New Republic Era

Federalists / Republicans (1790’s)
Hamilton, Washington, Adams
Strong National Government
Support in the Northeast and trading centers both North and South
Commercial strength (trade)
Manufacturing protection- tariff to support trade
Advocated strong economic health
Fund public debt from revolution
·  Certificates- issue of speculators buying them in anticipation of government purchase
·  Assume state debts- Assumption plan- in exchange for national capital in the south
o  (Washington D. C.)
·  National Bank
o  To create stable center for banks
o  Offer business loans
o  Create order to the finances of government/taxes and spending
Taxes to build economic strength (debt)
·  Sale of Western land
·  Whiskey tax
·  Import taxes
Subsidiary strategy: to align wealthy elites to support the new government / Jefferson, Madison
Washington Administration 1789-1796 / Adams Administration 1796-1800
Executive Cabinet
•  Neutrality Proclamation of 1793
o  Proclaimed U.S. neutrality toward the war between Britain and France
o  Warned citizens to be impartial to both Britain & France
•  Whiskey Rebellion, 1794
o  Eastern Pennsylvania farmers organize and protest whiskey tax and Washington mobilizes 15,000 militia to confront, ends peacefully
o  Significance: Washington asserts power of Federal government
o  Reminiscent of pre-revolution actions of Brits, Lexington…
·  Citizen Genet (French Diplomat-caused complaint from Washington)
•  Jay Treaty with British, 1794
o  British and French at war again
o  Brits had been seizing American property
o  Bad treaty for Americans-
o  Brink of War, the federalist need to appease British.
o  Complaints of seizing US ships, seamen, and inciting Indians on the frontier
o  Jay concludes a treaty that prevents war but Americans must pay Revolutionary debts
o  British agree to pay for seizure of US property and promise to leave the forts in the Ohio area.
•  Pinckney Treaty with Spain, 1795
o  Negotiated a settlement Americans to navigate/transport goods down the Mississippi to New Orleans
o  Significance: Americans get another recognition of American claims and sovereignty over territory
•  Farewell Address, 1796 Advice to country
o  Support public credit/finances
o  Observe good faith in government
o  Avoid international alliances
o  Beware of partisanship (political party infighting / Federalist
Vice President Jefferson
•  XYZ Affair, 1797
•  Barbary Pirates
•  Navy Appropriations
•  Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798
Republican response
•  Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 1798