MOC User Guide
Table of Contents
Task Creation 3
New MOC Form Features 4
Section 1: Management of Change Initiation 4
MOC Number 4
Facility Information 4
Reason for Request 5
Description of Technical Basis for Change 5
Section 2: Management of Change: Initial Screening 6
Change Vs. Replacement in Kind 6
Assess Technical Basis of Change 7
Section 3: PSM and RM Program Elements 8
PSM and Risk Management (RM) Program Elements 8
Sub Task Creation and Deletion within a MOC Form 8
File uploads within MOC Form 10
Section 4: Commissioning Checklist 12
Commissioning Checklist 12
Section 5: Verification and Approval 13
Verification Sign-Off 13
Approval to Start-up Process 14
E-mail Function 16
Update Task Details 17
Task Creation
1. Every MOC task will have the New MOC Form attached to it. Only the Sr. Technician and Facility Manager access levels are able to initiate/schedule the MOC task.
2. After the implementation of the new MOC Form, no MOC may be opened using the OLD format/programming.
3. If the user has MOCs in the old format with Open, In Progress, or Complete status, they will have access to those tasks until they are approved.
4. Old MOC tasks, forms, and all linked documentation will be available in the Task and Form Search tab.
5. The system displays the new MOC Form Number directly on the My Task tab, Sub Task, Task Search tab, and in the Update Task Details page.
New MOC Form Features
The New MOC Form will be a standard form which applies to all Stellar Digital PSM users.
Section 1: Management Of Change: INITIATION
1. The MOC Form number field is located at the top left of the form and should be an unused, unique number.
1. This section of the MOC Form should be completed by the individual initiating the MOC Form.
2. The Plant and Location data will be pre-populated for the user.
3. All fields with a red asterisk are mandatory.
4. The printer icon at the top right corner will allow the user to print this MOC Form.
1. The “Reason for Request” section is mandatory. One of these check boxes must be selected. If the user chooses “Other,” they must provide detail in the text box.
2. The Reference Number (Ref. No) field is optional and can be filled in if applicable.
1. The field “Description of Technical Basis for Change” will have three mandatory sections; each are mandatory fields.
2. When the three mandatory fields are filled, click on the SUBMIT button to save. At this time the user will see that the rest of the form has expanded below. Once the SUBMIT button is clicked the MOC Number will be displayed in the My Task tab, Sub Task, Task Search tab, and in the Update Task Details page.
3. If the CANCEL button is clicked, all the data will clear and the MOC Form will not be saved.
Section 2: Management of Change: INITIAL SCREENING
1. In Section 4 the user must choose either “Change “or “Replacement.”
2. When REPLACEMENT is clicked, sections 5, 6, 7, & 8 will collapse and only section 9 will remain open.
3. When CHANGE is clicked, the form will expand to open all required sections.
1. In Section 5 “Assess Technical Basis of Change” all three fields are mandatory.
· If PERMANENT is selected, then no further action is required in this section.
· If TEMPORARY is selected, Section 10 “Final Verification for Temporary” will open and the Expiration Date for Temporary Change must be recorded. The Expiration Date should not be more than 30 days from the MOC Form Initiation Date and should not be a date before the MOC Form Initiation Date.
3. Is the change necessary, consistent with company policy and an acceptable course of action?
· If YES is selected, then no further action is required in this section.
· If NO is selected the user must provide an explanation in the text box.
In Section 6 “PSM and RM Program Elements” all items are defaulted to NO. If the user clicks YES, a sub task and upload option will be enabled to upload required documents.
Sub Task Creation & Deletion within a MOC Form:
4. The sub task pop-up will be pre-populated with specific customer information. The equipment will default to PSM Program and the event will default to Action Item | MOC.
5. The user must assign a Primary Tech, choose a status, populate the date fields, and identify the details of the task in the NOTES section. For example, if the user clicked YES next to Ammonia Inventory, then they might write, “Update Ammonia Inventory” in the NOTES section of the sub task. Note that the Notes section is a required field.
3. Once a sub task is created, the Event ID number of the sub task will display on the MOC Form. The user can click to open the task from the form without having to navigate back to their My Tasks tab.
4. If the event was created in error, the user can delete it by clicking on the trashcan icon.
File Uploads within the MOC Form:
1. The user can upload any required documentation directly to the MOC Form by clicking on the UPLOAD button in the Upload File column.
2. Once documentation has been uploaded, the user will then have the option to save the file in their Library.
3. If the user clicks YES to the prompt, they will be guided to their Library folders. NOTE: The view will look different than what they’re used to seeing. This is only for the MOC Upload function.
· At the top of the SELECT LIBRARY PATH page, the user needs to click the box next to document they want to save in their Library.
