New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “The Democrat” issue of Thursday, 17 September 1891, p. 3, col. 4

Abel Fisher, for many years a well known resident of this county, died at his home at Iola, Kansas, on September 9th, aged about 78 years. He was born in this county at the old Fisher mill on the Shenango and was married to Mary Gibson, daughter of Francis Gibson, early in manhood. From this union seven daughters and five sons were born, all of whom are living except one. Three of the daughters are now running a hotel at Galveston, Texas, two are at Iola, and one residing at Garnett, Kansas. One of the sons, Frank, is in San Diego county, Cal., one at Garnett, Kas., one at Fort Wayne, Ind., one in Henry county, Ill., and one operating the Pennsylvania company’s farm at Lawrence Junction. Deceased leaves a brother, R.R.R. Fisher, who resides at East Brook, and sisters, Mrs. H.H. Sholes of this city, and Mrs. Emeline Egan of Henry county, Ill., out of a family of thirteen children.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “The Democrat” issue of Thursday, 24 August 1893, p. 3, col. 3

Thomas S. Fisher, aged 45 years, died at his home in Pittsburg on the 16th. His remains were brought here and buried from the residence of his father, R.R.R. Fisher, in Hickory township Friday. Deceased was well known here and has a large number of acquaintances.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “The Courant” issue of Friday, 15 August 1873, p. 2, col. 5

CROWL.--On Friday evening, the 8th inst., Mr. Philip Crowl, Sr., of Eastbrook, this county, aged 73 years.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “The Courant” issue of Friday, 4 February 1876, p. 4, col. 3

CROWL.--At his residence in Eastbrook, Lawrence county, Pa., James Crowl, in the 30th year of his age, after a long and lingering illness of pulmonary consumption.

The deceased was one of Lawrence county’s veteran soldiers in the late war; endured the hardships of a soldier’s life in defense of his country; lost his leg at Petersburg, returned home and lived to enjoy, for several years, the pleasures of his little family. He leaves a wife and five small children to mourn his loss; also a large circle of relatives and friends who will miss him. He was at one time Register and recorder of Lawrence county, and will be remembered as a competent officer, faithful in the discharge of his duties. He retired from the office on account of ill health, and has been on the decline ever since. Relieved by death he has gone to that rest which God in his providence has reserved for his people, and we have that witness and hope that Christ at his coming will appear with him in glory. He is not dead but sleepeth.

His remains were escorted to their last resting place by the military from New Castle, under the command of Captain Hale, where he was buried with all the honors of a soldier in due form.

Cold as a statue, forever at rest,

Are the gloveless hands that are crossed on his breast.

Sweetly the wind as a harp in the tree,

Breathe a glad strain o’er the warm heart set free.

Whose troubles were long, and whose sorrow was deep,

Ere the good Lord as he lay asleep.

But trouble and sorrow and pain are o’er,

For the cold still form shall rise no more

For the soul looks down from a heavenly place

On a silent heart and a beautiful face.


New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “News” issue of Wednesday, 18 June 1952, p. 2, col. 3

Mrs. Sara L. Black

Mrs. Sara Louise Fisher Black, widow of Samuel Alexander Black, aged 86, of East Brook, R.D. 5, died at 6:30 a.m. today at her residence, following an illness of four and a half years. She was born and died in the same room in her home.

Born in East Brook, November 6, 1866, she was a daughter of Robert Richford Roberts and Rebecca Castele Fisher. Her husband died four years ago.

Mrs. Black was a member of the East Brook U.P. church, the Women’s Bible class, the Women’s Missionary society, junior leader many years in the church, charter member of East Brook W.C.T.U., and member of the East Brook Garden club.

Surviving are one son, Charles M. Black, at home; a number of nieces and nephews. A brother, Scott Fisher, and a sister, Miss Emma Fisher, preceded her in death.

Funeral services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. from the Cunningham funeral home, East Washington at Chestnut street, with Rev. J. Earl Hughes, pastor of the East Brook U.P. church officiating. Interment will follow in East Brook U.P. cemetery.

