Welcome to the 15th Annual

New York State Alliance of Information and Referral Systems

Education and Training Conference

Conference Program

“I&R Made Crystal Clear”

October 25 & 26, 2007
With Disaster Preparedness Intensive on October 24, 2007
At the Craftsman Inn - Fayetteville, NY
Conference Goals /
This year’s Training Conference will advance the professionalism of I&R and our commitment to learning by providing over 20 workshop sessions in the following tracks: Basic I&R, Hot topics, Managers’ and supervisors’ tools, Technical developments, and Data Resource management; which will enhance your knowledge and skills. AIRS certification exams will be administered Friday Afternoon, October 26. New this year will is a Pre-Conference Intensive day on I&R In Times of Disaster.
Welcome to our Crystal Anniversary! /
Welcome! On behalf of the Board of Directors of the New York State Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (NYS AIRS), I am excited to welcome you to our 15th Annual NYS AIRS Training Conference. The theme this year, "I&R Made Crystal Clear" is a tribute to the Crystal Anniversary of our annual conference. Thank you for being here to celebrate with us!
At the conference, Board members will be wearing a name tag with a "Board Member" badge on it - if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to address them with me or any member of the Board. Please also remember to fill out the workshop evaluations at each session you attend and the overall conference evaluation so we can learn from your suggestions.
Thank you for joining us, and I hope you enjoy the conference.
John Plonski
NYS AIRS President
Conference at a Glance
October 24, 2007
Disaster Preparedness Intensive
8:00 AM / Registration Opens
8:30 - 10:00 AM / Disaster Preparedness Intensive - Part 1
10:00 - 10:30 AM / Break
10:30 - Noon / Disaster Preparedness Intensive - Part 2
Noon - 1:30 PM / Lunch
1:30 - 3:00 PM / Disaster Preparedness Intensive - Part 3
3:00 - 3:30 PM / Break
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM / Disaster Preparedness Intensive - Part 4
Welcome Reception
6:00 - 8:00 PM / Sweet snacks complements of our gracious hosts at The Craftsman Inn. (Cash bar available)
Conference at a Glance
October 25, 2007
NYS AIRS Training Workshops
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM / Registration
8:00 - 9:00 AM Breakfast Reception / Breakfast Buffet, including a presentation by the Syracuse Convention & Visitors Bureau that will inform you about the area and places of interest you will want to enjoy while in Syracuse.
9:00 - 10:30 AM Concurrent Workshops - Session 1 / Diamonds in the Rough- Technology and I & R
Crisis Intervention/Suicide Prevention
Crystallizing a Response to the Needs of Veterans
10:30 - 11:00 AM Break / Please find time to visit the Friends NYS AIRS Conference Scholarship Silent Auction and stop by to visit our attending vendors.
11:00 - 12:30 PM Concurrent Workshops - Session 2 / Making the AIRS/InfoLine Taxonomy Crystal Clear
Looking Beneath the Surface: Working with Victims of Human Trafficking
Flaws in the Crystal: Difficult Interactions
12:30 – 2:00 PM Lunch / Luncheon Panel - Q & A with the 2-1-1 Regions Representatives from each of the four 2-1-1 Designated Regions will be available to give an update on 2-1-1 services in their region and to answer any questions from attendees.
2:00 - 3:30 PM Concurrent Workshops - Session 3 / Chronic Callers
The Basics of Telecommunication Part 1
Communication and Capacity Building through Technology
3:30 - 4:00 PM Break / Please find time to visit the Friends NYS AIRS Conference Scholarship Silent Auction and stop by to visit our attending vendors.
Conference at a Glance Continued
4:00 - 5:30 PM Concurrent Workshops - Session 4 / Train the Trainer
The Crystals in the Geode: Your I & R Resource Department
The Basics of Telecommunication Part 2
5:30 - 7:00PM Free Time / Please find time to visit the Friends NYS AIRS Conference Scholarship Silent Auction and stop by to visit our attending vendors.
7:00 - 9:00 PM / Special Event – Gala Dinner – Announcement of 2007 NYS AIRS Conference Scholarship Winners - Friends of NYS AIRS Conference Scholarship Silent Auction.
October 26, 2007
NYS AIRS Training Workshops
8:00 - 9:00 AM Breakfast / On Your Own
9:00 - 10:30 AM Concurrent Workshops - Session 5 / Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Basics of I&R and CIRS Test Preparation
Immigration Law
Balancing Stress : Work and Family
10:30 - 11:00 AM Break / Please find time to visit the NYS AIRS Conference Scholarship Auction and stop by to visit our attending vendors
11:00 - 12:30 PM Concurrent Workshops - Session 6 / Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Basics of I&R and CIRS Test Preparation
Cracking the High Tech Hype: Working with Technology or Telecommunications Vendors or Consultants
Legal Services
12:30 - 1:30 PM / Lunch, Closing Remarks, and Evaluations.
1:00 - 3:00 PM / CIRS-A/CIRS/CRS Testing
1:30 - 3:30 PM / NYS AIRS Board Meeting - All are welcome to attend
3:30 PM / Departure - The Conference Committee thanks you for attending and wishes you safe travel home.
October 24, 2007
Disaster Preparedness Intensive
8:30 – 10:00 AM
Mission B / Crystallizing a Disaster Response: Disaster Preparedness Intensive (Part 1)
Although most I&R services do not promote themselves as disaster service agencies, in the past decade I&Rs have been identified as natural community partners for the dissemination of information about community based disaster-related services. This workshop's objectives will:
Help you develop your organization’s disaster mission and role
