New Life in Christ Lutheran Church November 2008

The Witness

311 S. Cockrell Hill Road Bill Metting, Pastor

Duncanville, TX 75116 972-296-2035 (office)



The NLIC Witness page 1

The NLIC Witness page 1

All Saints Day

November 1, 2008 – Celebration at NLIC on November 2, 2008

The Feast of All Saints is a holy day of the Church honoring all saints, known and unknown. This is much like the American holidays Veterans Day and Presidents Day, where many people are honored on one day. While we have knowledge of many saints, and we honor them on specific days, there are many unknown or unsung saints, who may have been forgotten, or never been specifically honored. On All Saints Day, we celebrate these saints of the Lord, and ask for their prayers and intercessions. The whole concept of All Saints Day is tied in with the concept of the Communion of Saints. This is the belief that all of God's people, on heaven, earth are connected in a communion. In other words, Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe that the saints of God are just as alive as you and I, and are constantly interceding on our behalf. Remember, our connection with the saints in heaven is one grounded in a tight-knit communion. The saints are not divine, nor omnipresent or omniscient. However, because of our common communion with and through Jesus Christ, our prayers are joined with the heavenly community of Christians.

During our worship together on November 2nd we will be remembering those loved ones in Christ who have completed their journey of live and live with Christ. Please submit the names of those whom you would like to have included in our prayers on November 2nd to Pastor Bill at .

Thanksgiving Worship

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

7:15 p.m.

The Worship and Music Committee of New Life in Christ

Lutheran Church has planned a change for our annual

Thanksgiving worship experience. In years past the Thanksgiving

Worship Service has always taken place on Wednesday evening.

However in 2008 we are going to try something new. Many people are either traveling or preparing for Thanksgiving Day on Wednesday evening and do not take the time to give thanks to God for the many blessings we receive and experience each day. Consequently the Thanksgiving Worship Service has been moved to Tuesday evening at 7:15 p.m. We hope you will come out and join us in giving thanks to our God.

Passionate Spirituality

Tim and Uncle Al -- (Author Unknown) [Edited]

{This article is a continuation of our journey to discover what Passionate Spirituality is . . .}

"Thanks for inviting me to go to church with you next Sunday, Uncle Al." Tim and his uncle were on their way to Bonny Lake. They had heard the fishing there was great. "I. . .I don't want to hurt your feelings," continued Tim, "but. . .well. . .I'm not sure I want to get into this religious stuff. Besides, Mom and Dad don't think it's a good idea."
"Oh?" asked Uncle Al in surprise. "I thought you said that your parents wouldn't mind if you went with me. You sounded quite interested last week. You even said the Gospel was beginning to make sense to you."
"Yeah, but since then I've done a lot of thinking," Tim said slowly. "I don't think I feel like getting 'saved' right now. The crowd I hang around with at school wouldn't understand, and I like being with them. Someday I'll start going to church, but I think I'll just go on the way I am for a while. I know I'm not perfect, but I'm not so bad, either."
Tim's uncle drove on silently for a few minutes. "Oh, no!" he exclaimed as they passed a road sign. "I was so intent on our conversation that I missed the turnoff. We should have gotten off this road five miles back."
"Guess we'll have to turn around and go back now, huh?" asked Tim.
But Uncle Al shook his head. "I don't feel like turning around right now," he said. "I guess we'll just keep going this way. I kinda like this road, and the scenery is nice."
Tim looked at his uncle in amazement. "But we have to turn around to get to Bonny Lake," he protested, "and the longer we keep going this way, the longer it will take to get back. If we wait too long to turn around, we might not even get there in time to fish."
Uncle Al smiled at Tim as he slowed down for the next turn. "You're right," he said, "and what you said just now is exactly what I've been trying to tell you about your spiritual life."

Thoughts for the Journey –

"God loves to decorate.

God HAS to decorate.

Let Him live long enough in a heart, and that heart will begin to change.

Portraits of hurt will be replaced by landscapes of grace.

Walls of anger will be demolished and shaky foundations restored.

God can no more leave a life unchanged than a mother can leave her child's tear untouched.

It's not enough for Him to own you; He wants to change you." - Max Lucado




Please mark your calendars for Sunday, November 16th…. this is our fall

blood drive. You may sign up to give blood or bring snacks on the

following Sundays: November 2nd and November 9th. Please give

the gift of life by taking the time to donate blood.




Once again this year we will be taking gifts to the meals

on wheels recipients. Please look for the list of items needed

and bring what you can. Your help is always appreciated.



It’s that time of year! The Angel Tree will be appearing later this month.

Please take the time to pick up an angel and bring Christmas joy to a less

fortunate child.




Thank you so much for your continued response to the need of this

organization. We will continue collecting can goods and pasta for

the hundreds of people served weekly by this organization.

The NLIC Witness page 1

November Congregational Meeting

On Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at their regular Church Council Meeting, the church council decided to call a special Congregational meeting to be held on November 2nd at 11:00 a.m. in order to consider bids that have been received on visual equipment. The council will present two options to the congregation. Option 1 is for one projector, long throw lens, and screen at a cost of $8,909.00. Option 2 is for two projectors, two long throw lenses, and two screens at a cost of $15,045.00.

