February 3, 2009

Regular session of New Boston village Council was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

James Warren, Jr., President of Council, presided over the meeting. The roll was called with the following members of council being present: Ms. Hickman-Aeh, Mr. Williams, Mr. Payton, Mr. Mills, Mrs. Newman and Mr. Salyers.

Mr. Mills made a motion to accept and file the minutes from January 20, 2009. Mrs. Newman seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 6-0.

Reports from visitors:

Steve Wells – 3781 Gallia Street, New Boston – spoke to council concerning the Department of Natural Resources Scrape Tire Grant. The grant offered communities money for paving using asphalt mix with tire rubber mix. The county was to initially prepare the grant and alleys in New Boston needed paved. He explained the initial grant looked good but contractors locally did not want to participate because the material was hard on equipment. One downfall is the cost and prices were fluctuating daily. Job was too small for The Shelly Company so in the end the grant did not work out. He was disappointed and stated if the opportunity came along again he would contact us.

Mr. Warren, Mayor: mayor’s court report for January 2009 – Mr. Williams made a motion to accept and file the report. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 6-0.

Congratulated all departments for a job well done with the ice storm we had. Reported one more load of salt would need to be purchased. The Community Center was available for anyone who needed shelter but no one requested the service.

Mrs. Loper. Clerk – absent

Mrs. Bender, Treasurer – no report

Mr. Lytten, Legal Counsel – reported he had met with Fritz Leighty and Chad Sayre concerning the NSP grant. Mr. Leighty sounded promising about the grant demolition money and he will keep the Village informed as to what was going on.

Mr. Hamilton, Village Administrator – thanked all departments for the help with flooding and ice storm.

Received a quote of $17,883.00 for the garage bay and the new gas pump has been installed and he is keeping track of gas used by each department. Starting

February 16 trash pickup will go back to two times a week. Monday and Thursday will be Glenwood Avenue west and Tuesday and Friday will Glenwood Avenue east.

Mrs. Aldridge, Income Tax Director – absent but report for January 2008 was presented. Mr. Williams stated the numbers on net collections had been transposed. He then made a motion to amend the report. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 6. Mr. Williams made a motion to accept and file the report. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 6.

Mr. Clark, Chief of Police – presented letter recommending Brian Reed to be appointed permanent Police Officer since his probationary period has been completed.

Mrs. Newman moved to make the appointment permanent. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 6.

Presented report for last half of January 2009. Mr. Salyers made a motion to accept and file. Mrs. Newman seconded the motion. All members concurring,

Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 6-0.

Mr. Bender, Fire Chief – presented 4th quarterly report for 2008 and year end report for 2008. Mr. Mills made a motion to accept and file the report. Mr. Salyers seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 6-0.

Reports of Chairmen of Committees:

Mr. Williams – Laws and Finance – set meeting for February 12, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. to look at the 2009 budget.

Mr. Payton – Utilities and Communications – Mr. Payton made a motion to accept and file Mr. Lytten’s report. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 6-0.

Asked if anyone had talked to AEP about the street lights still being out.

Mr. Hamilton stated we were down on the list since they are still working to get residences’ power restored first. Hope to be back on Friday.

Ms. Hickman-Aeh – Lands and Buildings – set meeting for February 12, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. to discuss clean-up day.

Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions:

Third reading was given to an ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an agreement with Riffe-Dyer, Insurance Company, New Boston, Ohio, for property and casualty insurance.

Mr. Mills made a motion to amend the ordinance to declare as an emergency. Mr. Payton seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 6

Mr. Payton moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3-2009. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 6.

An ordinance was read amending ordinance No. 17-2008, section 6, as amended by Ordinance No. 19-2008, and declaring an emergency.

Ms. Hickman-Aeh made a motion to adopt. Mr. Payton seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 5 (Hickman-Aeh, Williams, Payton, Salyers, Newman) nay – 1 (Mills)

New Business

Mr. Salyers – stated some employees are wearing coats over safety vests. Mr. Hamilton stated he would make sure the vests would be worn over the coats.

Reported he had called dispatcher and was put on hold.

Asked about lights at Bob Evans. Mr. Warren stated they are checking with West End Electric. Mr. Hamilton reported a bill for over $16,000 had not been paid and they would fix the lights after the bill was paid. He is unsure as to who is responsible for the bill. Waiting to hear from Mr. Strugill.

Mr. Payton – asked if money from the Mollett’s house has been collected. Mr. Hamilton stated they would meet tomorrow. Mr. Lytten stated the house would be signed back to the Village if they did not pay.

Would like to recognize Alex Williams, John Williams’s son, who gets to go to DC and Gettysburg for passing an American Eagle Test.

Mr. Payton made a motion for a resolution to recognize Alex Williams for passing this test. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 6.

Reported charter was renewed for the Little League. Registrations are going on now.

There being no further business, Mr. Mills moved the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


President of Council

Passed: ______, 2009

Attest: ______

Village Clerk