Addison Murphree, Director of Bands:

Brian Gillentine, Assistant Band Director

Band Hall Phone #: 963-7403

179 Mullen Ave.

Nettleton, MS 38858

Remind app(reminds students of pertinent information)

Nettleton High School

Jeff Credille


Medical Release

To help ensure the safety of all students involved in the band program ,and to make sure we, as directors, have all our “bases covered”, each student will be required to turn in a medical release form signed by a parent or legal guardian before going on any Band related trip. This signature releases the staff to seek medical help for a student if necessary.


There is a $75 fee for band students that own their own instrument. Students that play school owned instruments at any point during the year will pay $115. This money is used for contest fees, music, equipment upkeep, uniform cleaning, band shirts, and other general band needs. (One trip to the shop costs a minimum of $50. Marching instruments usually go once at the beginning of the year and once at the end of the year.) Color guard members do not have to pay a band fee because they are required to purchase their own uniform. Students should be certain to obtain a receipt when paying this fee in part or in full. $50 of the fee is due by the end of Band camp.

Excused Absences

Excused absences are limited to: illnesses serious enough for a doctor’s visit (a doctor’s note is required upon returning to band stating the reason for and necessity of the absence) a death in the family, or school-approved trip or athletic performance. State and /or national competitions may be counted as excused absences if the staff is given adequate notice of the event’s dates and importance. Things that will not be excused include but are NOT limited to church camps, work, family reunions, birthday parties, ect.

Parent notes cannot be accepted to excuse an absence. Due to the demands of any band program, the office may excuse absences that are not excusable with the band.

General Expectations

  1. All students are expected to act and speak professionally
  2. All students are expected to help keep the band room clean and orderly
  3. All students are expected to keep their storage areas clean and orderly
  4. All students are expected to keep their equipment in excellent working order
  5. Relationships should not be displayed in rehearsal or performance
  6. Students are required to be honest and loyal to the band
  7. No jewelry, accessories, or anything out of uniform, including odd colored hair or piercings will be allowed while in uniform. Any violation of this policy could prevent a student from performing and thus have a negative impact on his or her grade.
  8. No hats should be worn while in uniform or while the band is performing
  9. No foul language is permitted
  10. Under NO circumstances are band members to have possession of, take consumption of, or distribute any alcohol or illegal substances.
  11. Students must follow school rules
  12. NO CELL PHONE USAGE DURING REHEARSALS. This includes during Band camp and after school rehearsals.


Band camp

  1. Band camp is required of all members
  2. Students should be on time/early to all rehearsals
  3. Students should be mentally and physically prepared for the demands of camp
  4. Students should keep up with music and coordinate sheets at all times. Lost music or coordinate sheets will cost 10 cents per page to be added to the fine list at the end of the year.
  5. During breaks, students should keep the band room quiet. Extra practice is encouraged but the band room is to be a silent rest area.
  6. It is unacceptable to simply not show up for a day of camp. If a student wishes to drop out of the band program, they are expected to act professionally and declare their intentions to the director. This way the director can be prepared for rehearsal the next day and make appropriate preparations. (See grading policy). Missing one day can result in expulsion from the program.
  7. If a student is unable to attend band camp, they may be placed as an alternate.


  1. All students are required to attend sectionals and after school rehearsals (see grading policy)
  2. All students should be on time and prepared for rehearsal
  3. Students should have their music for every rehearsal
  4. Students should stand still and quiet while at attention
  5. No students should be disrespectful to a staff member or other band members
  6. Students are expected to maintain a high work ethic and great attitude
  7. Students should not do anything that will hinder rehearsal productivity, such as, speaking out, talking, chewing gum, not being ready to play when asked act…..
  8. When a student is asked to do something they should respond in a timely manner
  9. If a student misses the final run-through before a performance (unexcused), they will be unable to perform.
  10. Unexcused tardies will result in grade deductions
  11. No tardies are excused except those with a teacher’s note and time
  12. Excessive absences will result in becoming an alternate.


