Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 9th January 2014 at 7.15 pm

at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon

Parish Councillors Present:Cllr Blair-PillingChairman

Cllr BurkeVice-Chairman

Cllr Beecher

Cllr Collison

Cllr Covil

Cllr Mrs Harper

Cllr Hayward

Cllr Mrs Mackie

Cllr Mrs Mitchell

Cllr Tighe

In Attendance:Cllr HowardWiltshire Councillor

Mrs LinscerClerk of the Council


Apologies:Lt Col (Ret’d) LingeArmy Liaison


Mr James Russellpresented his recent acquisition of Rod’s Garage, having just recently moved into the village and working in Salisbury. The garage will be restored and renamed with its earlier name ‘The Motor Garage’ and that the next door store would be incorporated as the reception and office area. Hestressed that the garage will continue to provide a responsive quality local service and that in due course with his interest of all cars including classics it would be developed as a valuable asset for the community.


A concern was raised regarding an incident that was posted on a social media site highlighting a confrontation over access to the Dovecote near the Stables. The Chairman made it clear that the Council did not and would not support such behaviour and reminded the Council that the Dovecote stands within privately leased grounds and that any offer of access would be in the gift of the leaseholders. The Council agreed that this issue could be placed on the next agenda to discuss suggestions.


There were no declarations of interest.


The Vice Chairman and Chairman welcomed the new Clerk, Andrea Linscer to the Council.


It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st November 2013 be accepted as true and correct.


The Police representative updated the Council of PC Ivor Noyce’s departure and his replacement asPC Tim Bunt on 3rd February. A new PCSO will be replacing Phillippa Royston on the24th February and will be tutored by PCSO Downham. Crimesreported include;an attempted burglary of a remote property and an eye witness identified an individual at the premises days before the incident that made off in a white transitpickup truck. There was also a burglary of a business premises with offenders stealing cash float and hair products. In a separate incident, a quantity of stainless steel pipes and 2 fuel containers were stolen from an insecure garden shed. There was also an arrest due to breach of tag, two minor domestic incidents and also antisocial behaviour and noise with people leaving the Working Men’s Club of an evening. A survey will be going out to the nearby residents regarding the noise levels so that it can be monitored and appropriate remedy sought if necessary.


Nothing to report


Cllr Howard reported on Wiltshire’s new housing allocation policy which has been approved by the Cabinet of Wiltshire Council. The policy will come into effect from April next year subject to approval by members at a full Council meeting. The changes to this policy ensure it makes best use of its limited stock of affordable housing administered by Wiltshire Council and Housing Associations. Under the new system if an applicant does not meet the local connection to live in Wiltshire they will not qualify to register as an applicant for affordable housing. However, certain groups of vulnerable and other people who need to have their interest safeguarded will still be able to join the register. This new policy will be a great improvement on the present system and addresses concerns that local people have found it difficult to obtain affordable housing. Full information on this policy is available online visit enter Cabinet Meetings in the search box and go to details of the meeting on 21st November 2013, item 106.

Cllr Collison brought up the subject of the streetlight in Downside not working;

Cllr Howard has assured that he is aware of this repair and would check on the outcome.

Cllr Collison reported that people are parking on the footpath in Downside and that residents are unable to walk on the footpath. The Police representative informed that no complaints had been reported.

Cllr Burke brought up the subject of the local shop fire and how the fire engines arrived immediately on the scene but there was a delay in police presence until later on in the evening. The Police representative informed they would check their logs and provide information regarding this delay.


Cheques authorised since the last meeting:


Royal British Legion 75.00

Hardcott Landscape – Grass cutting Nov213.60

Royal British Legion – Wreath 25.00

Hardcott Landscape – Grass cutting Dec213.60

Mr Dyer – Petty Cash130.22

Donations. After some discussion it was RESOLVED that donations of £250.00 should be given to the Village Newsletter, £50.00 to Citizens Advice and £50 to Victim Support.

Draft Precept. The Clerk presented the draft precept for the financial year 2014/15 to the Council at the last meeting for consideration. After some discussion it was RESOLVED to request a Precept of £21,000 from Wiltshire Council, the same as this year. Noting that changes in the system of grants to cover houses where the council tax is not paid by residents would mean that this would require a general increase of 1.78% to residents’ payments.

Bank Signature Change. The Clerk reported that the new Clerk’s signature was now registered for all cheque payments at Lloyds Bank.

New Notice Board. The Clerk reported that the glass on the notice board had been smashed over the New Year break. After some discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should present some quotes to the Council for the next meeting in order that a new board can be purchased.

Section 137 Expenditure 2014/15. The new Section 137 expenditure for 2014/15 has been set a maximum of £7.20 per ratepayer (£6,069).

Bank Reconciliation. The Chairman carried out a check of the Council bank account at the end of November and at the end of December on the handover the Clerks and found them to be correct.