The family will receive friends at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “News” issue of Saturday, 12 September 1987, p. 3, col. 1

Charles M. Black

Charles M. Black, 84, of Volant RD 3, a farmer and employed by Ford Motor Co. before retirement, died in St. Francis Hospital at 8 p.m. on Sept. 10, 1987.

He was born in Volant on Oct. 29, 1902, to Samuel A. and Louisa Fisher Black.

He was preceded in death by his wife, the former Nancy Jane Zook, on Aug. 1, 1978.

Mr. Black attended Eastbrook Presbyterian Church. He was a member of the Volant Lions Club.

He is survived by one sister, Katharine Boles of Sharon; five brothers, Steve, Joseph and Paul Kirchell, all of Beaver Falls, Frank Kirchell of New Castle and George Kirchell.

He was also preceded in death by his parents and two sisters, Rose Harper and Barbara Menagus.

Visiting hours will be from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow at the R. Cunningham Funeral Home Inc., 2429 Wilmington Road. A service will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at the funeral home with the Rev. John Gordon, pastor of Eastbrook Presbyterian Church, officiating.

Interment will be in Eastbrook Presbyterian Cemetery.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “The Courant” issue of 21 September 1892, p. 1

EAST BROOK, Sept. 20, 1892

The descendants of John Fisher held their first annual reunion on the farm of R.R.R. Fisher, only son now living, on Sept. 15. Fifty-four relatives represented by five generations, were present, and all enjoyed the day’s pleasure. Rev. Dr. Mehard gave us a special speech, and Mrs. Mame McMillen, of Greenville, a song, also Mrs. C. McNickel, Mrs. Dr. McKee of Oil City, a recitation, also several others. The Eastbrook cornet band enlivened the day by numerous selections and all tender thanks for the presence of the band. Officers for ’93 elected are:

President, J.F. Crowl, Harrisville Treasurer, R.R.R. Fisher, Eastbrook; Committee on arrangements, Mrs. Mame McMillen, Greenville, Miss Lulu Fisher, Eastbrook; Miss Annie Waddington, Eastbrook; Warren Stein, Harrisville, John Waddington, New Castle. Time and place of next meeting at the old homestead, Eastbrook, Aug. 26, 1893.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “The Democrat” issue of Thursday, 30 November 1899


Philip Crowl, Clerk of Courts of Beaver county, Pa., was born in East Brook February 21, 1841. Philip’s father was born in Virginia and he came to Beaver county when a boy. He was a general mechanic, and while living in East Brook he made the first nail and spike machines that were used in New Castle. While a resident here old Mr. Crowl was married to Miss Mary Fisher. At the age of 15 years Philip Crowl learned the molding trade at which he worked for 40 years. In 1863 Philip joined the Pennsylvania militia with whom he served three months. He then enlisted, Feb. 12, 1864, as a member of Co. F, 100th Pennsylvania regiment, better known as the Roundheads. He was with the regiment when captured. He was severely wounded at Fort Steadman, being shot in the hip, but he soon recovered and returned to his regiment, remaining with it until mustered out June 28, 1865. His brothers, James and Mathias, were in the same regiment, the former being wounded at the mine explosion at Petersburg, Virginia, on July 30, 1864, which cost him the loss of a leg. Mathias enlisted in August, 1862, and died on December 22d of the same year. Philip Crowl was married to Miss Caroline B. Miles of North Liberty, Mercer county, October 10, 1866, to whom three children were born. Mr. Crowl’s ancestors date back in this country before the Revolution, his grandfather being in the Revolutionary army. Philip cast his first vote at Petersburg, Va., November 10, 1864, and he voted for the re-election of Abraham Lincoln for President. Since then Mr. Crowl has been a strong Republican in politics. He was elected Clerk of Courts of Beaver county in 1896, a position which he has since filled to the entire satisfaction of the public. He was re-elected to the same office on November 7, 1899. Mr. Crowl has a large number of friends and relatives here.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “News” issue of Thursday, 8 April 1915, p. 15, col. 2

Miss Anna M. Waddington.

