Deborah Mims

Science Teacher

281-577-2800 ex.5250 Conf: A :8:15am-9:45am B Day:8:15am -9:45am

New Caney High School 2014-2015

Pre-AP Biology

1. Course Description:

Prerequisite: Recommended Algebra I

Required Course Course Length: Two Semesters

Prerequisite for: Pre-AP Chemistry, Chemistry, Environmental Systems, Anatomy and Physiology, Aquatic Biology, Dual Credit, AP Biology.

Textbook: Stemscopes online Curriculum

Miller, Kenneth; Levine, Joseph. Biology. Prentice Hall Publishing Company.2004


The following materials must be brought to class daily:

notebook or notebook section, one subject spiral (70-100 pgs.) college rule if possible

Pens & pencils, map pencils (optional Glue Stick, scissors)

Required Research:Library and Internet Research

School Catalog Description and Course Content:Pre-AP Biology is designed to provide students the opportunity to study structure, Growth, and function of the life systems of selected organisms. Observations are made up of living organisms in the environment, prepared specimens, various ecosystems and inherited traits. Student investigations emphasize accurate observations, collection of data, data analysis, and the safe manipulation of apparatus and materials in the field and the laboratory. Students will be required to complete at least one outside independent research project each semester. Emphasis will be placed on individual creativity and problem solving to enhance and enrich the skills of the gifted student.

Instructional Delivery Methods:Visual, auditory, and tactile instructional methods will beutilized.

2. Course Goals:

1. Through safe laboratory practices the student will know and apply the steps of the scientific

method in investigations.

  1. Students will gain an understanding of what is Biology?
  2. Students will recognize the aspects and interactions of the living and non-living factors in an environment.
  3. Students will be able to understand the effect that chemical interactions have on biological systems.
  4. Students will compare and contrast between cell parts, types, and functions.
  5. Student will be able to show how DNA is responsible for inheritance.
  6. Students will be able to describe the processes of evolution and its effects on taxonomy and populations.
  7. Distinguish between viruses, bacteria, and protists and their importance to the environment.
  8. Students will be able to identify and analyze the structural and functional adaptations of plants to their life on land.
  9. Identify and classify all body systems and their interactions

3. Instructional Philosophy:

Students are expected to perform to their full potential. Instructional techniques will be varied in order to allow students to maximize their learning capabilities. Team work as well as individual development will be stressed. Community resources will be incorporated into areas such as labs and presentations. Appropriate instruments will be used to measure student’s knowledge: tests, labs, quizzes, and projects.

4. Course Outline:

1st Nine WeeksNature of Science, Ecology, Biochemistry

2nd Nine WeeksCells and Cell Processes

3rd Nine WeeksGenetics

4th Nine WeeksEvolution, Classification, and Comparative Anatomy

5. Projects and Required or recommended Readings:

Projects will enhance the material and allow for creativity and problem solving skills to be used. One project will be assigned each nine weeks according to the following outline:

1st Nine weeks Ecology3rd Nine weeksWinter Reading Project

2nd Nine weeks Cell Project4thNine weeksUnwanted Disease Poster

The project information will include requirements, grading rubric, and due date. The project will be due at 4:00pm on the due date.

6. Grading Scale / Assessment Plan

A Independent Learners: Demonstrated knowledge with a grade of 90% or better & produces a

high quality of work

B Semi- Independent Learner: Demonstrated knowledge with a grade of 80% - 89% &

produced better than average work with a few flaws.

C Dependent Learner: Demonstrated knowledge with a grade of 75% - 79% & produced

average work.

D Highly Dependent Learner: Demonstrated knowledge with a grade of 70% -74% &

produced barely average work.

F Unmotivated Learner: Demonstrated knowledge with a grade of less than 70% & produced

poor or incomplete work.

7. Student Expectations:

* Arrive to class on time with all necessary materials.

* Show respect for everyone and everything in the classroom.

* Students are to follow all lab safety rules and to be at their assigned lab station during lab.

* Cheating shall be defined as giving or receiving information on a test or submitting duplicate work for outside assignments. Plagiarism consists of using another person’s ideas or writing as one’s own. The penalty for a student found guilty of cheating or plagiarism by either giving or receiving is a grade of zero for the test, assignment or project.

8. Late Work Policy: Assignments are to be turned in by 4:00 pm on the date that they are due. Late Work for a class will be accepted at the next class period after the due date with a maximum grade of 70%. No work will be accepted after that time.

9. Make-up Work: Students, who are absent, will receive one additional day, per day absent, to complete all assignments or test given. Make-up tests must be taken after school.

10. Test Retake Policy:

1.Retakes for test will be given if the student does not pass the test.Retakes must be completed with in

two weeks of the date of the test.

2. The student must come to one tutorials during the two week to be able to take the retake test.

3. The student will receive no higher than a 70% on the retake test.

11. Extra Time/ Extra Help

The teacher will be available for additional student assistance most days until 5:00 pm. Please check to see if there is an exception on the day you want to stay.

11.Student Evaluation

Students nine weeks grades will be evaluated by 40% and 60% Major Grades (Test, Project)

The information on the syllabus is intended to be a guide and alterations to this syllabus may occur as needed.

Pre-AP Biology

I have read and understand the course syllabus as outlined above.


Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date

Parent Phone______Parent E-Mail______

Students Phone______Students E-Mail ______