Biotechnology II Course Outline


A. Basics of Microbiology (15%)

BTII01.00 Understand basic laboratory research (6%)

1.01 Understand lab safety and lab report requirements

Summarize safety rules of the lab

A.Material Safety Data sheets

B.Hand washing/spread of germs and disease

C.Universal precautions and personal protection equipment

D.Laboratory disinfection and clean up requirements

F.Reviewing uses of instruments in the lab



3.Bacterial culture


5.Balances and scales

Maintain a Laboratory Notebook and writing lab reports

A.Notebook setup and format

B.Use of notebook

C.Report format and expectations

Create Scientific Experiments/Write Scientific Papers

A.Scientific Method

1.Formation of experimental question


3.Experimental design

4.Experimental testing

B.Designing an Experiment

C.Making and Proving Hypothesis

D.Parts of a Scientific Paper


2.Materials and methods



5.Literature Cited

BTII02.00 Apply basic microbiology and culturing techniques (9%)

2.01 Apply Microbial techniques

Analyze a variety of microbiological techniques

A.Gram staining

B.Plating samples

C.Streaking for isolation

D. Antibiotics and antibiotic screening

2.02 Understand the basics of cell culture

Analyze some of the basic techniques for culturing cells

  1. Types of cells
  2. Equipment used
  3. Cautions to consider
  4. Counting cells

2.03 Apply Fermentation techniques

Analyze fermentation and aerobic respiration

  1. Yeast fermentation
  2. Aerobic respiration

B. Gene Expression (55%)

BTII03.00 Analyze the processes of gene expression

3.01 Understand the history of DNA

3.02 Understand DNA structure and replication

Analyze the DNA structure

1.Polymer of repeating units called deoxyribonucleotides

1.Deoxyribose (pentose sugar)

2.Phosphate group

3.One of four nitrogen bases

a.Guanine (G)

b.Thymine (T)

c.Cytosine (C)

d.Adenine (A)

2.Complementary Base Pairing

1.Adenine with Thymine via 2 hydrogen bonds

2.Cytosine with Guanine via 3 hydrogen bonds

3.Conditions that break the hydrogen bonds

a.High temperatures

b.pH extremes

3.Describe DNA Replication

  1. Describe the replication process
  2. Understand the role of various enzymes in the replication process

F. Explain the structure and function of RNA

  1. Uracil substituting for thymine
  2. Ribose molecules instead of Deoxyribose molecules
  3. Single stranded not double stranded

3.03 Understand the process of RNA transcription and protein translation

A. Transcription

1.DNA template catalyzed by RNA polymerase

2.Double stranded DNA unwinds

3.Nucleotides are added along the way resulting in a new RNA molecule


1.Conversion of information encoded in the mRNA sequence into a sequence of amino acids forming a polypeptide chain

2.Understand how translation leads to mutation

BTII04.00 Apply procedures to manipulate DNAand gene cloning

4.01 Understand the techniques of gene cloning and DNA manipulation

A. Explore working with Restriction Enzymes

1.What are restriction enzymes

2.Uses of restriction enzymes

3.Demonstrate Restriction Digestion and Analysis of Lambda DNA

B. Explore Gel electrophoresis

1.Understand the principles of electrophoresis

2.Demonstrate gel electrophoresis

C. Explore DNA fingerprinting

1.Explain tandem repeats

2.Explain STRs

3.Identify sources of DNA

4.Examine specimen collection and preservation techniques

D. Analyze Recombinant DNA



3. Ligation

4. Transformation

5.Plasmid isolation

E. Explore Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

1.Understanding the principle of PCR

2.Advantages and disadvantages of PCR

3.Demonstration of PCR technique

F. Understand proper handling and storage of DNA

1.Understanding the proper handling and storage of DNA

2.Utilizing DNA libraries

G. Explore DNA sequencing methods

1.Sanger method

2.Next generation

H. Explore Bioinformatics



  1. Explore RNA Technology
  2. Microarrays
  3. RNAi
  4. Northern Blot

BTII05.00 Understand proteins and the techniques associated with protein extraction (15%)

5.01 Understand protein structure and function

A. Understand Protein structure and function

1.Amino acids

  1. Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structure
  2. Denaturing
  3. Different functions of proteins

B. Explore the role of Enzymes

  1. Properties of enzymes
  2. Kinetic reactions
  3. Understanding the effects of temperature on enzymes

C.Explore Protein Assays

  1. Determine protein concentration via Bradford and Biuret
  2. Assay for amylase

5.02 Understand methods for extracting, isolation, and purification of proteins

A.Analyze and demonstrate dialysis

B.Analyze and demonstrate column chromatography

  1. Affinity chromatography
  2. Ion Exchange chromatography
  3. Size-exclusion chromatography
  4. Hydrophobic Interaction chromatography