· In the box below, the user will need click to drill down to the location they want the document to sit and click on the SUBMIT button.
4. After the user clicks SUBMIT, they’ll be guided back to the MOC Form to find that the Primary Technician and Completion Date fields have been populated to the right of the uploaded documents.
5. Uploaded documentation can be deleted from the MOC Form by clicking on the trashcan icon.
NOTE: Deleting documentation from the MOC Form will NOT delete documentation from the user’s Library. In order to maintain version control documentation will not automatically be removed from the library. The user will need to navigate to their Library tab and locate the file to delete.
6. Click SUBMIT to save the MOC Form and to see the new document(s) in the library. NOTE: Documents saved to the library through the MOC Form will NOT be visible in the Library tab until the MOC Form has been saved.
1. In Section “PSM and RM Program Elements” all items are defaulted to NO. If the user clicks YES, an upload option will be enabled to upload required documents.
2. The user also has the option to upload documentation to the MOC Form ONLY; they will not be prompted to save to their library.
3. Once a document has been uploaded to this section of the MOC Form, the user will need to enter in the date the documents were received in the Date Completed field.
Section 5: Verification and Approval
1. The user must read through each requirement and sign off that it has been done.
2. The user also has the option to upload documentation to the MOC Form ONLY; they will not be prompted to save to their Library.
3. Once a document has been uploaded to this section of the MOC Form, the user will need to enter in the date the documents were received in the Date Completed field.
MOC Form Signatures & Approvals:
NOTE: It is up to each individual facility to determine who is authorized to approve MOCs. This can be accomplished by sending a list of MOC Approvers to Stellar Digital. Currently, the default setting for this is all Facility Managers.
- Only personnel who are designated as MOC Approvers (see note above) may sign the Approval Section of the MOC.
- If an approver attempts to sign the Approval Section of the MOC and there are Open, In-progress, and/or Complete MOC Action Items from Section 6, a warning will pop-up: “Action items are still open on your task list. Are these Follow-up Items?”
· If the Approver selects NO, their digital signature will be removed and they must return to Section 6 and process all MOC Action Items. NOTE: The user can click EVENT ID NUMBER to open up Action Items Tasks or they can access these tasks on their My Tasks page.
· If the Approver selects YES, they can sign off to approve this section and all data from all Open, In-progress, and/or Complete MOC Action Items will be auto-populated to Section 11 “Follow-up Items”. The Action Items listed in Section 11 can be accessed on the My Tasks tab and should be closed (approved) as soon as possible.
CAUTION: By selecting YES, the approver is ensuring that the modified system is safe to startup even though these items have not been completed, i.e. the follow-up items should have no impact on system safety.
- Once the signature is accepted in this section, no new Action Item Tasks can be initiated and sections 1 through 7 will be locked from editing.
- If a form has been approved and it is determined that further editing/changes must be made to the MOC Form, only the person who made the initial approval of the form can un-sign the form. Once it is unsigned, the form will return to an editable state and allow all changes to be made.
- If more than one person has approved the form, only the Initial Approver can un-sign the form. Once the initial approver un-signs the form all other approval signatures will automatically be removed and the form will return to an editable state and allow all changes to be made.
- Any items that were originally identified as Follow-up items will be removed from the Follow-up list in Section 11 once the form is un-signed by the Initial Approver.
E-mail Function
- Once the “Send for Approval” button is clicked, all MOC Approvers will receive an e-mail notification with instructions on how to move forward with approval.
- The system tracks which approvers have already approved the MOC and won’t send an Approval e-mail to those individuals when the “Send for Approval” button is clicked again.
- The system generated approval e-mail will contain a link to the login page and once the Approver logs in they will be automatically directed to the Update Task Details page of the MOC Task.
Update Task Details
The system will ask the Approver to verify that all forms that are needed for the MOC task are attached/completed before allowing the user to change the status to Approved.
2. When the user changes status to Approved and clicks SUBMIT the system will display a pop-up which reads: “WAIT! Have all necessary forms been filled out for this MOC? Has all necessary documentation been uploaded?”
· If the user selects NO - The status reverts back to the prior state.
· If the user selects YES – The system will display a second pop-up which will read: “Wait! Have all required personnel signed off to authorize this approval?”
§ If the user selects YES - The system will scan the form for authorized signature(s).
· If there ARE authorization signature(s) on the MOC Form, the system will display a pop-up which will read: “Wait! Have all required personnel signed off to authorize this approval?”
o If the user selects YES – The status will change to Approved.
o If the user selects NO – The status will revert to its previous state.
· If there are NOT any authorization signature(s) on the MOC Form the system will display a pop-up which will read: “You cannot approve this MOC without required signature(s) in Section 9 of the MOC Form.”
o The user clicks OK and the status reverts to its previous state.
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