Explain the phases of disaster
Map the working environment of a major disaster
Assist you in developing an effective Business Contingency Plan
Encourage building local disaster coalitions
Help strengthen your organization’s preparedness to maximize your survivability and continuity of service
Lay out the next steps towards effective disaster planning and preparation
Your Presenters:
Ken Curtin, Voluntary Agency Liaison, FEMA Region II; Candace Gregory, 2-1-1 Director, First Call For Help; John Plonski, Database Coordinator, Covenant House International
10:15 – 11:45 PM / Crystallizing a Disaster Response: Disaster Preparedness Intensive - Part 2- See above description
1:00 –2:30 PM / Crystallizing a Disaster Response: Disaster Preparedness Intensive - Part 3- See above description
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM / Crystallizing a Disaster Response: Disaster Preparedness Intensive - Part 4
Please Join Us
Wednesday 6:00pm-8:00pm
for our
Welcome Reception
at The Craftsman Inn
Complimentary Refreshments and a Cash bar
Thursday, October 25, 2007
NYS AIRS Training Workshops
9:00 - 10:30 AM
Session 1
Mission A / Diamonds in the Rough
This workshop will demonstrate tools that expand access to our information and referral database: a searchable website, directory program for printing (or saving to CD/USB drive/PDA) and an online survey used for updating agency records. Using GIS to analyze and present call data, for agency planning and resource development/allocation.
Patrick Rogers, ; Carol Wood, ; Institute for Human Services 2-1-1 Helpline
Mission B / Crystallizing a Response to the Needs of Veterans
US war veterans are twice as likely to kill themselves as civilians. What steps can we take to ensure that veterans, particularly the newest generation of combat vets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, receive accessible and compassionate care for their mental health needs and other needs? This workshop will explore issues affecting vets and resources for assistance, including an update about the newly established National Veterans Suicide and Crisis Hotline.
Shye Louis, 2-1-1/LIFE LINE Operations Manager, ABVI-Goodwill,
Langan / Crisis Intervention/Suicide Prevention
Many information and referral services, especially with the rapid growth of 2-1-1 across the country, either provide crisis/suicide intervention services of work collaboratively with crisis centers. This workshop will cover basic prevention and intervention techniques to assist the I & R Specialist during a crisis/suicide call.
Mary A. Drexler, Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling: Assistant Director/Drexler Consulting, LLC, .
11:00 - 12:30 PM
Session 2
Mission B / Making the AIRS/InfoLine Taxonomy Crystal Clear
The AIRS/InfoLine Taxonomy can seem quite "Taxing"! However, we need to recognize that it is our friend. This workshop will explain the how, what, when, where, and why of using the Taxonomy. The workshop is designed to address the needs and questions of the participants, so bring indexing questions and samples from your own agency.
Cathleen Kelly, Director of Network Development, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline,
Mission A / Flaws In the Crystal: Difficult Callers
The vast majority of our calls are "Crystal Perfect". Some are not. This workshop will explore what we can do to prevent those few interactions from ruining an otherwise flawless, crystal clear work day.
John Plonski, Database Coordinator, Covenant House International,
11:00 - 12:30 PM
Langan / Looking Beneath the Surface: Working With Victims of Human Trafficking
This workshop will provide a basic training on the issue of human trafficking, the special features seen in the U.S, and how it applies to I&R. The workshop will include: A worldwide and U.S. view of trafficking; Features of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000; How to screen a call for a possible trafficking situation and differentiate between trafficking and smuggling; Building a database of NGOs that can work with trafficking victims; Networking with law enforcement and the NGO community to make effective referrals; Types of calls; Experiences from the National Human Trafficking Information and Referral Hotline operated by Covenant House International.
Gilbert Ortiz, Director, Covenant House Nineline,
2:00 - 3:30 PM
Session 3
Mission A / Chronic Callers
The one thing that every telephone based I&R has in common is the Caller that just won't go away. Love them or not they are a reality and their on going contacts exact a toll on our services. This session will address the reasons for their repeated calls, methods to identify them, as well as exploring several Models for interacting with them.
John Plonski, Database Coordinator, Covenant House International,
Mission B / The Basics of Telecommunication Part 1
Do you feel like Robert Langdon, the famed symbologist, in the Da Vinci codes trying to decipher a PRI from an ISDN? While I can’t promise a whirlwind tour of Europe with the people chasing you, I will give you the tools you will need to decipher the telecommunication world. Join me for an overview on the basics of Telecommunications. We will cover terminology and concepts needed in the Call Center environment.
Kate Stanford - Call Center Systems Coordinator - ABVI-Goodwill,
Langan / Communication and Capacity Building through Technology
This session will demonstrate how cost-effective and sustainable information technology is being used in a nonprofit management support organization to enhance regional communication, collaboration and capacity building. Through cost-effective collaborative systems administration, improved use of existing software and best-practice standards, agencies of all sizes can maintain the highest level of technology standards and services available.
