qualified to deliver nutritional advice to customers
·  Cafes at visitor centres promote and encourage healthy eating / ·  Raise the awareness and opportunities for eating a healthy diet
·  Educating customers on the balanced approach to a healthier lifestyle including exercise and healthy eating / PCT/NSDC Service Level Agreement / GREEN – SUBJECT TO CONTINUED FUNDING
Promote the benefits of healthy eating in the workplace / Julie Beddows / ·  To promote and deliver the Healthy Work place scheme
·  NSDC based Community Nutrition Assistants to deliver 25 work place based interventions
·  Deliver Workplace Eat fit, Be Fit programme at NSDC and then roll out to other organisations / ·  Healthy work force with decreased absenteeism
·  Increase income at leisure centres through corporate memberships / GREEN- SUBJECT TO CONTINUED FUNDING
Cookery courses for young people linked to ASB / Lisa Lancaster / ·  8 week course on basic cooking and nutrition for young people in deprived areas
·  Roll on effect to wider families / ·  Understanding of nutrition and healthier eating at a younger age / NASH / ASB PP action plans / AMBER
·  There are an estimated 123,529 increasing risk 1 drinkers and 110,248 binge drinkers over the age of 16 in Nottinghamshire.
·  The rate of alcohol related admissions to hospital in Nottinghamshire has risen by 33% between 2002/3 and 2007/8.
·  63% of the rise is due to male admissions to hospital and 37% due to female admissions.
·  Of over 20,000 estimated dependent drinkers, only a very small number are engaged in specialist treatment.
·  In Nottinghamshire in 2010/11, there were 3,035 adult drug users in effective treatment – 2,528 of these were opiate and/or crack users.
·  The average length of time in treatment is 2.6 years; 19% of clients have been in treatment for more than six years.
·  There is a gap in our knowledge about drug users who are not accessing treatment.
Action / Lead Officer / Output / Outcome / Source document location / Status
Working with Partners to provide ‘Brief Intervention’ training / Alan Batty/Leanne Monger / ·  Front line staff in Environmental health and Housing Options Unit trained to provide interventions when working in the community / GREEN
Enforcement of legislation and licensing conditions / Alan Batty / ·  Ensure conditions relating to alcohol promotions and under age sales are not breached
·  Robust application of licensing legislation targeting ‘hot spot ‘premises suspected of breaches
·  Targeting the sale/production of illegal alcohols – vodka / ·  Reduction in alcohol aggravated incidents involving injury requiring treatment
·  Raised awareness of all external staff to be vigilant for evidence of offences / GREEN
Chatham Court Drop in Centre work with Recovery partnership / Lisa Lancaster / NASH / ·  Drop in centre for people with substance and alcohol misuse
·  Follow up appointments available
·  Located in deprived area with housing for most at risk category of people / ·  Better access to services
·  Wider catchment of people to services / Castle PP+ doc / AMBER
Provide positive diversionary activities for young people / CSAD / ·  Develop range of activities in targeted areas with support from partners / ·  Reduction in instances
·  Increase in sustainable participation in positive activities / Castle PP / Positive Futures / GREEN
Promote a responsible attitude to drinking in public places / Alan Batty / ·  Administer and monitor the effectiveness of DPPOs
·  Work with Trading Standards to identify premises suspected of underage off sales
·  Training to staff working in licensed premises ensuring correct procedures followed / ·  Removal of alcohol and education of dangers along with parental awareness
Adhering to licensing laws / GREEN
·  In Reception year, over one in five children in Nottinghamshire are either overweight or obese. By Year 6, the rate is almost one in three, similar to the national figure.
·  In local Year 6 aged children, the prevalence of obesity is significantly higher in boys than girls (19.6% and 15.5% respectively). Nationally, 20% of boys and 16.5% of girls are obese at this age.
·  21% of Nottinghamshire young people aged 11-18 years say they never play sport or do any physical activity. (Tellus 4 Survey)
·  Pupils in Nottinghamshire have relatively high participation rates when compared to statistical peers and the national average. Indeed, the proportion of pupils participating in PE and sport has increased over the past three years.
·  22% of local children and young people eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day, above statistical neighbours (18%) and the national average (19%) (Tellus 4 Survey).
·  All schools in Nottinghamshire are participating in the National Healthy Schools Programme and over 78% have achieved Healthy School Status.
·  There is evidence that the emotional health & well-being of children and young people has deteriorated significantly over the past 25 years.
·  In under-18 year olds accessing smoking cessation services, quit rates are lower than for adults.
·  In Nottinghamshire, there were a total of 500 young people in specialist substance misuse treatment across the year (2008/09) – an increase of 15% from the previous year.
·  Referrals to Children’s Social Care in 2009/10 increased substantially (by 43%) from 2008/09.
·  The number of children with child protection plans (CPPs) has increased from 391 in October 2008 to 743 in July 2010.
·  The percentage of children with a CPP that came to an end during the period that had lasted two years or more dropped from 10.7% in 2008/09 to 6.8% in 2009/10, but the proportion with a CPP for a second or subsequent time increased to 16%.
·  The most common reason children became subjects of CPPs in 2009/10 was ‘neglect’ (32%), followed by ‘emotional and physical abuse’ (20%).