New arrangements for the maintenance of Portable Fire Equipment (from 1st August 2014)
The existing contract for the provision of Firefighting equipment and fire equipment maintenance is set to expire on the 31st July 2014. The H&S team working with colleagues from Procurement has already secured a new contract which will change the way we order equipment and request maintenance call outs, improving efficiency as well as securing better prices.
Corporate Safety will no longer need to be contacted to arrange emergency call outs for the maintenance of portable fire equipment, to arrange annual maintenance visits or to order new fire equipment.
Please use the P2P system to arrange a call out (reporting a faulty, tampered with, or discharged portable item of fire equipment) or for ordering new portable fire equipment.
Fire Equipment Contractor (Starting 1 August 2014)
The Council has adopted a framework contract for the maintenance and supply of new fire equipment, the new contractor is Churches Fire. Churches Fire should come up as the supplier option when ordering maintenance visit or ordering new equipment on the P2P system. The whole range of equipment prices and servicing rates should be available in the catalogue from 1 August.
Annual Maintenance Visits (Starting 1 August 2014)
The Churches Fire service engineers need to be contacted by each premise approximately ONE MONTH before the next service date to arrange an ANNUAL maintenance visit which will be noted on each piece of portable fire equipment (and on the last servicing card left by Firesolve Ltd). This order to should be arranged via the P2P system, again if the premises do not have access to the P2P system (such as schools) contact Churches Fire direct on 0870 6084350 and asked to be invoiced directly
The Churches engineer will call the premises contact before they arrive to arrange details of their visit, and they will present a photo ID on arrival.
All orders placed through the P2P system will require the contractor, Churches Fireto provide invoices electronically quoting the Purchase Order number as provided by the P2P system. This will reduce the need for paper invoices being sent to the Council.
Orders, once completed and delivered in full will need to be approved on the P2P system. It is the requisitioner’s responsibility to do this so as not to delay any payment of invoices.
Arrangement up to 31 July 2014
Firesolve Ltd will continue as the Councils contractor until the end of July 2014. To arrange annual maintenance visits, emergency call out or other orders please contact them direct on 01484 866614. If you use the P2P system ask them to invoice quoting the Purchase Order number as school provided.
Academies/Chequebook Schools please ask Firesolve Ltd to invoice you direct.