  1. For home games, students must be ready for inspection at 5:30 pm
  2. For away games, inspection will take place before getting on the bus
  3. Students are expected to be in full uniform at all times
  4. Students must ride the bus to all football games
  5. Students are expected to show NO physical affection in uniform or on the bus
  6. Students will NOT be allowed to eat or drink in uniform or in the stands with the exception of 3rd quarter
  7. Students must be respectful at all times
  8. Students are responsible for making sure their equipment is loaded and unloaded.
  9. Students are expected to be ready to play as soon as the staff/drum major calls up a song
  10. Students are to stay in their own sections during the game
  11. Non-band members are not allowed to sit inside the band area
  12. Any choreography will be done by the entire band and at the discretion of the staff
  13. Students must be back from thirdquarter break with 2 minutes on the game clock, unless specified by a director. Students returning late forfeit their third quarter break the following home game week
  14. Students are to sit with their section and not switch instrumentsduring the game
  15. Students who are unwilling to participate during the game will forfeit their third quarter break
  17. Missing a football game without prior notification can result in dismissal/probation from the Band program. Missing 2 football games without permission will result in dismissal.
  18. Attending a football game as a band member, but not sitting with the band or participating with the band, will result in dismissal from the program.


  1. All students must ride the bus to a competition
  2. If a staff member has to comelook for a student, that student will spend the remainder of the time with that staff member.
  3. Students show NO physical affection on band trips
  4. Seniors and captains will be the only ones to accept trophies
  5. Seniors and captains are expected to be back in uniform for the awards ceremony by the time the last competition band takes the field
  6. If a student has a conflict with any of the competition dates, it is theirresponsibility to alert the director as soon as possible. Cruises or family reunions/vacation/church trips are not excusable.
  7. Students will be required to wear the band t shirt following the performance at any competition. Failure to comply will result in staying on the bus with a chaperone. School dress code for pants and shorts still apply


  1. All students will wear the band uniform as it is supposed to be worn
  2. If a student has a conflict with any of the concert dates, it is their responsibility to alert the director as soon as possible and fill out the appropriate form
  3. If asked, all students are expected to help clean the auditorium after each concert.
  4. Students are expected to be on time for any morning warm-ups before contest
  5. All students must ride the bus to the concert contest


  1. There is to be no food or drink in the band room for any reason, including inside the instrument storage room
  2. Students are expected to keep the band room clean
  3. Students are expected to be neat, orderly, and mature in the band room.
  4. Only band students and parents are allowed in the band hall
  5. Anything left on the floors/in the cubbies is subject to be thrown away
  6. Any student caught with food will come to the band hall during his/her break to clean the band hall
  7. Do not congregate in the director’s offices or go through their computer or desk


  1. Uniforms are to be treated with the highest respect. The cost of a single uniform is approximately $350
  2. Uniforms should never be on the ground. They should be a hanger.
  3. Pant length will be uniform with the entire band
  4. Uniform must be fully worn at performances. Do not have jackets unzipped or off unless instructed to do so.
  5. Hair must be pulled up and tucked under a hat so it is not touching the collar of the uniform during marching season
  6. Black band shoes and long black socks are part of the uniform and are required to perform


Running a band program is expensive! Generally uniforms must be replaced every 7-8 years at $350/ uniform. Instruments are purchased ranging anywhere from $2500-5000 depending on what is needed. Fundraisers are necessary and everyone is expected to participate in some fashion either by selling or by providing their fair share amount. Participation is required.


  2. Parents please encourage your children to participate in all fundraisers
  3. Parents should arrange to have their children picked up at the school after band events. Please refer to the weekly itinerary to know approximate times to pick your child up after performances. PLEASE BE ON TIME.
  4. Parents should arrange for students to be at rehearsal on time. Students’ grades depend upon it.
  5. The Nettleton Band boosters meets every second Tuesday to determine fundraising needs, organize committees, and pass along important information. We ask that every parent work/ chaperone at least 2 football games. Students receive extra credit for parental involvement.


Q: I lost my music.

A: You should see whatever director is not in front of the class. This will cost 10 cents per page. DO NOT come to a rehearsal unprepared and try to fake it. It simply wastes our time and hurts the entire band rehearsal.

Q: I need help with fees.

A:See Ms. Murphree for help. Arrangements can be made if there is communication between student and director.

Q: I cannot find a ride to rehearsal.

