NethertonMontessoriNursery School


Montessori Curriculum

The curriculum is vast, multi-layered and multi-dimensional. The subject areas include practical life exercises, sensorial exercises, language, mathematics, cultural subjects and expressive arts. Each child follows an individual path of investigation and discovery. Activities are meticulously demonstrated when children first arrive and before long they are making their own choices and working independently.

Environment and Resources

The materials in the classroom are designed to be self-correcting so children can solve their own problems and make logical and aesthetic connections. Learning materials are arranged on an open–shelf system and structured to meet the needs of the developing child. Each child is given individual teaching and shown how to use the environment to his or her best advantage.


Children’s work is recorded so that it is possible to check that they are having a genuinely varied experience and rounded development. The individual programme of work ensures that each child is working at an appropriate level and that the resources required for their next steps are readily available.

Ground Rules

We have a simple and easy to follow set of Ground Rules which are for the benefit of the children. They are principally designed to help the children learn the boundaries within which they can work and play and so experience security and freedom. The Ground Rules can be found in the Policy Booklet which is distributed to all parents.

Sharing Information

Staff are always happy to discuss your child’s progress and development. There are three formal sessions planned during the school year. In October there is a Parents’ Information Evening where parents can find out more about the Montessori Curriculum and the principles behind it. This is also a good opportunity to learn more about what your child does on a day to day basis. There are then two sessions where parents can make an appointment to have a one to one parent teacher meeting; the first at the beginning of the Spring Term and the second towards the end of the Summer Term. Any written information is kept securely and treated as confidential and we only share information where appropriate. Staff are available to discuss any concerns or queries should they arise so please feel free to make an appointment at any time should you wish.

Information is readily available to keep parents informed as to what is happening within the school. The Parents’ Information Board in the artroom gives a weekly update and regular posts on the Parents’ Page of the school website cover a range of topics. Important notices and information are often displayed on the front door.

Daily Routine

The school opens at 9am and it is advantageous for your child to arrive as soon after 9 as possible. Children come into the classroom and start work. The Work Cycle lasts for nearly 3 hours with Snack and a group Circle incorporated within the time. Each day around 12 noon we head outside where we are lucky to have an idyllic, natural playground offering a rich variety of experience and a vital contact with the natural world. We return indoors for lunch (or picnic outside in appropriate weather). After lunch, children clear up, brush their teeth and then have the satisfaction of returning to work. Collection is at 3pm and we ask that parents and carers arrive promptly. There is an optional extra hour of After School Care which runs until 4pm.


Staff work very hard behind the scenes to make Netherton a “children’s house”, a place where children can learn and grow. Staff understand the need for children to feel safe in the knowledge that they can trust the grown-ups around them to see to their unmet needs. Training in Montessori Philosophy is a key aspect and we have a full time Montessori Directress who is responsible for maintaining the prepared environment of the school. All staff fulfil the training and registration requirements of national bodies such as the General Teaching Council of Scotland and the Scottish Social Services Council.

Policies and Procedures

Netherton has a wide range of School Policies and Procedures. The Policy Booklet which is distributed to parents contains information on Ground Rules, the Admission Policy, Child Protection Policy and the Complaints Procedure. Should parents wish further information on any of the School Policies we would be happy to make this information available.

Child Protection

The school has a designated Child Protection Officer and staff receive regular training updates in Child Protection. Perth and Kinross Council’s Procedures and Protocols are followed in the event of any Child Protection issues being raised.

Outside Agencies

Netherton is in Partnership with Perth and Kinross Council and we can help access a wide range of Support Services. Specialist services such as speech and language therapists, psychological services and physiotherapists are available and we can make referrals when necessary.

Involving Parents and Children in Developing the Service

We are keen to involve parents and children in developing the service. We occasionally undertake formal evaluation in the form of a questionnaire or feedback sheet (both with parents and children) and we are always happy to receive any ideas, suggestions or comments.