Patrick Rogers, Executive Director, Institute for Human Services; ,
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Session 4
Langan / Train the Trainer
Having key personnel who effectively deliver training to new and seasoned staff is essential. This workshop will help you:
*Gain an understanding of various training styles
*Identify key components for effect curriculum design and evaluation
*Increase skills for effective curriculum delivery
*Gain knowledge of instructional methods
*Learn how to use training aids more effectively
Mary A. Drexler, Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling: Assistant Director/Drexler Consulting, LLC, .
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Mission A / The Crystals In the Geode: Your I&R Resource Department
Resource Departments are often overlooked in Information and Referral, yet without them, Telecounselors and Call Specialists could not do their jobs. Learn what a Resource Department is, what a Resource Department does, and why you need one. Includes an overview of best practices for database maintenance and use of the AIRS/InfoLine Taxonomy. Learn how to find the beauty that lies with in the hard rocky exterior of the Resource Department Geode.
Cathleen Kelly, Director of Network Development, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline;
Mission B / The Basics of Telecommunication Part 2
Kate Stanford - Call Center Systems Coordinator - ABVI-Goodwill,
Thursday Special Events
8:00 - 9:00 AM
Breakfast Reception / Breakfast Buffet
Including a presentation by the Syracuse Convention & Visitors Bureau that will inform you about the area and places of interest you will want to enjoy while in Syracuse.
12:30 - 1:30 PM Lunch / Luncheon Panel
Q & A with the 2-1-1 Regions Representatives from each of the four 2-1-1 Designated Regions will be available to give an update on 2-1-1 services in their region and to answer any questions from attendees.
7:00 - 9:00 PM / Special Event – Gala Dinner. Announcement of 2007 NYS AIRS Conference Scholarship Winners - Friends of NYS AIRS Conference Scholarship Silent Auction.
Friday, October 26, 2007
NYS AIRS Training Workshops
9:00 - 10:30 AM
Session 5
Mission B / Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Basics of I&R and CIRS Test Preparation - Part 1
Want to polish up on your core skills and knowledge in the I&R profession, or prepare to ace the CIRS exam? This session is an overview/review of what it takes to provide great I&R as well as what it takes to do well on the CIRS exam. This workshop will be helpful for anyone new to the field of I&R but the focus will be reviewing core concepts and going over test taking tips to help people preparing for the CIRS exam specifically.
Shye Louis, 2-1-1/LIFE LINE Operations Manager, ABVI-Goodwill,
Mission A / Immigration Law
This workshop will provide participants an overview on topical immigration law issues and developments in New York as well as information on when and where to refer clients for legal assistance.
Walter Ruehle, Legal Aid Society
Langan / Balancing Stress : Work and Family
Anyone who has experience working in a call center environment knows how easy it is to get caught up in the daily stressors created by both callers and organization management. This workshop will discuss:
How to manage the demands of work and family
What is stress and how to effectively cope
How to make and implement realistic plans and schedules
The importance of taking time for “you”
Mary A. Drexler, Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling: Assistant Director/Drexler Consulting, LLC, .
11:00 - 12:30 PM
Session 6
Mission B / Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Basics of I&R and CIRS Test Preparation - Part 2
Bring your number two pencils; there will be a practice test in Part 2 of this workshop!
Shye Louis, 2-1-1/LIFE LINE Operations Manager, ABVI-Goodwill,
Mission A / Legal Services
This workshop will introduce participants to legal services and the services we provide clients, LawHelp.org and how to use it for legal information, referrals and self help, as well as a new Internet fraud project.
Keith McCafferty, Managing Attorney,Geneva office of Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc. & Lindsay Case, Outreach Coordinator for LawHelp.org/NY for Upstate New
York, Geneva office of Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc.
Langan / Cracking the High Tech Hype
When seeking to implement new technology in a call center environment there are some goals and thoughts to keep in mind -- especially when working with technology or telecommunications vendors or consultants. This workshop will help you to crack through the golly, gee whiz hype and ensure you get what you need -- not what the vendors want to sell you.
Ted Miroulous, Paetec Communications,
12:30 - 1:30 PM / Lunch, Closing Remarks, and Evaluations.
1:00 - 3:00 PM / CIRS-A/CIRS/CRS Testing
1:30 - 3:30 PM / NYS AIRS Board Meeting - All are welcome to attend
3:30 PM / Departure - The Conference Committee thanks you for attending and wishes you safe travel home.
Exhibitor Information
Bowman Systems
Jaie Claudet
333 Texas Street, Suite 300, Shreveport LA 71101
318-213-8780 x147
Fax: 318-213-8784
/ RTM Designs
Ed Toomey
172 Highlands Square Dr #301, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Fax: 864-224-2523

SunCoast Custom Programming
Deb Petty
PO Box 11233, Charlotte, NC 28220
Fax: 704/672-9963