New Gideon Baptist Church
2542 Balis Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Application for Pastoral Position
Instructions: Please complete application by typing or printing legibly.
Personal InformationDate of Application:______
Current Address:______
StreetCity|StateZip Code
Contact Information:______
Home TelephoneMobile TelephoneE-Mail
Number of years at current address______Social Security Number______
Marital Status: MarriedSingleDivorcedWidow No. of Children:______
Do you have a legal right to work in the United States? Yes No
Do you have a legal right to remain permanently in the United States? Yes No
(Proof of citizenship or immigration status will be required upon employment).
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (except a minor traffic violation)?No Yes
If yes, explain number of conviction(s) nature of offense(s) leading to conviction(s), how recently such offense(s) was|were
committed, sentence(s) imposed, and type(s) of rehabilitation:
If employed as a Pastor, please provide the following information regarding the size of the following areas under your leadership:
When Called
To current Church To Date
- Congregation
- # of Members on Official Church Roll______
- # of Active Members______
- Average Sunday Worship Attendance______
- Sunday School______
- Bible Study (Midweek Service) Attendance______
- Ministries|Auxiliaries______
- Annual Church Budget______
- Amount of Church Indebtedness______
- Admimistrative Staff______
- Ministerial Staff______
Employment Record
Please list all positions held within the last ten (10) years, beginning with your present and most recent job. Include self-employment, volunteer
work, military experience, summer and part-time jobs.
Please copy additional sheets, if needed.
Present Employer: / Dates Employed / Describe your PositionStreet Address, City, State, Zip / From: / To:
Telephone Number: / Salary
Your position: / Reports to (Name, Title): / Starting:
Reason for Leaving:
Prior Employer: / Dates Employed / Describe your Position
Street Address, City, State, Zip / From: / To:
Telephone Number: / Salary
Your position: / Reports to (Name, Title): / Starting:
Reason for Leaving:
Prior Employer: / Dates Employed / Describe your Position
Street Address, City, State, Zip / From: / To:
Telephone Number: / Salary
Your position: / Reports to (Name, Title): / Starting:
Reason for Leaving:
Prior Employer: / Dates Employed / Describe your Position
Street Address, City, State, Zip / From: / To:
Telephone Number: / Salary
Your position: / Reports to (Name, Title): / Starting:
Reason for Leaving:
Education And Training
Include only individuals familiar with your work ability. Do not include relatives.
Name / Address and Phone No. / Years Known / RelationshipThe following additional items are required and must be submitted with your application packet. The packet must be
postmarked by Monday, June 29, 2015 and received no later than Monday,July 6, 2015. The deadline will not be extended.
(1) Resume
(2)Copy of Social Security Card
(3)Copy of Driver’s License
(4)Copies of noted diplomas, certificates and degrees
(5)Three Letters of Reference|Recommendation
Read the following carefully:
(1)I certify that the information contained in this application is complete and true. I understand that false information may be
grounds fornot hiring me or for immediate termination of employment at any point in the future if it is deemed that I falsely represented any aspect of the application process.
(2)A pre-employment background check will be included in this process. The purpose of the background check is to ensure safe environment,to protect the church’s assets, including its employees, members, programs, services, and private information, as
well as to assist in the hiring process. The background check will include credit reporting, criminal background, etc.
Applicant’s SignatureDate
Please submit entire packet by: regular snail mail or email: or you can drop off at the church.
Submit to: Pastor’s Search Committee
New Gideon Baptist Church
2542 Balis Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Application Addendum:
Philosophy|Self-Expression(Briefly discuss the following topics. If additional space is needed, please attach no more than a
full page, single-spaced.)
- The role of the church.
- The components of the order of worship service.
- What makes Baptist Doctrine unique from other denominational doctrine?
- Your views on church management including staffing, finance, administration, etc.
- Your beliefs concerning the total involvement of women in ministry. Cite supporting biblical references.
- The role of associations, conferences, conventions, etc., in accomplishing the church’s mission.