Celebrating with our Members

November Birthdays November Baptisms November Anniversaries

Sandy Roiger 11/2 Eliza Carey 11/1 Dana & Joe Alexander 11/15

Neva Dykman 11/5 Jennifer Carey 11/1 Peter & Belen Eck 11/20

Jerry Palermo 11/6 Ben Wing 11/6 Jerry & Juanita Keosoff 11/23

Terry Wing 11/6 Barbara Aars 11/16 Jeff & Nora Jo Hopkins 11/25

Andy Doller 11/8 Dawn Carter 11/18

Kyle Scott 11/9 Kyle Scott 11/22

Ralph Roberts 11/11 Ral Aars 11/23

Bill Strickland 11/11 Chris Bartlett 11/27

Brenda Larson 11/14 Jim Robbins 11/28

Anita Hicock 11/17 Ryan Layne 11/29

Marian Holcomb 11/22

Barbara Palermo 11/26

Michael Aars 11/28

Azella Dykman 11/29

Sandi Scott 11/29

Robert Johnson 11/30

Something Old – Something New

Church Health Team

The Church Health Team in their effort to create an atmosphere where “Passionate Spirituality” might grow within our congregation is doing “something old and something new”. While we frequently hear those words in the context of a Bride at a wedding the Church Health Team is seeking to nurture the spiritual life of members. In an effort to do that the Church Health Team is: revitalizing the “Miracle and Blessing Sunday” concept. Some of you may remember a few years ago when there was a member who presented a “miracle or blessing” that had happened in their life. The program begins again in November with Judy Strickland, church health team member, as the organizer. If you would like to make one of these presentations and share your experience with the congregation please call and talk to JUDY at 972-296-5353. “Miracle and Blessing Sunday” will take place the third Sunday of the month during worship.

The Church Health Team is also doing something new. So let us ask: “How well do you know your fellow members?” Most of us meet at worship and our relationship stops there. We need to know more about each other. So the Church Health Team is starting A Membership Profile section for the newsletter. The newsletter every month will contain information about one of our members. This program is being coordinated by Chuck Skeels. So if you are willing to let your congregation family know who you are and what you do then contact Chuck by phone at

972-229-5772 or email him at .


The Property Committee thanks everyone who contributed to a great Fall Work Day. Completed items are listed on the Bulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall. Some items remain and anyone who wants to work on one of them, please feel free to do so. Please indicate when an item is completed. Thanks again to all.

An Evening of Entertainment

Mosaic in Dallas will host the second annual Fall Concert on Sunday,

Nov. 9 at The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration. The crowd will be

treated to a wonderful program featuring the vocal talents of soloist

Martin Guerra as well as a musical review performed by members of the

Turtle Creek Chorale. Following the concert will be a reception.

Sunday Nov. 9, 2008

6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration

14115 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas

Free will offering at door n Reception to follow

All proceeds benefit Mosaic Dallas n RSVP by Nov. 3 to 972.866.9989 n

Youth Group Offers Calendars


God's Creation 2009 appointment calendars are in. Still the low price of $ 6.00 each.

See a youth or committee member to purchase one or more.

Thanks for your support

Jackie Says Thank you!!!

Thank you to my church family for your calls, cards and concern while I was in the hospital having my gall balder removed in Sept. It meant a lot to me. Also a special thanks for Pastor Bill for coming up to the hospital to spend time with Steve and myself. Thanks again. Jackie Askelson

“Dining Through the Decades”

NLIC Progressive Dinner

Parish Life cordially invites all adult members of New Life in Christ to attend the annual Progressive Dinner that will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2008 beginning at 6 p.m. at New Life. The theme for this year’s dinner is “dining through the decades”.

Each decade will be remembered through decorations, music, news events, clothing and food of that decade. The evening will begin with appetizers from the ‘40s and ‘50s, salads from the ‘60s and ‘70s, main course from the ‘80’s and 90’s and dessert from the 2000’s. Members of the Parish Life committee will dress in clothing appropriate to the decade they have chosen to represent.

The evening would not be complete with a visit to the “Wright Family”. We have learned that the Wright family has received a very special gift – their first computer! Each person should bring a white elephant gift with its identity concealed in a brown paper bag. In preparation for the reading of the story about the Wright family, everyone attending this event takes their chairs and forms a circle. Each person picks up a brown paper bag from the collection that is brought that evening and takes a seat in the circle. As the story of the Wright family is read the brown bags are passed either to the person on the “right” as the word “right” is read or to the person on the “left” as the word “left” is read. When the story concludes, the bag that each person is holding is his/her bag to open. One by one the bags are opened and each person reveals the treasure that is his/hers to take home. Be creative and have fun choosing a white elephant gift to bring to the Progressive Dinner.

Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board giving all members a chance to bring a food item representative of one of the decades.

The Progressive Dinner is one of the most fun and remembered evenings of the year. It is a time to take a break from the hectic events of the season and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship. Please come and join us as we have fun “dining through the decades.”

Men’s Bible Study in November – canceled

Jerry Palermo has informed the office that the November meeting of the Men’s bible study has been canceled. Then next meeting for the Men’s Bible study will be December 13th. See you then.

Holman Update, October 2008

Dear Friends and Family,
It’s a relief to spend more than a month at home in Tamale – not that we’re actually in our apartment much, but at least we’re sleeping in the same place every day! We have only four more weeks in our apartment here. In November we take off for Nigeria and after that go to the U.S. for a four-month home leave. When we return to Ghana, it will be to a house, which we’ll be sharing with our neighbors, Ruben and Maria Dubei, and their two children, Miriam and Levi. The house was formerly a guesthouse, and it has five bedrooms, so we’ll be able to divide it into a two-family residence. We’ll be busy packing before we leave, but Ruben and Maria and other friends will have to move all our stuff for us in January! Pray that we would be ruthless about throwing things away after ten years in the same place, and that the packing and moving would go well for us and for those moving our things. Pray also that we would have enough funds to pay for the alterations to the house and the increase in rent.