Nevada Department of Taxation
Large Conference Room
1550 College Parkway
Carson City, Nevada
Nevada Department of Taxation
Training Room
2550 Paseo Verde Parkway, Suite 180
Henderson, Nevada
Thursday, April 27, 2017
10:00 a.m.
Called to order at 10:03 a.m.
Members Present:
Joe Pollock, Chair
Dagny Stapleton, Chair
Neil Krutz
Steve Gilbert
Marla McDade-Williams
John Ritter
Kenny Furlong
David Goldwater
Jennifer Wilcox
Deonne Contine
Karen Abowd
Members Absent:
Amanda Conner
I. Public Comment.
No public comment.
II. Introductions.
Members introduced themselves.
III. Consideration for Approval of the Taxation/Revenue/Regulatory Structure Working Group Meeting Minutes (for possible action).
No minutes presented.
IV. Review and Consideration of Approval of Draft Recommendations from Taxation/Revenue/Regulatory Structure Working Group.
A. Application Process
Draft recommendation presented by J. Ritter, A. Connor, S. Gilbert, N. Krutz, J. Holloway, and D. Goldwater
Steve Gilbert reviewed the recommendation for the working group.
Dagny Stapleton requested section 10.5 of Question 2 be added.
The group agreed with Ms. Stapleton’s addition.
The group agreed to move this recommendation forward to the Task Force, as amended.
B. Retail Store Allocation
Draft recommendation presented by J. Ritter and A. Connor
John Ritter reviewed the recommendation for the working group.
The group agreed to move this recommendation forward to the Task Force.
C. Rating Criteria on Applications
Draft recommendation presented by J. Ritter and A. Connor
John Ritter reviewed the recommendation for the working group.
Joe Pollock suggested clarifying experience in the industry in Nevada and in other states.
The group agreed to discuss this recommendation at the next working group meeting.
D. Monopolies - Limitations on the Number of Marijuana Establishments
Draft recommendation presented by J. Ritter, D. Stapleton and S. Gilbert
Dagny Stapleton reviewed the recommendation for the working group.
The group agreed to amend this recommendation and review it at the next working group meeting.
E. Agent Card Requirements
Draft recommendation presented by J. Wilcox and M. McDade-Williams
Jennifer Wilcox reviewed the recommendation for the working group.
The group agreed to amend this recommendation and review it at the next working group meeting.
F. Ownership Issues/ Licensing Requirements
Draft recommendation presented by J. Ritter and D. Flynn
David Goldwater reviewed the recommendation for the working group.
The group agreed to amend this recommendation and review it at the next working group meeting.
V. Review and Consideration for Approval of Agenda Items for Next Meeting.
Recommendations to be presented to the Task Force:
- Application Process
- Retail Store Allocation
Recommendations to be reviewed at the next working group meeting:
- Monopolies
- Agent Card Requirements
- Ownership Issues/ Licensing Requirements
- Rating Criteria on Applications
Neil Krutz made a motion to approve. Kenny Furlong seconds the motion. All-in-favor. Motion carries.
VI. Public Comment.
Sandra Tiffany asked if she will need to go through the retail store application process for cultivation.
Anna Thornley stated there will be an application process, but it will not be weighted for cultivation, only for retail.
Kimberly Lesiano asked if is there a limit on how many applications will be accepted, and when will it be open.
Deonne Contine stated there will be a limited number of retail licenses. The Department will review them as they come in. The regulations that are to be adopted by the Tax Commission will state the dates.
David Goldwater suggested checking with an attorney.
Kathy Leslie if there are transfer owners that have not been sent to the state as of yet, how will this affect the early start program.
Anna Thornley asked that Ms. Leslie email the marijuana email .
VII. Meeting adjourned at 11:52 p.m.