Miss Anna M. Waddington, a well known resident of Eastbrook, died at the family residence Thursday morning, April 8, at 11:30 o’clock, after a short illness due to pneumonia. This is the second death in the family within a few days, that of her step-mother, Mrs. John Waddington, occurring on East Sunday, April 4.

The deceased was born March 10, 1861, and was 54 years of age. She was a daughter of John and Sarah Waddington. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Eastbrook, and was well known and highly regarded by many friends. Surviving to mourn her death are two sisters, Mrs. McEsion McCreary of Eastbrook, and Mrs. Elmer Shaffer of New Wilmington.

The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Eastbrook M.E. church, with Rev. Springer and Rev. Clark officiating. Interment will be made in Eastbrook M.E. cemetery.

(Pittsburg and Erie papers please copy.)

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “News” issue of Monday, 12 April 1915, p. 11, col. 1

Miss Waddington Buried.

The funeral of Miss Anna M. Waddington was held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, from the M.E. church at Eastbrook, with many relatives and friends in attendance. The services were in charge of Rev. E.W. Spring of the Eastbrook M.E. church, assisted by Rev. L.S. Clark of Eastbrook; Rev. F.S. Robinson of Pulaski, and Rev. Leon Stewart of Pittsburg. The pallbearers were Frank and John B. Waddington, Frank and John McCreary, John Rhodes and Harry Shaffer. Interment was made in the U.P. cemetery at Eastbrook.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “News” issue of Saturday, 4 March 1911, p. 5, col. 5

R.R.R. Fisher.

At his residence in Eastbrook, where he had lived on the same farm all his life, R.R.R. Fisher, one of the well known farmers of the county, died Saturday, March 4, of the infirmities of age. He was 87 years old, and was born November 13, 1823, being the son of John and Sarah (Roberts) Fisher.

Mr. Fisher was a member of the Eastbrook U.P. church, and was a man of many fine traits of character. He is survived by two daughters, Miss Emma at home, and Mrs. S.A. Black, living near. His wife preceded him in death.

The funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, at the residence, and interment will be made in the Eastbrook U.P. cemetery.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “News” issue of Friday, 14 November 1919, p. 2, col. 4

Miss Nancy Emma Fisher.

Miss Nancy Emma Fisher of Eastbrook, died at her home Thursday, November 13, at 5 o’clock. She had been ill since May, suffering with a complication of diseases. She was born in Eastbrook February 17, 1859, a daughter of R.R.R. and Rebecca Fisher. She had lived all her life in Eastbrook, and was a lifelong member of the Eastbrook United Presbyterian church. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, November 15, at 2 o’clock from her late residence at Eastbrook and interment will be made in the Eastbrook U.P. cemetery. Surviving Miss Fisher is one sister, Mrs. S.A. Black, of Eastbrook.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “News” issue of Monday, 17 November 1919, p. 2, col. 6

Fisher Funeral

Funeral services of Miss Nancy Emma Fisher were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock from her late residence in Eastbrook. Services were conducted by Rev. L.S. Clark of the East Brook U.P. church and interment was made in the East Brook U.P. cemetery. Pallbearers were T.W. Houston, R.L. McCleary, Frank Waddington, Frank Ruby, S.S. Patterson and A.E. McCreary.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “News” issue of Thursday, 30 October 1947, p. 2, col. 4

S.A. Black.

S.A. Black, aged 79, of R.D. 5, died at his home Wednesday evening at 8:30 o’clock, following an illness of one year.

Born in East Brook October 10, 1868, he was the son of the late James and Ruth Buchanan Black and had resided in the East Brook community his entire lifetime. He was a farmer by occupation. Fifty one years ago, November 13, Mr. Black married the former Louisa Fisher, who survives.

Mr. Black was a member of the East Brook U.P. church and the Men’s Bible class of that church.

In addition to his wife he is survived by one son, Charles M. Black at home.

Funeral services will be conducted from the late residence Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock with Rev. Hugh Snodgrass officiating.

Interment will be in East Brook U.P. cemetery.

