New Castle Community YMCA

New Castle Community YMCA Parent Advisory Committee

LC Select Soccer Club


Purpose: The Parent Advisory Committee is commissioned by the Board of

Directors of the New Castle Community YMCA to assist the YMCA and

The LC Select Soccer Club in the matters pertaining to the smooth running

of a competitive soccer program within the framework of the New

Castle Community YMCA's values, purpose, policies, and objectives.

The PAC is not a policy making organization. The PAC seeks to

promote a close relationship between the families of the LC Select Soccer Club and the New Castle Community YMCA.

Mission: Together we are committed to soccer excellence in an enjoyable

environment that places emphasis on the core values of honesty,

caring, respect, and responsibility.

PAC: All Parent Advisory Committee Chairs are to be chosen at the

discretion of the head of coaching, club president, CEO, Branch Executive, and approved by the New Castle Community YMCA Board of Directors.


a. To fully support the YMCA mission and goals and adhere to all policies and

procedures established by the YMCA

b. To assist in maintaining a cooperative soccer club program

c. To meet monthly with the club president and head of coaching, including written minutes of all meetings

d. To raise funds to support the club

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

1.Chair/Volunteer Coordinator – responsible for:

a. Chairing meetings and setting agenda/discussion items withhead of

coaching & club president.

b. Volunteer coordinator and point-of-contact

c. Responsible for hosting a Selects 101 class for all new parents to the


2.Fund-raising Coordinator – responsible for:

a. Setting up and coordinating fundraisers

b. Reporting on fundraisers to PAC

3.Secretary—responsible for:

a. Writing meeting minutes in a timely manner (upon review and

approval by head of coaching, club president, and PAC chair)

b. Correspondence including thank you’s

4.Social/Event Coordinator—responsible for:

a. Planning winter team party

b. Planning end of season awards dinner and end of season gifts for

players and coaches

d. Plan for and help reserve hotel rooms needed for whole club tournaments

(separate team tournaments will be done by the managers)

5. Treasurer – responsible for:

a. Working with the YMCA to balance the LC Selects restricted account.

b. Working with the branch executive, club president, and head of coaching on an operating budget.

1. Presenting budget to PAC for approval and/or discussion

2. Forwarding budget to the YMCA Board of Directors for final


c. Getting approval for purchases from club president/branch director

d. Budget for future expenses.

6. Public Relations Officer—responsible for:

a.Update the club website with news, pictures, and results

b. Build a presence on social media (i.e.Facebook, Instagram, twitter)

7. Maintenance Officer--- responsible for:

a. General field maintenance-planning field maintenance days

b. Cutting/ lining fields, putting nets on goals, etc.

Other members of the PAC are the Head of Coaching and Club President/Branch Director

Select PAC Sign-up Sheet

By placing your name under a certain category, you are simply saying this position is something that MIGHT interest you. This sheet is to only gauge interest level for these positions. By signing it, you are allowing the president of the club to contact you to provide you with more information on the position. You will be able to make a decision at a later date on whether or not it is a commitment you would in face like to make for the upcoming season.

Position / Name / Phone / Email
Social Coordinator
Public Relations