North East
Community Access / Impact / Specialist and Faith Schools engagement / Parental Engagement / Sustainability / Successes / Challenges / OtherDarlington /
- New policy on caretakers pay on out of work hours
- First sign-posting tool developed funding allocated to support audit of lettings fees underway
- Study support project
- Evaluation of school home support, positive outcomes
- RC schools working as a cluster on healthy schools
- Parent Forums being set up in all localities / clusters
- Parents networks practitioner events
- Parenting programmes
- Development of integrated area teams
- School- home support workers in locality
- ESC becoming fully integrated into schools staff
Durham /
- Clusters working in Family Learning
- ESRA linked into BSF
- On-line centres developed and accessed by whole community
- All extended services developed – linked to priorities in SIP
- All ESCs and Children Centre Cluster Managers undertaking impact measures training
- Specialist and faith schools are included in geographical clusters
- Parenting strategies in place
- PSA mainstreamed
- Parent focus groups developed
- ESC posts mainstream cluster model in place. All funding developed to schools.
- Sustained funding continued; commitment beyond 2010.
- Improved involvement of ESC Local Children’s Boards
- Effective cluster working
- Re-alignment of schools and communities of learning
- How to sustain School Home Support Workers
- Sustain grant funded projects
- Rural issues
Gateshead / LA officer trained in the use of the tool. Plans to train co-ordinators. /
- Parents involved in consultation for ?
- Some clusters have approved parental support staff
- Childcare XS team working with schools re: childcare
- Funding – being top-sliced by LA to contribute to savings / contingency
- Capacity of central team
Hartlepool /
- PCP and BSF improving facilities for wider community access
- Family learning programmes through community support targeting obesity / positive contributions
- Credit union / benefit advice through commissioning into city / schools
- Special schools fully engaged (including PRU’s)
- All primary faith schools fully engaged
- Mapping parent Intervention under the strategy and revising / evaluating current provision in line with PEEP money
- ES transforming schools programme as integrated part of Learning XX
- Commissioning framework and implementation team
- Voluntary sector delivering extended services
- All secondary sector under BSF committed to ‘Learning Framework’
- Support from NST re: reducing teenage pregnancy roles. Local action planning focusing on charging current structures
Middlesbrough /
- Schools increasing provision for adult education
- Schools working in groups to deliver shared provision on one school site
- Increased use of spaces for sports and arts during school holiday time by groups of schools
- New businesses using school provision e.g. Holmwood
- Part of Impact Assessment Working Group
- Collective training by cluster of schools on SIP
- CPD Leader Programme included impact assessment / evaluation , performance management ; professional standards
- Faith schools embedded in cluster arrangements
- Focus on developing PTA’s in schools
- Part of PSA pilot – major review approaching completion (All schools access support)
- Family learning available to all schools (highly regarded by schools)
- Additional project led by parents for children with autism
- Strong links with children’s centres to support parents
- Parent ADHD support group
- Post NPQH / Pre headship group meets regularly
- Building schools for the future – Extended services in all vision statements
- Major part of primary strategy for change (embedded thinking)
- NCSL Leadership Programme –devolved leadership development of team
- BSF Community use work stream to consider ES issues, etc.
- Middle leader project in schools – very well attended
- New developments have extended services at the heart of their vision
- Engagement of schools
- Development of partners
- Development of services
- Challenges to BSF / Amalgamations / Competitions
- Long term funding commitment
Newcastle /
- PSA pilot evaluated , schools using funding to carry on this work. Link into parenting strategy Schools looking to mainstream if funding comes to an end
- Schools are working better together in clusters to look at the needs of families
- PSA’s impacting on attendance, CAFs and engagement, vulnerable families-
- Other impact less obvious eg: home Learning Environment, Family Learning, Basic Skills
- Schools are seeing the benefits of extended services outside the ‘School gates’
- Working with adult learning alliance to establish needs analysis
- PSA’s in many schools and CAF process starting to be introduced. Targeting vulnerable children and families.
- 08/09 majority of funding spent on PSA’s across school clusters
- Parenting Commissioner – taking lead on coordinating and evaluating PSA’s.
- Funding given to clusters for 08/09 management – long transition in leadership of ES delayed development of these roles
- All schools clustered
- ES clusters now school improvement clusters and targeted accordingly. Has been very successful.
- 1 year delay in transition of leadership of ES slowed progress
- Continued funding from DCSF beyond March 2011
- Community access is a challenge in primary schools re: lettings and caretakers – development work is ongoing to work through some issues
North Tyneside /
- Working with adult learning alliance to establish needs analysis
- Impact measures established through RBA
- Catholic Partnership – funded to have a co-ordinator and parenting worker deemed as very successful
- 84 trained practitioners delivering a range of evidence based programmes
- Delivering health strategic priorities , eg: BMI / health assessments to all Year 7
- Supporting full service to fully embrace new accountability structures
- Commissioning framework established – pooled budgets, etc
Northumberland /
- Blyth- development of a boat building project (initiated through study support) and now working with parents and community
- Berwick Partnership – shared use of NorthumberlandCollege’s mobile classroom to deliver VMA, parenting, adult, etc.
- Held a multi-agency conference – using the new TDA Impact Tool- 180 participants feedback really positive
- (ContinYou) Training delivered to all 15 co-ordinators plus HT re: EXS and SEF. Feedback has been positive and schools clearer about identifying on SEF
- Specialist schools fully engaged
- Prudhoe Partnership – every parent in school partnership has received an information pack (age appropriate) – feedback excellent
- Coquet / Catholic Partnership – parents trained as volunteers to deliver activities (accredited training)
- Ashington – using study support opp’s to work with partners and YP together – impact on standards agenda
- Morpth – HS students group working with parents across p’ship schools – consultation around needs etc.
