New Policy, Merge of Policies 8 & 15, with changes highlighted

POLICY NUMBER 15 Revised November 2014

Chapter Financial Accounts and Financial Authorizations

WHEREAS, Wild Ones Natural Landscapers Ltd (Wild Ones ®) is a charitable organization,organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the applicable provisions ofthe Wisconsin Non-Stock Corporation Act; and

WHEREAS, Wild Ones welcomes and encourages formation of Chapters of the Corporation;and

WHEREAS, Chapters are not separate legal entities, there is only a single corporate entitygoverned by a Board of Directors; and

WHEREAS, Chapters must establish financial accounts in order to conduct the financial affairsof the Chapters; and

WHEREAS, The financial accounts of suspended and dechartered Chapters require greater oversight by the Corporation.

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the By-Laws, the policy ofWild Ones as made applicable to thenational officeand all chapters, their officers and members thereof,is as follows:

Chapters shall include the national office of Wild Ones as a signatory on all financial accountsheld by the Chapters. As such, the Executive Director of Wild Ones shall affix his/her signatureto the account in the name of the national office.(Policy 15, first paragraph, exactly the same)

Chapters may establish depository accounts to conduct business that promotes environmentally sound natural landscaping practices using native plant species, and the education thereof.(Policy 8, bullet pts. 2 & 4 combined)

Reimbursement for approved expenses requireswill be made upon presentation ofvalid documentation.(Policy 8, sixth bullet pt. with change)

Chapter checks in excess of $499.99expenditures equal to or over One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or those expenditures to a payee who has already received $1,000.00 in aggregate payment from the chapter in the preceding 12 months,must be written as checks andco-signed by the president and treasurer of a chapter.(Policy 8, fifth bullet pt., second half; with change to $ amount)

Chapters shall require written authorization from the Executive Director andthe President of Wild Ones, when warranted,from the Executive Committee of the Board, on all expenditures equal to or over Two ThousandDollars ($2,000.00).(Policy 15, second paragraph, with changes)

Chapters may partner only with those organizations whose missions contribute to biodiversity and environmentally sound landscaping practices.(Policy 8, bullet pts. 1 & 3 combined)

Chapters may not open lines of credit, nor use credit cards. Chapters may allow their members to use debit cards, from those deposit accounts which include the Executive Director as a signatory.(New)

Should a Chapter be suspended or dechartered, the national office shall have the right totransfer all funds remaining in the chapter financial accounts to a national financial accountpending final disposition of the funds by the National Board.(Policy 15, third paragraph, exactly the same)

Expenditures equal to or over Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) from the National Wild Ones accountwill require written authorization by the President and Treasurer.(Policy 8, fifth bullet pt., first half; with changes from Sally and Steve)

ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF August 2011.





WHEREAS, Wild Ones Natural Landscapers Ltd (Wild Ones®) is a non-profit Wisconsin corporation comprised of chapters; and

WHEREAS, Wild Ones and its chapters each maintain monetary depository accounts;

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the By-Laws, the policy of Wild Ones as made applicable to national and to all chapters, their officers and members thereof, is as follows:

  • When considering use of funds from a Wild Ones account, the organization's mission will be considered.
  • Does the request for funds contribute to the education of the membership and/or the community.
  • Does the request contribute to biodiversity and environmentally sound practices.
  • Does the request promote natural landscaping practices using native species?
  • Checks in excess of $4,999.99 must be co-signed by the president and treasurer of the national account, and checks in excess of $499.99 must be co-signed by the president and treasurer of a chapter account whichever is applicable.
  • Reimbursements for approved expenses will be made upon presentation of valid documentation.




Chapter Financial Accounts

WHEREAS, Wild Ones Natural Landscapers Ltd (Wild Ones ®) is a charitable organization,organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the applicable provisions ofthe Wisconsin Non-Stock Corporation Act; and

WHEREAS, Wild Ones welcomes and encourages formation of Chapters of the Corporation;and

WHEREAS, Chapters are not separate legal entities, there is only a single corporate entitygoverned by a Board of Directors; and

WHEREAS, Chapters must establish financial accounts in order to conduct the financial affairsof the Chapters.

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the By-Laws, the policy ofWild Ones as made applicable to national and all chapters, their officers and members thereof,is as follows:

Chapters shall include the national office of Wild Ones as a signatory on all financial accountsheld by the Chapters. As such, the Executive Director of Wild Ones shall affix his/her signatureto the account in the name of the national office.

Chapters shall require written authorization from the Executive Director and, when warranted,from the Executive Committee of the Board, on all expenditures equal to or over Two ThousandDollars ($2,000.00).

Should a Chapter be suspended or dechartered, the national office shall have the right totransfer all funds remaining in the chapter financial accounts to a national financial accountpending final disposition of the funds by the National Board.

ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF August 2011.