New Year’s appeal for all students of Ukraine

Dear sons and daughters of the Ukrainian nation,

you are entering a historic year which will be crucial in your life in that your both temporal and eternal future is at stake. Europe was built on Christian foundations. Ukraine and Russia adopted European culture with the baptism of St. Vladimir in Kiev.

EU Lisbon Treaty is the grave of Christianity and Europe. Ukraine must return to sound, not false, Christian roots. This is the way to restore Europe. It is necessary to stop and make a true diagnosis, which concerns all of you as well as all Ukraine. It is necessary to take a critical view of the European Union along with the ideology of globalization and reduction of mankind.

Standing at the crossroads of life, it is important to realize the hierarchy of values. This is connected with existential questions relating to each of you personally. Do you want to be happy? And for how long? For a year? For ten years? For all your life? For all eternity? Or do you want to be unhappy both here on earth and after death? What is the purpose of your life? Eating, sleeping, working, gathering information or promoting the interests of an ideology that will pave the way to your temporal and eternal death? The current ideology promoted by world Masons and world organizations, such as the UN, PACE and EU, is an ideology of destruction and death. Lofty terms are a disguise for the exact opposite. These all are professional fraudsters, whose covert goal is to make you dig a grave for yourself and your own nation. The anti-Decalogue of the Lisbon Treaty and the priority of U.S. foreign policy and of the United Nations is relentless promotion of gender-gay ideology. It is not just perverted gay propaganda which destroys all moral, spiritual, national and Christian values but it is programmed insanity or rather satanization. Children in kindergartens are taught to accept the view that they are neither boys nor girls, for they have the “right” to choose their sex. With this objective they are suggestively motivated to use hormonal drugs and subsequently to undergo a sex change operation. They have such “right” from the age of 14. These young people turned into spiritual and physical cripples, who will not know who they really are, will be manipulated en masse into all forms of perversion associated with sexuality, occultism, Satanism and even human victims. This is related to the legalization of narcotics, deadly AIDS and so-called sweet death – euthanasia.

Dear students, boys and girls, my heart bleeds when I realize what a prospect the contemporary society presents to you: without exaggeration, a hell on earth and hell after death.

God has given freedom to Ukraine. The Ukrainian land is soaked with the blood of your grandfathers and great grandfathers who laid down their lives on the fronts for the sake of this freedom. And now, after 20 years of freedom, young people are one-sidedly and uncritically manipulated into selling it for a false vision of the Euro Paradise and its autogenocidal laws. The EU is no paradise but the prison of the nations! Maybe some of you have heard the critical voice of N. Farage, eurodeputy, who speaks in this connection about the loss of freedom and establishment of a total dictatorship and control (see his speech in the European Parliament, ).

If you have the courage to face the truth, let us mention that in Norway, in accordance with the UN Convention, a law was passed under which since 2012 children do not belong to their parents any more but are owned by the state. Parents can be deprived of them at any time. Every day 33 children are stolen from their loving parents and placed into so-called foster families of paedophiles, homosexuals or cynics who unfortunately enrich themselves at the expense of children. 59 out of the stolen children commit suicide every year. Media coverage of suicide statistics in the cases of desperate mothers whose cries for help went unheard is forbidden under severe penalties. 110,000 children were stolen in France in 2011. 600 families emigrated from Britain within a year in fear of juvenile justice mechanisms. In Finland, one family on average commits a family suicide every week. Men shoot their children, wives and themselves in despair and helplessness when juvenile workers and social services break into the house. In the Netherlands, children are shunted between foster families so quickly that eventually one does not know where they are. Besides this criminal system and gender ideology, this country has also legalized narcotics and euthanasia, the latter being allowed even in the case of young people when they, for example, suffer from depression. A mobile team arrives directly in the house or flat and does away with a daily average of 30 people. Every U.S. citizen is obliged to receive a microchip in the hand or forehead by 23 March 2013. This is total control and, what is more, disturbance of the human mind and health. However, the worst thing is that those who receive this chip with the number of the apocalyptic beast – 666 (see Rev 13:16-18, Rev 14:8-10) will have ulcers and in the hour of death will be doomed to eternal torment in the lake of fire.

Dear students, do not think that criminal euro standards and UN conventions do not concern Ukraine. The former Parliament changed the laws to such an extent that all of these crimes are now given free rein. There is only one human means left that can be used to save Ukraine, and that is the Constitution. All these hastily adopted laws are contrary to the Constitution. Therefore, EU lobbyists strive for changes in the Constitution with the aim of definitively and resistlessly starting the globalization and autogenocide programme in Ukraine.

You ask what you, being students, should do in particular?

Jesus says: “Unless you repent, you will all perish!” (Lk 13:3) Repentance, metanoia in Greek, means a change of mind. God became man in the person of Jesus Christ and died for you, for your sins, to make you happy both in this life and after death. Never say: “No one loves me.” Even if your father and your mother or anyone in the world betrayed you, Jesus will never betray you. There is only one problem: whether you accept this love. In this moment, Jesus says even to you: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and be with him, and he with Me.”(Rev 3:20). God’s Word speaks to you too: “To all who believed Jesus and accepted Him (by faith), He gave the right to become children of God.” (Jn 1:12) and: “Whoever has God’s Son has life.” (1Jn 5:10-13) If you made this step, accept the word of prophecy which God is giving to Ukraine: Let every one of you make a promise to God this day for a period of one year: I shall spend one hour a day talking to You, my God, in personal prayer. God promises to save Ukraine from the planned autogenocide.

Gather together, collect material containing objective information based on facts, e.g. from the web-site or videos of the Patriarchate. Discuss the latest issues, organize demonstrations, set up student associations, circulate petitions...

The future of Ukraine is in your hands. Even if there are few of you who will be kindled with a sincere desire for a revival and the majority will take the easy way of delusion, do not be discouraged. God is with you!

For God and for Ukraine!

+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops

Lvov (Ukraine), 1 January 2013

Copies to:

- MPs of Ukraine

- Mass media