New Category and New Awards (Money!) for Student Magazine Contest
Carol Holstead

The City and Regional Magazine Association is sponsoring a new category in the Student Magazine Contest and funding an award for the Team Startup Category.

The new category is New Magazine Ideas. The requirements are less than a full business plan and prototype—a streamlined plan that could be done in as few as 12 pages. The goal was to level the playing field as much as possible. Students who’ve done full plans and prototypes should excerpt from them to create their entries for the New Magazine Ideas category.

First place winners in the Team Startup category will receive $3,000. The first place winner in the New Magazine Ideas category will receive $1,000; second and third place winners each will receive $500.

For students who would like to travel to the CRMA annual conference May 21 – 23 in Denver, CRMA will cover the cost of one hotel room for each category and meals.

Students will need to provide a photo with their entries. CRMA will use the photo, plus images from the entries, in announcing the awards at the conference.

New Magazine Ideas

For teams and individuals. Each entry must include ONLY the following.

A streamlined business plan:

·  Concept description and mission statement (1 page)

·  Proof of need (1–2 pages)

·  Audience description (demographics, psychographics) and profile of one reader)
(1–2 pages)

·  Editorial plan (department and feature ideas) (1–3 pages)

·  Description of platforms and social media (1–2 pages)

·  Brief outline of competition (1–2 pages)

·  Circulation frequency and rate base (justified) (1 page)

·  Advertising vision + potential advertisers (1–2 pages)

Designed pages for a print or tablet magazine:

·  Cover

·  Table of contents (must include actual copy)

·  One department (may use placeholder text)

·  One feature (may use placeholder text)