- Ponteland – Parent support partner has increased parental engagement across whole partnership. Now working on key impact measurements.
- Central team have initiated a multi-agency steering group to start to look at parental impact on standards
- Central team – ES consultant employed 1 day a week to improve engagement with third sector (following 5 successful info sharing events) and looking at business links
- After school club opened in middle school site to provide ‘safe place to be’ for YP – not childcare
- Mainstreaming services to make sure external services sustainable
- School partnerships have developed multi-agency p’ships committees , lead governor committees and this is seen as key to sustainability services
- Corporate identity for EXS has raised profile
- Large schools subsidising small rural in activities / study support
- HaydonBridge Partnership – Successful childcare arrangements – transporting children to different centres
- Meeting needs of very small, rural schools
- 1 or 2 academies not willing to engage
- How do we know how much funding they have for ES
- Schools already looking for guidance regarding funding post 2011. Will there be any? How will it be identified in budgets?
- 1 or 2 academies have put ES as a role in ‘deputy directors’ job description.
Redcar and Cleveland /
- Community kitchen for use by 6 schools and community in primary school
- Allotment in every primary. Will develop community access.
- Adapting the Logic Impact Tool
- Impact evaluated and a comprehensive report produced
- Faith schools part of area cluster arrangements – includes C of E and RC (fully integrated into cluster)
- PSA role to be rolled out across clusters
- Schools collaboratively becoming charitable organisations
- School collaboration very effective in G’bro cluster
- Allotment in every primary school
- Transport project in rural community
- Faith schools engagement rather patchy
- Bringing sure start and schools together to create effective working relationships
- Schools engagement with integrated processes (CAF, etc)
- Secondary schools “safe place” duty not yet embedded
- Funding in ABG vulnerable in 2010/11
South Tyneside /
- Centralised organisation of holiday schools, play schemes, complex needs support to make sure families have information / access to services all year round
- Small schools signpost to local community centres (significant number of community centres/ adjacent to schools and co-located within communities
- Co-located and some governance by schools of our 12 Children’s Centres. CC’s part of ES cluster arrangements / meetings
- Emerging good practice demonstrating the impact of targeting young people to improve their access to aspecific service – eg to gain access to 5 hours sport per week
- Specific support for LAC with multi-agency approach to OSHL / Holiday schemes (play staff working in LAC drop-in)
- All faith schools involved in cluster arrangements and engaged
- Extended services officer also parent commissioner – now a collaborative approach to parental engagement. Excellent communication across agencies because of this.
- Multi-agency support for staff self-identified parent groups(ie – TULIP Group)
- Parent-line Plus commissioned to develop support course, networks, support telephone line working in Children’s Centres alongside ES area co-ordinators (Partnerships with ACL colleagues)
- PSA’s appointed to work with parents and schools (managed by Parent Commissioner and ES area coordinator).
- Good partnership arrangements with council , voluntary and private services / agencies – co-dependency helps meet targets (shared outcomes)
- Analysis of funding streams at locality level to support Adult and Community Learning, Family Learning and Parent Support
- Use of primary capital programme, Q and A capital and Children Centre capital together to develop childcare
- Joined up approach to addressing childcare across the borough – particularly to address needs – this has led to good partnerships across the directorate
Stockton /
- Secondary school running an afterschool project around energy saving. Putting together a series of presentation evenings for parents to attend. Further work to be done on community access.
- Schools and children’s centres working together on and off school sites
- Specific parents groups are being held across the city ie: autism, special schools parents, etc.
- PSA role to be fully developed with schools
- Primary schools offer teacher workshop to parents to show how children are taught involving them in projects in curriculum. This encourages parents involvement and provides opportunities to improve parents learning
- Furtherance of Families First, Parenting Strategy – milestones achieved include regular information and advice sessions in each cluster
- Working on models of Breakfast Clubs to be presented to LA for mainstreaming
- 100% of schools offering access to full core offer – looking at beyond core offer or enhanced core offer
- Partnership agreement to engage 17 cluster managers
- Child and family workers (PSA’s), attendance team and cluster managers working together
- Need to engage with BSF and make full use of the …?
Sunderland /
- 5 space for sports and arts schools offering community access
- 100% schools offering access to C.A
- Children’s Centres and extended services and attendance working strategically together to ensure streamlined support to families
- LA officers being trained in IMPACT tool
- Project working with schools to open grounds for informal community use out of hours
- All specialist secondary schools are part of clusters
- All faith schools are clustered
- Child and family workers in place in Children’s Centres covering PSA role – engaging parents
- Parents involved in consultation Parenting Strategy
- Parent operations group formed
- Parents involved in various groups eg: aiming high for disabled children
- Taking part in sustainability pilot with TDA
- 17 new cluster managers in place. Extensive support and training from LA and partners.
- Full childcare team in place to look at sufficiency and sustainability
- Clear leadership expectation from DCFS
- Schools are actively engaging in CAF training which is delivered by development offices (area locality and extended services)
- Engaging school improvement officers / partners
- Developing ‘beyond the core offer’ and sustainability
- Childcare sustainability and sufficiency
- Area based grant
- 6 regeneration areas merging to 5 – may have impact on cluster arrangement s
- Engaging all 11 schools with SIPF – even though they have attended training