A: Call your section leader. We will find one for you. Missing band because you do no t have a ride WILL NOT be an excused absence. You should make arrangements ahead of time since you have a calendar of all events

Q: I am too sick to come to rehearsal or performance.

A: You need to go to the doctor and get treatment. You need a signed doctor’s note stating you were too sick to participate.

Q: I have instrument troubles or my instrument breaks.

A: DO NOT FAKE IT OR REFUSE TO GET IT FIXED! This hurts the entire band. Get it fixed quickly! You may bring it in to let a band director look at it, but if we can’t fix it, you may call Amro musicat 1-800-626-2676. The Saxophone Place in Tupelo is another option.

Q: I am going to be late to a rehearsal or performance.

A: Call your section leader. This does NOT excuse the tardy; it simply alerts the staff to the situation. Send Ms. Murphree a message through the Remind app. Call the band hall and leave us a message. If you miss the bus, it is your responsibility to make it to the performance.

Q: I need to miss a performance for something unexcused like a family reunion, church function..ect

A: You have to make choices in life. It shows integrity to honor your first commitments. If you have a commitment to one of the band performances already, you should look at the grading policy and decide if you are willing to accept the consequences. If you have missed a performance and it is unexcused, you will NEVER be eligible for a captain position including drum major. If you choose to miss a performance, regardless of your commitment to the band, 20 points will be taken off of you nine weeks grade. This is one of the most serious offenses in the band program. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE.

Q: I see a student commit a dismissible offense.

A: this includes alcohol, drugs, sexual harassment/abuse, and other serious actions. Report any behavior of this nature to Ms. Murphree immediately. The reporter will be confidential.

Q: I feel like my directors or another member of the band is being unfair.

  1. We would like all grievances to follow a chain of command. If another band member is giving you a problem, please come to the directors. If you have a problem with one of the directors, see the other director. If you cannot get a satisfactory solution about a director then go to the principal. Take a day and cool off then come talk to the director; you’re more likely to get a satisfactory result if you approach the situation professionally in both band and your future job.

Q: I cannot get off work for a band event or rehearsal.

A: This is unexcused. You know the schedule ahead of time. Turn it in to your employer immediately. Ms. Murphree is more than happy to speak to your employer if she needs to. Do NOT approach Ms. Murphree about missing for work. You already know what she’s going to say.

Q: I have another school activity on a contest day.

A: Usually, with help from parents on transportation, we are able to work it out so that students can attend both. IF that is not possible, state contests take priority over other activities that are not in play-off season. The key is to communicate to help this go smoothly.

Q: I can only schedule my doctor’s appointment during band practice;

A: that is VERY rare. Make attempts to schedule it during some other time.


Every student starts each 9 weeks with a 100. By simply being responsible every student should receive a 100. Points are deducted by not doing what is asked of a student.

Class Requirements

Instrument, music, drill charts,

Proper footwear

Music pass-off

After school requirements

Instrument, music, drill charts

Proper footwear

Unexcused absence



Instrument, music, drill chart

Proper uniform

Unexcused absence

2nd unexcused absence

Conduct unbecoming of an NHS band member

*Before missing a rehearsal, fill out the absentee form ahead of time with a parent signature.

Failure to comply

-5 points of 9 wks grade/time

-1 each time

-10 per song

Failure to comply

-5 points of 9 wks grade/time

-1 each time

-10 each time

-5 per tardy

Failure to comply

-5 points of 9 wks grade/time

-5 each time


-10 per incident + parent conference

*unexcused absences may result from dismissal from the band program

Dear parents and students,

Hopefully this band handbook has been helpful in addressing any questions and/or concerns you may have about the Nettleton Band program. To avoid questions, misunderstandings, and issues that could occur concerning band policies and procedures, the band staff felt it would be helpful to provide you with this overview of rules, expectations , and policies for the upcoming academic year. The policies and procedures of the Nettleton Band program are designed to teach responsibility and to provide the most positive and successful learning environment for the band members. Please sign and return this form. Even if this form is not signed and returned, it is understood that these rules have been gone over in depth and accepted by each band member and his or her family.

I understand and comply with the Nettleton Band program rules, expectations, and policies set forth in this handbook. As a parent, I also understand that I am responsible for ensuring that my student abides by these expectations to the best of my ability.

Band Parent/Guardian signature

Band Member signature