Council Computer. The Clerk reported that the 12 year old Council computer and printer were no longer fit for purpose and should be written off and should be then removed from the Council’s insured items list. After some discussion it was RESOLVED to write off the Council’s computer at nil value. It was suggested that the Council would in future provide an annual allowance to the Clerk for the use of their personal computer. After some discussion it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would be given £100 allowance per annum by the Parish Council for use of their personal computer. Consumable items would continue to be paid for separately by the Council under stationery.

New Accounts Package. The Clerk reported that the Council had purchased a new account package at an amount of £102 including VAT as passed at the last meeting.

Internal Auditor. It was agreed that the Internal Auditor for the 2013/14 accounts would be Mr Vergette.

Current Funds. At the end of December the Parish Council Funds stood at £28,593.82


New Planning Applications. No new planning applications were received.

Pending Planning Applications. There are the following pending planning applications:

13/04836/TCAFell Eucalyptus tree in rear garden of Paddock House, High St, Netheravon.

13/06255/TCA Fell 4x Conifers, Crown reduce Willow at St Aldwyns, High St, Netheravon

13/05953/FUL Garage Loft conversion with external staircase and roof lights at 116 High St, Netheravon

13/06754/TCAReduce road hedge to 3M, Fell conifer at St Aldwyns, High St, Netheravon.

13/06449/FUL Installation of decking, ramp and shed in rear garden, handrails to both East and West Court entrances at 3 East Court, Salisbury Rd, Netheravon.

13/06847/TCA Fell Silver Birch and Leylandii at Drive House, High St, Netheravon.

Planning Applications Granted by Wiltshire Council. No new planning applications were granted.


After some discussion covering the Council’s Assessment of Health & Safety and Financial Risk, it was agreed and duly signed off, to be reviewed again next year.


After some discussion it was agreed that Mrs Maureen Mitchell should be put forward for an award at the next Tidworth Community Awards for outstanding service to the Netheravon Community.


The Chairman reported on progress of a programme of events to mark thecoming 4 x WW1 centenary years. The programme is to include commemorative events, but would also enable us to learn and appreciate how the War effected and changed our community. He summarised the range of events being planned including a school history project and exhibition in May, and a series of talks and visits over the period.He also highlighted the event celebrating ‘100 years of Music’ being planned for the May Bank Holiday weekend and the publication of Wayne price’s book ‘Village Soldiers’. Finally he outlined the funding avenues being pursued highlighting the need for sponsorship.


Flood & Adverse Weather. Cllr Burke reported that he has been monitoring the flood situation and will be having a meeting with his team. He has also been in contact with the Highways Agency regarding the problems encountered on local roads. It was discussed and agreed that a sum of £300 should be made available if required for immediate purchases of sand bags or materials.

Village Recreation & Amenities. The Clerk reported that a large tree branch had fallen in the Millennium Park. This had been passed on to the MOD Forestry Team. The Chairman also raised the possibility of an area of the Park being planted with wild flowers highlighting the need for written agreement from MOD/Landmarc.

Village Enhancement & Cemetery. Cllr Tighe asked if the Council wished to keep the Jubilee Gate Logo, after some discussion it was agreed to retain the logo and strengthen the fixing. The Clerk to organise.


The Clerk reported that a contractor will remove the hazardous barbwire at the BMX Track and MOD was requested to remove a fallen tree. It is unlikely that English Heritage will give Netheravon War Memorial Listed status.


Tidworth Community Area Board. The next TCAB meeting is Monday 17th March 2014 – Cllr Burke to attend.

Tidworth Community Area Partnership. Mrs Harper attended the TCAP meeting

28th Nov 2013, nothing to report.


  1. The Moonraker Magazine
  2. LCR Magazine
  3. Your Wiltshire Magazine
  4. Letter Community First
  5. Wilts Music Centre Annual Review.


The following points were raised:

Temporary Shop. Thanks were given to the Chairman and Vice Chairman for their part in facilitating the move of the McColl’s shop to temporary premises located opposite the school. The Chairman expressed his gratitude to McColls and allthose who had helped their effected friends and neighbours, After note: The Chairman recognises the generous support of Link.

Funding for Phoenix Hall. Cllr Hayward raised a request for additional funding relating to equipment and installation fees to install broadband, Wi-Fi and a PC projection system for the Phoenix Hall. After some discussion it was agreed that this should be raised as an agenda item at the next meeting.

Departure of Parish Clerk. The Chairman said a farewell to Geoff Dyer who has been the Parish Clerk for the last ten years; he has done a sterling job. Geoff was then presented with a new engraved umbrella by the Council members. Geoff thanked the Chairman and all the Councillors for their support over the years that he has been doing the job.


The next meeting of the Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 13th Feb 2014 commencing at 7.15 pm.

Chairman…………………………………………. Date……………………………