Oncology Nursing Society
New York City Chapter
Board Meeting
Date of Meeting: June 8, 2010 / Present: Karen DeVries, Kristin Cawley, Sarah Jones, , Jeanine Gordon, Nancy HoulihanAbsent: Deborah Braccia, German Rodriguez, Denise O’Rourke, Joan Scagliola, Terri Yannaco, Maureen Bland, Liz Rodriguez
Place of Meeting: 160 E53rd St 11 Flr Conf room 6-7:30pm
Call to order / Minutes accepted from 3/23/2010 / No unfinished business
Roll Call of Members
Officers Reports
President: Sarah Jones / Board reviewed the kit that ONS National sent regarding how to start a Journal Club within the chapter.
ONS Membership Weekend / Will ask members at next dinner meeting it they are interested in participating.
Will also include as a question in membership needs assessment survey.
Will reach out to doctorate prepared nurses in our membership to ask if they would be willing to facilitate the journal club.
Chapter would like to send 2 members of the board. Jeanine (secretary) will attend.
President Elect: Kristin Cawley / 2010 Member Satisfaction Survey to be distributed to the membership via The Chapter Newsletter. Survey Monkey will be utilized and the survey will be open for 2 weeks. (The survey was delayed due to unforeseen circumstance but will be coming out soon.) / The results will be shared with the membership at a future dinner meeting.
Treasurer/Treasurer Elect: Joan Scagliola-absent, Sarah reporting / Reviewed 2nd Qtr Finances
Current balance $14,703.10
Secretary: Jeanine Gordon / No report
Director At Large: Liz Rodriguez (absent) / No report
Committee Reports
Membership: Nancy Houlihan / We officially have 110 members after thorough database reconciliation. / Will reach out to directors and nurse leaders at all local organizations to solicit more members.
Nominating Chair: Karen DeVries / ONS Congress Travel Grant recipients attended ONS Congress successfully.
Board discussed important upcoming dates for nomination process and the offices up for nomination next year:
· President elect
· Secretary
· Treasurer-elect
· Director at Large / Will acknowledge the winners in the next Newsletter.
Board members will reach out to persons of interest to encourage them to run for open offices and potential people to take over Programming.
Programming: Maureen Bland & Denise O’Rourke (absent) Sarah Jones reporting
/ Upcoming Programs6/22 Cultural Needs of the Orthodox and Chassidic Community@ MSKCC RRL Boardroom
9/15 Sorafonib Patient Management @ Il Vagabondo
11/10 Adjuvant Therapy in Malignant Melanoma:A Nursing Perspective-venue TBA / Maureen & Denise will request that program speakers submit an abstract of their talk to place in the Newsletter.
Karen will follow-up with Amgen about adding October program to discuss Darbopoetin regulations.
Newsletter: Sarah Jones / Sarah & Kristin will be releasing the next newsletter in late June/early July. Liz to help collaborate with future newsletters. / ONS Travel grant winners to submit article about their abstract/experience.
Jeanine will highlight both a board and chapter member.
Karen will submit and ASCO highlight
Please network to encourage members or staff to contribute to the Newsletter.
Maureen & Denise will continue to request that program speakers submit an abstract of their talk to place in the Newsletter.
Virtual Community: German Rodriguez (absent) Sarah reporting / German & Sarah created an invisible page on Facebook to start testing / Will continue to move forward with building the page.
Next meeting / September 14 , 2010 6p- 7:30p
160 E53rd St 11 Flr Conf room 6-7:30pm
Minutes: Jeanine Gordon
Date: 6/14/10