New Leaf Counseling Services by Keith Wilson, MS, LPC, NCC, a LLC Company

Client Information and Pre-Psychosocial Intake Form to be completed by client before the first appointment.

Legal Name of client:______

Preferred Name of client:______

Date: ______Age:______Date of Birth:______

Sex: [ ] male [ ] female [ ] questioning or transgendered

Last 4 digits of social security number: *** - ** - ______

If client is under the age of 18 list the name of custodial parents or guardians:


Relationship to client: ______

Do you have legal custody rights to seek treatment if the client is an minor?

[ ] yes [ ] no

Phone number:______

Alternate Phone number: ______

May a message be left on the above listed number(s)? [ ] yes [ ] no

Address of residence: ______

City: ______State:______Zip:______

Will New Leaf be billing Medicaid? [ ] yes[ ] no

If so please provide the client’s Medicaid (DCN) #:______

Has the client sought mental health services elsewhere or ever been hospitalized for mental health reasons? [ ] yes [ ] no

If so with whom or where did these services occur and during what dates?



Is the client currently suicidal? [ ] yes [ ] no

Is there a history of suicidal thoughts/ actions? [ ] yes [ ] no

Can you briefly describe the current problem, situation(s), and/or symptoms?










Please describe or list any current or past medical problems:



How did you find out about us?______

By signing below you agree to treatment and consent for New Leaf Counseling Services by Keith Wilson (LLC) to conduct mental health counseling and psychotherapy services on the client listed on page one of this document. By signing you also agree that you understand your rights under HIPPA law, that you have read the consent to treat form and understand all policies associated and prescribed to by New Leaf Counseling, that you understand by reading this that you have a right to print or view “Client’s Bill of Rights” at our website, and that you give us permission to use your information to bill medicaid or other insurance that you might be using.


Printed name of client


Signature of client (18 and older)Date



Signature of parent or guardian acting on legal behalf of the client



Please present this to your therapist with your photo I.D.