Part 1


A Carroll Ballard Film

Chapter 1: Main Title [0:00 to 15:53]

Part 1 starts at the beginning of the film and ends when Tyler is alone one the ice, looking up at Rosie’s plane disappearing over the horizon.

The text at the beginning of the film . . .

In recent years, the Arctic region has been the scene of biological catastrophe. The great caribou herds that only a few years ago numbered in the millions have all but vanished.

A government agency orders a biological report prepared that would scientifically justify extermination of the suspected culprit – a creature known from story, myth, and legend as a ferocious killer, Canis Lupis – the wolf.

Because of the extreme difficulties involved, no scientist had ever actually observed wolves in the act of attacking and killing caribou. So the major task of "The Lupine Project" was for someone to travel to the Arctic, track down a pack of wolves and observe this behavior in detail.

Character Glossary (Chapter 1)

Tyler: a Canadian Scientist; a biologist

RosieLittle: a Canadian Pilot; a bush pilot

Assignments:(See course web site for more detailed instructions.)

  1. Complete vocabulary for part 1
  2. Complete character notes for part 1.
  3. Complete paragraph for part 1.

Never Cry Wolf
Vocabulary: Part 1 (alphabetic order)

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actually adv. really; in fact

agency n(C)department; group working together

Arctic N(proper)most northern area of the earth

basic adj original; primitive

bayonets n(C) knives on rifles (rifles with long guns)

boob tube n(C) TV

boredom n(U)sameness

bush pilot n(C) driver of planes in the wilderness

caribou n(C) large arctic deer; reindeer

catastrophe n(C) disaster; very destructive event

culprit n(C) attacker; killer

deal n(C) plan; arrangement

donated v(T) contributed; gave

essence (Speed is of the essence.) (expression) It is very important to do something quickly.

ethyl alcohol n(U) drinkable alcohol made from sugars and starches

evaporated v(I) disappeared; left

extermination n(U) killing

extreme adj. very great

fantasy n(C) dream; fiction

ferocious adj wild, mean, and dangerous

gambler n(C) person who makes bets

gear n(U) equipment, supplies

herdsn(C) large groups of animals

justify v(T) provide evidence for; give good reasons for

laughing stock n(C) someone people tease and make fun of

legend n(C) story from the past that may not be entirely true

lurking v(I) waiting and unseen; hiding

manganese n(U) gray-white metal; metallic element with Atomic number 25

myth n(C) story from long ago

naive adj simple; innocent; unsophisticated

negotiating v(T) arranging; planning

pack n(C) group of animals that live together

pit n(C) bottom

prospectors n(C) people looking for valuable metals

real estate tycoon n(C) person who gets rich by buying and selling real property

reality n(U) fact; real thing; what actually is true

scene n(C) location; place

scratching for v(I) trying to find

seep into v(T) spread slowly

set … back v(expression) caused delay

sheer bulk adj + n(U) heavy, large amount

shuffled v(T) scrambled; mixed together

task n(C) job; assignment

track down v(T) search for; hunt for

typo n(C) typing mistake

vanished v(I) disappeared

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