March 13, 2017
Nevis City Administration Building – Meeting Room 102
The March 13, 2017Regular Meeting of the Nevis City Council was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by MayorJarod Senger.
Pledge of Allegiance
Present: Mayor Jarod Senger, Council members: Kelly Poole, Rich Johnson, Jeanne Thompson, Sue Gray, Clerk/Treasurer: Dawn Veit, Deputy Clerk: Dawn Buzay, Liquor Store Manager: Kiley Weaver,
Public Works Director: Don Umthun, Fire Chief: Jermey Clemen.
Motion: Jeanne Thompson, Second: Rich Johnson, All-Yes, Passedto approve the Regular Agenda for the March 13, 2017, City Council Meeting.
Motion: Rich Johnson, Second: Jeanne Thompson, All-Yes, Passed to approve the Consent Agenda.
l.Approval of the minutes of the meeting on February 13, 2017.
11.Approval of the February 2017 bills for payment.
111.Approval of the February 2017 financial report.
1V.Approval of the February 2017 Liquor report.
V.Approval of the February 27, Special Meeting Minutes.
Brent Lindow attended the meeting in place of Edy Assel in regards to our Fencing Ordinance. Motion by Kelly Poole, Second by Sue Gray, All-Yes, Passed, to have the City hold a Public Hearing to discuss this.
Public Works Director Don Umthun reports he has had some check valve issues.
Public Works Director Don Umthun reports he applied for a Grant. The Council sorted through all drawings that were sent in for a new water tower logo.
Public Works Director Don Umthun reports that Sanquist plowed for the City while he was gone for training.
A Parks Improvement Committee was designated. The committee will consist of Sue Gray as chair, Don Umthun and Mayor Jarod Senger. The City will contact the Nevis Lions and the Nevis Civic and Commerce organizations to seek out two more volunteers for the committee.
Liquor Store Manager: Kiley Weaver reports that the preparations for Muskie Days are under way. Motion by Rich Johnson, Second by Jeanne Thompson, All-Yes, Passed to approve a budget of $2,750.00 for the Muskie Days event.
Motion by Rich Johnson, Second by Jarod Senger, All-Yes, Passed to send Kiley Weaver and Carolyn Moen to the MMBA Annual Training Conference.
A Liquor Store Committee was appointed with Rich Johnson as Chair, Kiley Weaver and Jeanne Thompson also on the committee.
Kiley Weaver discussed getting a new refrigerator for the Liquor Store, Motion by Jarod Senger, Second by Kelly Poole, All-Yes, Passed, to table the purchase of the refrigerator until the Liquor Store Committee can meet and discuss it.
Motion by Jeanne Thompson, Second by Kelly Poole, All-Yes, Passed to remove Ed Frankowiak as Assistant Chief for the Fire Department. In his place, Fire Chief Jermey Clemen has appointed two Captains: Chris Norton and Josh Winters.
Jeremey Clemen has asked the City Council to amend Ordinance #16 to reflect only appointing one Assistant Chief.
Deputy Josh Oswald submitted his February report. He also stated that he attended Career Day at the Nevis School and all went well.
Motion by Jeanne Thompson, Second by Sue Gray, All-Yes, Passed to allow Public Works Director to keep his 720 hours of sick time that he has accumulated over the years on the books.
Motionby Sue Gray, Second by Jeanne Thompson, All-Yes, Passed to approve the City does not waive the statutory tort limits on our League of Minnesota Cities Liability Coverage.
Motion by Jeanne Thompson, Second by Kelly Poole, All-Yes, Passed approving our Out-of-State Travel Policy.
Motion by Rich Johnson, Second by Jeanne Thompson, All-Yes, Passed to Adopt the Minnesota Job Match as our guide for our COLA Step Program.
Motion by Jeanne Thompson, Second by Sue Gray, All-Yes, Passed to allow retroactive pay to those employees which have earned their step increase.
Hubbard County Attorney Don Dearstyne discussed some changes to be made to our Liquor Store Ordinances.
Motion by Kelly Poole, Second by Jarod Senger, All-Yes, Passed, to accept new Ordinance No. #42 Repealing Ordinance No.#7.
Motion by Rich Johnson, Second by Jeanne Thompson, All-Yes, Passed to adopt new Ordinance No. #41 Social Host Ordinance.
Motion by Jeanne Thompson, Second by Rich Johnson, All-Yes, Passed to accept Ordinance No. #43 amending Ordinance No. #13.
Motion by Rich Johnson, Second by Jeanne Thompson, all-Yes, Passed to accept Ordinance No.#44 amending Ordinance No. #25.
A committee was appointed for the Public Works Department: Kelly Poole as Chairman, Jarod Senger and Don Umthun.
ADJORNMENT- Motion: Rich Johnson, Second: Kelly Poole, All-Yes, Passed to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted by,
Dawn M. Veit
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