New OCR GCE LEVEL Physical Education (H555) – Year 12
Summary of topics studied over the 2 years
Content Overview / Assessment Overview- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Exercise physiology
- Biomechanics
90 marks
2 hour written paper / 30%
of total
A level
- Skill acquisition
- Sports psychology
60 marks
1 hour written paper / 20%
Of total
A level
- Sport and society
- Contemporary issues in physical activity and sport
60 marks
1 hour written paper / 20%
of total
A level
- Performance or Coaching
- Evaluation and Analysis of Performance for Improvement
- (EAPI)
60 marks
non-exam assessment (NEA) / 30%
of total
A level
Year 12 Course content
Year 1:
Subject area / Topic areas(01) Physiological factors / 1.1.a. Skeletal and Muscular Systems
1.1.b. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
1.1. d. *Environmental effects on body systems
(02) Psychological factors / 2.1 Skill Acquisition
(03) Socio-cultural factors / 3.1 Sport and Society and Sport and society
Contemporary issues in physical activity and sport
(01) Physiological factors
(04) Performance in Physical Education / NEA / 2.b. Preparation and training methods in relation to improving and maintaining physical activity and performance
How will you be assessed in Y12?
End of Year assessment to check progress
- 3 papers
- (2 hour and 1x 90min)
- No Practical assessment in Y12
Equipment list
·A-Level PE Polo Shirt/ Track suit
·Appropriate sportswear for lessons as well as swim wear
·Access to an Ipad
·A Folder for each section
- Physiological Factors,
- Psychological factors and
- Sociocultural factors.
Component / Topic Area / Sub Area / Hours
1.1Physiological factors affecting performance / 1.1.a. Skeletal and Muscular Systems /
- Joints, movements and muscles
- Functional roles of muscles and types of contraction
- Analysis of movement
- Skeletal muscle contraction
- Muscle contraction during exercise of differing intensities and during recovery
1.1.b. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems /
- Cardiovascular system at rest
- Cardiovascular system during exercise of differing intensities and during recovery
- Respiratory system at rest
- Respiratory system during exercise of differing intensities and during recovery
1.1.c. *Energy for Exercise /
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and energy transfer
- Energy systems and ATP resynthesis
- ATP resynthesis during exercise of differing intensities and durations
- The recovery process
1.1. d. *Environmental effects on body systems /
- Exercise at altitude
- Exercise in the heat
1.2.b. Preparation and training methods in relation to improving and maintaining physical activity and performance /
- Aerobic training
- Strength training
- Flexibility training
- Periodisation of Training
- Impact of training on lifestyle diseases
2.1 Skill Acquisition /
- Classification of skills
- Types and methods of practice
- Transfer of skills
- Principles and theories of learning movement skills
- Stages of learning
- Guidance
- Feedback
- Memory models
3.1 Sport and Society /
- Emergence and evolution of modern sport
- Global sporting events
Summer Bridging Work
Complete the following questions for your chosen sport (minimum 300-500words for each question);
1) Describe the energy demands (Aerobic to Anaerobic) for your chosen sport.
2) Describe performance profile of your elite sports performer?
3) Analyse 3 movements in relation to (joint type, movement produced and muscles involved) and split each into preparation, execution & follow through).
Complete on a Google doc and share with Mr. BrennanMr. Joyce.
How and where it links to the specification / What skills will be assessed/practised / How and when it will be followed upLinks to Anatomy & Physiology, movement analysis and scienc / Analysis of movement, Research skills, sports specific application of science. / Students will present findings in their first lesson in September with Mr Joyce. This research will lead into their first section of study on Anatomy. Please share your work on a Google doc with Mr. Brennan & Mr. Joyce.
Reading list
- PE Review – From the library & access from school website
- PE Resources will be found on the Google Classroom
- OCR PE Website
- A great site for fitness testing and youth norms
- Brian Mac – Excellent for Anatomy & Physiology
Teach PE - lesson plans, Analysis of performance, etc
- PE4Learning
Excellent site for sports psychology