C. Analyze and Demonstrate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

  1. Electrophoresis as a separation technique
  2. Electrophoresis process and chemistry
  3. Demonstration of gel electrophoresis
  4. Understand the use of Western Blot

C. Therapeutic Applications (30%)

BTII06.00 Understand Humoral and Cell Mediated Immunity (6%)

6.01 Understand Humoral immunity

A. Explain the concept of immunology

B. Describe Innate and Adaptive System

1. Innate

2. Adaptive

C. Describe Lymphatic System

D. Describe Humoral Response

1. Mechanism: Antibody mediated

2. Cell type: B lymphocytes

3. Mode of action: antibodies in serum

4. Purpose: primary defense against bacteria

E. Describe Cell mediated immune response

1. Mechanism: Cell mediated

2. Cell type: T lymphocytes

3. Mode of action: direct cell to cell contact or soluble products secreted by cells

4.Purpose: primary defense against viral and fungal infections, tumor antigens, graft rejection, intracellular organisms

F. Examine monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies

  1. Discuss uses of antibodies in biotechnology
  2. Demonstrate Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
  3. Discuss and Demonstrate Rapid Tests (dry chemical strips)

G. Discuss Autoimmune and immunodeficiency disease

1. Addison’s Disease

2. Juvenile diabetes

3. Multiple sclerosis

4. Myasthenia gravis

5. Rheumatoid arthritis

6. Pernicious anemia

7. Acquired Immune Deficiency Disease

8. Hodgkin’s disease

9. System Lupus Erythematosus

BTII07.00 Understand gene therapy and viral vectors (6%)

7.01 Understand gene therapy and viral vectors

A. Investigate Immune therapies

  1. Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA)
  2. Interferons
  3. Monoclonal antibodies

B.Investigate human replacement proteins

  1. Insulin
  2. Human Growth hormone
  3. Enzyme replacement therapy

C.Analyze various viral delivery methods

  1. Analyze Retrovirus
  1. RNA virus
  2. Target only actively dividing cells as targets
  3. Higher risk of mutating the genome
  1. Analyze Adenovirus
  2. Non dividing cells are infected with the virus
  3. Not as pathogenic as retrovirus
  4. Used for cystic fibrosis and other lung disorders
  5. Small risk of mutation

7.02 Understand non viral therapies

A. Liposome transfer

1.Transfer of therapeutic material using phospholipids molecules


1.DNA is injected into the nucleus of an animal cell

BTII08.00 Understand basic pharmacology (6%)

8.01 Understand ADMET and body systems affected by drugs

A. Describe compartmentalization of the body

1.Review gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems

B. Understand pharmacological targets

C. Identify receptors and identify enzymes

1.Function of receptors

2.Function of enzymes

D. Understand ADMET

  1. Absorption
  2. Distribution
  3. Metabolism
  4. Excretion
  5. Toxicology

8.02 Understand drug classifications

A. Discuss eight drug groupings

1.Central nervous system agents

2. Peripheral nervous system agents

3.Cardiovascular and renal agents

4.Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antihistaminic agents


6.Antiparasitic, antifungal, antiviral, agents

7.Antineoplastic agents (cancer drugs)

8.Hormones and immunosuppressants

BTII09.00 Understand regenerative medicine (6%)

09.01 Understand the basics of regenerative medicine

A. Understand the need for regenerative medicine

B. Understand the three components of tissue engineering

  1. Scaffolding
  1. Biomaterials
  2. Electrospinning
  3. Bioprinting
  4. Decellularization
  1. Cells
  2. Embryonic stem cells
  3. Amniotic stem cells
  4. Adult stem cells
  5. Induced pluripotent stem cells
  6. Environmental factors

C. Understand the challenges of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

D. Understand the variety of science and engineering careers involved regenerative medicine

BTII10.00 Understand nanobiotechnology (6%)

10.01 Understand the concept of nanotechnology

  1. What it is and how it works
  1. What is nanotechnology?
  2. Size of the nanoscale
  3. Seeing at the nanoscale
  4. Working at the nanoscale
  5. Manufacturing at the nanoscale
  6. Changes at the nanoscale
  1. Benefits and applications of nanotechnology
  1. Materials
  2. Electronics
  3. Energy and the environment
  4. Biology, Health, and Medicine
  1. Concerns regarding nanotechnology