The body will be removed from the Cunningham funeral home, East Washington at Chestnut, late this afternoon to the residence where friends may call at any time.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “The Democrat” issue of Thursday, 17 February 1887, p. 3, col. 2

John Waddington, postmaster at East Brook and for many years a prominent merchant of that place, died on Sunday morning. Mr. Waddington was born in England on February 2, 1819. At about the age of thirteen he came to this state where he has since resided. In politics he was a Democrat and received his last appointment as postmaster since the election of President Cleveland and has been a good officer. During his residence in this county he made many friends, all of whom feel his demise painfully. He leaves several relatives at and near this city, among them being Thos. W. and Seth Waddington, brothers, both of whom are prosperous citizens. Deceased also leaves six children. His remains were interred on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at East Brook.

New Castle, Lawrence Co. PA “The Democrat” issue of Thursday, 23 February 1888, p. 3, col. 3

Mrs. Rebecca Fisher, a prominent lady of Hickory township, died on Friday and was buried on Sunday at 11 a.m. from her late residence. She was the wife of R.R.R. Fisher and leaves many friends to mourn their loss.

New Castle, PA “Weekly Courant” issue of Wednesday, 27 June 1894, p. 2, col. 5


Wife of Capt. H.H. Sholes, member of the Select Council from the Fourth ward, died on Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the family residence, No. 214 Superior street.

The deceased was 63 years of age, and was the daughter of John Fisher, deceased, who resided at East Brook, this county. She was married when quite young to Harvey Casteel, who went west and with his wife resided at Des Moines. He was killed by lightning, while ascending Pike’s Peak. The deceased was afterwards married to James F. Phillips, who died 16 or 18 years ago and who resided near the Marquis limestone quarry. In 1880 she was united in marriage to Captain Sholes, who survives her. Mrs. Sholes was a member of Dr. R.A. Browne’s First U.P. church, this city, for years, and was a woman whose every day life was in keeping with her professions of religion. She had a kind heart, a social pleasant disposition, and no woman in New Castle was more charitable and generous. She had a very large circle of friends, who loved her for her worth and ways. Mrs. Sholes was cheerful and patient during the nine or ten months of her sickness. She must have suffered untold agony, for the post mortem which was held Monday, revealed the fact that she had died from cancer of the stomach. From a woman who had weighed 220 pounds, she had fallen away until she did not weigh more than 100.

Her death has caused the deepest sadness in the community in which she lived, and the bereaved husband has the sympathy of all.

Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the family residence, interment at Greenwood.

New Castle, PA “Weekly News” issue of Wednesday, 2 December 1885, p. 1, col. 6

Mrs. Mary Crowl died Saturday night, Nov. 21, and was buried on Tuesday, the 23d.

New Castle, PA “New Castle News” issue of Thursday, 9 April 1914, p. 2, col. 4

Gilbert G. Fisher.

Gilbert G. Fisher, one of the highly esteemed men of the Seventh ward, and a Civil war veteran, died at the home of his son, John D. Fisher, 110 W. Wabash Ave., Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. His demise was the result of a general breakdown in health.

Mr. Fisher was 75 years of age and had been a lifelong resident of the community, consequently was well known. He served during the Civil war in Co. H. of the 134th regiment.

The following children survive him: Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, William, Frank J. and John D. Fisher of this city, and Charles H. Fisher of Ashtabula. He leaves also four sisters, Misses Elizabeth, Lucy and Jane Fisher and Mrs. Rachel Parker, all of California, in addition to one brother, John Fisher of El Paso, Tex.

The funeral services will be held on Friday morning at 10 o’clock at the residence, Rev. Whitemarsh officiating. Interment will be made in Wilmington cemetery.

New Castle, PA “New Castle News” issue of Saturday, 11 April 1914, p. 2, col. 2

Mr. Fisher Buried.

Many friends and relative attended the funeral of Gilbert G. Fisher, Civil war veteran, which was held at the family residence on Wabash avenue, Friday morning at 10 o’clock. Rev. D.C. Whitmarsh of the Mahoningtown Presbyterian church, conducted the services. The interment was made in Wilmington cemetery.