____Dr. Carroll ___Dr. Dayton ___Dr. Flynn __ Dr. Mirani __Dr. Steinberg
Patient Name: ______
Person Filling out Form: ______Relationship to patient: ______
Reason you were referred for visit: ______
Primary Care Physician: ______
Birth History:
Birth Place: ______
Birth Weight: ______Gestation: Full Term: ______
Premature: ______# Weeks: ______
Delivery: Vaginal______C Section: ______
Hospital: ______
Problems before / after birth: ______
Medical History: Has the patient had any of these heart problems? Explain Briefly.
Murmur: ______Asthma: ______
Palpitations:______Diabetes: ______
Fainting: ______Thyroid Problems: ______
Chest Pain:______Other Endocrine / Gland Disease______
Scoliosis: ______Poor Growth / Failure to Thrive: ______
ADHD: ______Neurologic Disease: ______
Cyanosis (Blueness): ______High Blood Pressure: ______
Arrhythmia: ______Lung Disease: ______
Seizures:______Joint / Rheumatologic Disease: ______
Marfan syndrome: ______Kidney Disease: ______
Cardiolmyopathy: ______
Prior Hospitalization:
Age _____ Diagnosis ______
Age _____ Diagnosis ______
Age _____ Diagnosis ______
Prior Surgery:
Age _____ Type ______
Age _____ Type ______
Age _____ Type ______
Social History: (Skip if Patient is < 10 Years Old)
Does the Patient Drink alcohol?______Use Street Drugs?______
Smoke Cigarettes?______Chew Tobacco?______
Does anyone smoke in the home? ______
**Please complete the second side of this questionnaire
Social Documentation:
Who lives at home with the patient? ______
If the patient attends school: School Name: ______Grade /year:______
Caffeine use by patient: Never: ______Occasionally: ______Daily:______
Physical Activity in which the patient participates:
Informal Recreation: ______
P.E. Classes: ______
Sports (please list):______
Dance: ______
Other Activity: ______
Family History: Note relationship to patients for example mother, uncle, grandmother
Congenital Heart Disease: ______
Heart Attacks: ______
Stroke: ______
Arrhythmia: ______
Sudden Cardiac Death: ______
High Blood Pressure: ______
Cardiomyopathy: ______
Marfan syndrome: ______
Diabetes: ______
Lipid Disorder: ______
Other Problems: ______
Father: Alive? Yes No Age _____
Mother: Alive? Yes No Age _____
Brother: Alive? Yes No Age _____
Sister: Alive? Yes No Age _____
Medications Currently Taking or Prescribed:
Medication: ______Amount: ______Times/ Daily: ______Taking: Yes or No
Medication: ______Amount: ______Times/ Daily: ______Taking: Yes or No
Medication: ______Amount: ______Times/ Daily: ______Taking: Yes or No
Medication: ______Amount: ______Times/ Daily: ______Taking: Yes or No
OTHER: ______
To Medications______
Other Allergies: ______